Explain how self-assessment tools, such as this one, are useful to you in your leadership development. Provide rationale.

Journal: Personal Leadership Profile

Explain how self-assessment tools, such as this one, are useful to you in your leadership development. Provide rationale.

Explain what parts of your results were the most impactful. Provide rationale.

Explain how you could apply the results of your assessment to your current or intended industry or career. Provide rationale.

What is your proudest professional achievement?Describe your personal leadership goals and how the Michigan Model of Leadership and the EMBA leadership development curriculum will help in the achievement of those goals.

What is your proudest professional achievement?

Adopted by thousands of businesses and leaders around the world, and recognized by the Financial Times as one of the 40 most important management frameworks in history, the Michigan Model of Leadership underlies all leadership research and teaching at Michigan Ross.

Describe your personal leadership goals and how the Michigan Model of Leadership and the EMBA leadership development curriculum will help in the achievement of those goals.