What is the significance or contribution of the study to the research discipline How did the authors operationalize their research idea(s)?


Refer to the assigned paper analysis and answer the following questions.
a) Enumerate three ways by which the authors control the validity and reliability of their research.

(4 pts) b) State the main objective(s) of the research.

Identify the main finding(s) of the study.

d) How did the authors operationalize their research idea(s)?

Name the variables and write the operational definition for these variables
e) What is the significance or contribution of the study to the research discipline
f) Write the Bibliographic citation (i.e. list of references) of the paper in APA format.
g) In APA format, write two ways to cite the paper as if you are citing the paper in-text.

What elements of diversity are you taking into consideration as you develop the plan? What social and/or political determinants of health should be considered?

THIS IS BASED OFF THE Omar case scenario & Exam & answering all the below questions!

In this paper, you must outline and discuss the major content phases of the planning process. You should utilize all relevant course material and display and reference theoretical foundations and models which have been learned in Social Work Theory and Methods and II. Clearly state in your paper how the Theories and models that are mentioned relate to your planning process.

As the foundation for the plan, use an assessment of the provided case study and make sure your assessment covers as many of the relevant items in the Social history as applicable and contains a narrative that pulls the items together and gives a view of the client (This was your exam). Your assessment will not be graded as part of the planning paper assignment, but it will assist you in developing a path towards a logical and effective planning paper.

When developing your plan, make sure you clearly consider and indicate in the planning paper the following:

Does your plan follow the SMART model; if so briefly explain how? (Specific Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely)

What elements of diversity are you taking into consideration as you develop the plan?

What NASW values/ethics related to social work are relevant to this client?

What social and/or political determinants of health should be considered?

Is there any unresolved trauma?

What Economic factors might you have to consider in developing the plan?

Discuss how your plan will be implemented

Identify potential barriers or challenges to the success of your plan.

Select at least one program/resource that relates to your client population that you can use as part of the intervention and as a resource in your plan; briefly explain the program and how to make contact with the resource: Ex: family with small children and economic needs: (SNAP or WIC program).

How will you evaluate if your plan is working? Make the evaluation substantial and not just a 1- 2 line statement. What evaluative tools will you use?

When will you terminate the case?

Cite the resources you use-APA style; cite books, articles, quotes and other Bibliographic information you utilize in your paper.

(As a guide, social work texts/journals use the APA style.)

The length of this paper should be 6-8 pgs. Cover page and reference page do not count towards total but must be included.

What difficulties did you face while searching for credible sources? How did you overcome these difficulties?


❒ Alphabetize the entries, according to APA style.

❒ Include the required bibliographic information in APA format for each entry.

❒ Include 3-4 sentences for each entry that provide a short summary of the source and how you plan to use it to support your argument.

❒ Include at least seven entries in your annotated bibliography, all of which must be credible, academic sources.

❒ Choose your own sources, but use no more than three websites (there is no limit on the number of online journals used).

❒ Thoroughly check the formatting requirements for the different source types.

❒ Indicate the required sources (book, peer-reviewed journal, newspaper/magazine, and credible website) by including the source type in parentheses after the relevant entry.

Accurately recording Bibliographic information is essential and saves you time, as you can transfer this information to the References page of your drafted essay.

Each source entry should include a brief summary of the source as well as 3-4 sentences describing how you intend to use that source to build or support your argument.

Discuss how your annotated bibliography meets these criteria. (2-3 sentences)

Which strategies were most helpful for you when searching for credible sources? (2-3 sentences)

What difficulties did you face while searching for credible sources? How did you overcome these difficulties? (2-3 sentences)