Describe potential services (retinal eye exam, neuropathy screening, podiatry appointments, dietician appointments, lab work for hemoglobin A1C monitoring every 3 months, follow-up appointment with endocrinologist, primary care doctor visits for medication therapy) that would be needed after discharge.


As a nursing student completing clinical hours at the doctor’s office, identify a disease process (diabetes mellitus) that is common to the population served by the doctor’s office.

Determine the case management, disease management, and/or population health approach to this disease (diabetes mellitus). What are the processes in place within the healthcare organization to manage the care of individuals and population groups with diabetes? What are the processes in place to provide population-based care management as it relates to the disease process?

Locate a clinical pathway designed to address diabetes at the doctor’s office or available through an internet search. Identify the source of the pathway and attach a copy to the paper.

Discuss the application of the selected pathway to the care of an individual client.

Identify potential causes of variances from the pathway and identify corrective measures that could be implemented related to the variances.

Describe potential services (retinal eye exam, neuropathy screening, podiatry appointments, dietician appointments, lab work for hemoglobin A1C monitoring every 3 months, follow-up appointment with endocrinologist, primary care doctor visits for medication therapy) that would be needed after discharge.

How is this information included in the case management process?

What is the potential impact on the cost-effectiveness of the selected pathway?


How does Claire’s blood test results contribute to her diagnosis?Why is Claire prescribed metformin?Why does Claire’s health history contribute to her diagnosis?

Diabetes Mellitus

Application Question 1

Which of the following clinical manifestations are identifiable in Claire’s case study?

Based on her clinical presentation and health history what is the possible aetiology for the clinical manifestations that Claire has presented with?

Which of the following risk factors are identifiable in Claire’s case study? Select the most appropriate answer.

Indicate which of Claire’s results are outside the normal reference range.Based on Claire’s test results what condition does the doctor suspect that Claire has?

Why does Claire’s health history contribute to her diagnosis?

How does Claire’s blood test results contribute to her diagnosis?Why is Claire prescribed metformin?There are various adverse effects with the use of metformin.

What common side effects should Claire be made aware of?Why is Claire prescribed atorvastatin?

 Identify the components and functions of each primary organ or structure in the urinary system and explain the flow of urine from each of the primary organs and structures. What type of conditions can occur if any of the primary organs or structures does not function properly?

Urinary System

Identify the components and functions of each primary organ or structure in the urinary system and explain the flow of urine from each of the primary organs and structures. What type of conditions can occur if any of the primary organs or structures does not function properly?

Explain the role that the organs or structures of the endocrine system play in an individual who has diabetes mellitus.

Describe the conditions under which a physician might order a mammogram for a patient other than for a routine examination.

Next, select a disease or complication that can occur in any of the organ systems discussed in Lessons 5-8 (urinary, endocrine, ears, eyes, and reproductive systems).

Describe the symptoms and diagnostic procedures related to the disease or condition.

Explain what happens in diabetes mellitus. Differentiate between type 1 and type 2. (c11ob14)

Diabetes Mellitus

State the principle function of insulin. (c11ob12)
Define terminology associated with diabetes mellitus. (c11ob13)
Explain what happens in diabetes mellitus. Differentiate between type 1 and type 2. (c11ob14)
Recall the functions of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. (c02ob13)
Recall the functions of organelles in skeletal muscles. (c03ob06), (c07ob05)


Why are so many people developing diabetes mellitus? Summarizes the rationale and questions that should be ask on a comprehensive health assessment for identifying risk factors for diabetes mellitus.


Why are so many people developing diabetes mellitus? Summarizes the rationale and questions that should be ask on a comprehensive health assessment for identifying risk factors for diabetes mellitus.