Discuss why you would like to improve upon this skill. What impact will it have on your life? How has this skill negatively impacted your life or held you back in the past?


What have you really learned in this course?

Have you seen any improvements to your communication skills? Provide examples. If not,
why? What could you have done differently? What changes would you still like to see?

Identify one thing you will take-away from this course for yourself and one key learning
that will help you in your future interactions with clients. Reference course material and
weekly activities.

Discuss why you would like to improve upon this skill. What impact will it have on your
life? How has this skill negatively impacted your life or held you back in the past?

How does your personality impact the expression of this skill? Refer back to your weekly
activity 3.

Write what you learned from this analysis. Center and label this figure in your paper Fig.1 – My Weekly Analysis.

This is a three page assignment with an APA cover page and APA reference page for a total of five pages. Add an introduction that states the purpose of the paper.

Then detail the three sections of your paper as follows (use these three subheadings).

Time Analysis. Complete a time log in a table format (see sample below) that indicates the number of hours you spent in week one (Monday through Sunday).

Be sure it totals 168. Write what you learned from this analysis. Center and label this figure in your paper Fig.1 – My Weekly Analysis.

# of Hours











Fig. 1 – My Weekly Time Analysis

My Strengths. Use an online instrument (you choose) or other source (properly documented) that indicates your work strengths and work preferences My strengths and preferences: Strong leader and worker, good trouble shooting skills, good communication skills)

My Next Professional Goal. Detail your next professional (not educational) goal with a minimum of two references and an enumerated list of steps and target dates. Be as specific as possible.

Be sure to state why this goal is important to you. You are also encouraged to use the writing center and NU library (see below). My next professional goal is to purchase 5 investment properties to become a real estate investor.

Write a two-page paper identifying your short and long-term career goals. Explain how your course of study will help you achieve those goals.

Write a two-page paper identifying your short and long-term career goals. Explain how your course of study will help you achieve those goals.
This should meet the following requirements:
2 pages

1 inch margins

double spacing

12 point font

grammar and spelling will count

clearly state the career you hope to attain and how you plan to get there

Demonstrate an understanding of how the field functions and will utilize your communication skills; are there specific things you have learned about the communication discipline that will help you in your future career?

written in the first person

Explain why you are interested in this specific graduate program.Describe your strengths, interests, skills, and experience **add that worked in research labs where  used coding for work purposes

Statistics program
1) Tell your short and long-term goals
2) Explain why you are interested in this specific graduate program
3) Describe your strengths, interests, skills, and experience **add that worked in research labs where  used coding for work purposes
4) Provide more information about you as a person, which can give you the edge over other candidates
5) Explain any noticeable weaknesses in your records ** Low grades due to medical issues but then willing to work hard by retaking classes and do better.
6) Show how well you articulate your thoughts. Are you a clear and logical thinker?
7)Demonstrate your writing ability and your communication skills

Make it very unique and personal.