Can you marshal all of the sources to explain, by way of a central argument or, how the experiences of slavery, resistance, and emancipation impacted processes of self-identification for these authors? You may consider “identity” in relation to gender, place of origin, membership in the African diaspora, or some other axis of community/belonging.

African diaspora

As a result, you are well equipped to make use of primary, secondary, and lecture sources, and to take into account the socio-cultural positioning of Equiano, Douglass, Walker, and de los Reyes Castillo Bueno (for example, three are men; only one is African born; an amanuensis is employed in at least one instance; etc.), in responding to the following:

The Question:
Can you marshal all of the sources to explain, by way of a central argument or, how the experiences of slavery, resistance, and emancipation impacted processes of self-identification for these authors? You may consider “identity” in relation to gender, place of origin, membership in the African diaspora, or some other axis of community/belonging. Be sure to also take into consideration these authors’ distinct sociopolitical contexts.

Analyze two or three examples of cultural, national, or transnationalresponses/solutions to the challenges faced by these populations from the late nineteenth through the first third of the twentieth century.

African diaspora

The Question
Analyze two or three examples of cultural, national, or transnationalresponses/solutions to the challenges faced by these populations from the late nineteenth through the first third of the twentieth century.

Make sure that your answer engages with ALL of the required reading (Gomez, Jones, Jacques-Garvey, Lovelace, Watkins-Owens), as well as incorporates at least one of the two documentaries, Against the Odds or Ilê Aiyê .