Explain the criminal behaviour using criminological theory.Demonstrate an understanding of the criminological theories.


Explanation of the criminological theories
Use of academic sources and evidence to explain the criminal behaviour using criminological theory.

Demonstrate an understanding of the criminological theories.
Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of property crime.
Demonstrate an ability to research and make use of academic evidence.
Demonstrate an ability to critically analyse and evaluate the strengths and limitations of the criminological theory/ies in explaining property crime.

Discuss your actions if any you would take in reference to Detective Crystal. You must include a leadership and ethical theoretical analysis based on one or more of the main three theories of each.

All criminological issues have a theoretical basis. You must use theory in all initial submissions. No direct quotes can be used in any initial post or paper submission without prior approval of the professor. Any direct quotes used without prior permission and or without perfect citation will result in a zero. You may use direct quotes at your discretion in responding to other students.

Research Detective Joe Crystal formerly of the Baltimore Police Department.

The research assignment this week is a real world example of how things actually work when an officer violates “the code of silence”. Retaliation is an expected outcome in many criminal police agencies.

Provide your opinion of Detective Joe Crystal, formerly of Baltimore Police Department, situation. You have been appointed chief of Baltimore Police Department. Discuss your actions if any you would take in reference to Detective Crystal. You must include a leadership and ethical theoretical analysis based on one or more of the main three theories of each.

Leadership: Trait, transactional, and transformational.

Ethics: Virtue, formalism, and utilitarian.

Explain the main characteristics of at least two key criminological approaches.Evaluate two key criminological perspectives. Critically evaluate criminological evidence, referring to either qualitative or quantitative evidence.

Theories and Perspectives in Criminology

This assessment is designed to enable you to demonstrate that you can:

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of at least two criminological approaches.

Demonstrate the ability to apply criminological knowledge in relation to gathering and interpreting evidence.

Demonstrate the ability to evaluate a minimum of two key criminological theories.

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of at least two criminological approaches

Explain the main characteristics of at least two key criminological approaches.

Demonstrate the ability to apply criminological knowledge in relation to gathering and interpreting evidence

Compare and contrast criminological theories.
Apply criminological theories in relation to gathering and interpreting evidence.

Demonstrate the ability to evaluation a minimum of two key criminological perspectives

Evaluate two key criminological perspectives.

Critically evaluate criminological evidence, referring to either qualitative or quantitative evidence.