What are Collingwood’s criticisms of ‘scissors-and-paste history’, and what methods should the historian adopt in the research and writing of history?

Chicago Style

According to Collingwood, what makes History a ‘science,’ but how does it differ in its methods from those of the ‘exact sciences’?

How does Collingwood define ‘historical knowledge’ and ‘historical inference’, and how does ‘historical inference’ differ from methods of reasoning in the ‘exact sciences’?

What are Collingwood’s criticisms of ‘scissors-and-paste history’, and what methods should the historian adopt in the research and writing of history?
Required Reading: Week #11 Handout HST 300, Scientific and Idealist History in the 20th Century, historian (iii). R.G. Collingwood, extracts from The Idea of History. On Collingwood’s career in your essay introduction you can cite Hughes-Warrington, Fifty Key Thinkers on History, entry on Collingwood, pp. 40-48.

What did you learn about the relationship between early democracy and violence in early American republic? When did different groups of Americans think violence was justified and why?

What did you learn about the relationship between early democracy and violence in early American republic? When did different groups of Americans think violence was justified and why?

Provide specific evidence from the readings for your answers;
Cite your evidence using Chicago Style
Have all the elements of the reading-writing guide (thesis, organization, evidence, analysis);
Have your name, a title, and page numbers;
Be double spaced, with standard margins and font (such as Times New Roman 12)

The soil will be soaked source only use pages 59-86

( this website takes you to the book, only use ch 3-5 and epilogue)
(just use ch 3 called rumors)


Alexander Stephens on Slavery and the Confederate Constitution, 1861


Is the US headed for another Civil War?