Forum 8
What knowledge/strategies from the materials within the Serving in Leadership Roles topic area
can you apply to meet any of the challenges noted in the above quote?
The Work of Inclusive Leadership) indicates weneed to “go far beyond merely developing soft skills of caring and compassion” what are the“soft skills” you found important for a leader to master to foster an inclusive workplace culture?
Use any material offered this week.
What Developmental Ideas Situations Would You Consider Adding to Your DEI Leadership
Development Plan? (Considerations for Portfolio 4)
What leadership related concepts found in the chapters associated with the book Inclusive
Leadership: Transforming Diverse Lives, Workplaces, and Societies (excerpts from Chapters 1,
11 and 13) has intrigued you to engage in the further investigation – or – inspired you to consider
adding it to a group of strategies you could further develop?
Why do you believe this way of thinking, feeling, behaving is an important leadership
perspective or skill for you?
How do the “morals” of these stories create the foundation for interpersonal inclusion work?
How can you integrate the message from these stories into your leadership toolkit:
Use the recommendations from the stories to help to create a more inclusive workplace and/or
help others in the workplace to create a more inclusive workplace culture?
Which of the specific strategies that Mary-Frances Winters offers us in Inclusive Conversations will be
the most natural with who you are and how you interact with others?
What could serve as the most important learning opportunities?