What is the background of the case, including its context and origin? Opening and operating postal equipment correctly and safely not to cause bodily injury and harm

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace

What was your ethical dilemma topic selection (from Week 2)? Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace

What is the specific case you have selected? Is it from your own workplace, or based on research? selected workplace violations from my past employer.

What is the background of the case, including its context and origin? Opening and operating postal equipment correctly and safely not to cause bodily injury and harm

What happened? Use the reporter’s questions of who, what, when, where, why, and how. We had a team meeting my manager called and it was a safety meeting about safety due to bodily injury due to the use of postal equipment. She went over safety rules and read over a paper advised of safety lifting requirements and safety operating equipment requirements to ensure safety and she read the requirements of opening an APC and BMC unit she started to open the unit and bend to drop the lid lightly downward towards your feet. And after the meeting, she stated don’t follow those instructions due to us having to hit numbers she said to do what you need to do and open equipment as fast as you can to get the mail out to put on the belt as fast as possible to process. And before we had the safety meeting employees were opening the APC and BMC as they learned what worked for them hurting and injuring themselves.

What makes this case an ethical dilemma? How might people with different ethical viewpoints perceive this case? This was unethical because according to the law we companies have to follow OSHA protocol to make sure employees are properly using equipment and not injuring themselves due to a manager just wanting to hit numbers for a bonus and this violated OSHA code this equipment weighed over 2000lbs

How does this show the principle of incident and reflected waves?Do it again, but this time make a positive wave by quickly yanking the wrench up and back down. Are the incident and reflected waves still opposites?

Wave on a String

Open the program at

1. Set it to manual, fixed end, high tension, low or no damping, slow-motion. These will be your settings for most of this lab. Reset the setting after each use. Do you understand this?

2. Produce one quick wave by yanking the wrench down and back up. Which way does the waveform point (up or down)?

3. What happens to that direction when the wave hits the clamp on the right and bounces back to you (up or down)?

4. How does this show the principle of incident and reflected waves?

5. Do it again, but this time make a positive wave by quickly yanking the wrench up and back down. Are the incident and reflected waves still opposites?

6. Make a complete statement about what is happening, using the terms “reflected”, “incident” and “inverted”.

7. Now it gets challenging. You want to make a destructive interference wave. Make a quick, large “up” wave as before, and when the wave gets to about the 3rd green ball marker make another large up wave.

8. What happens when an inverted (negative) wave crosses an up (positive) wave? HINT: You might have to do this several times to get it to work. It helps visualize it by using the pause button. Did you ever get the waveforms to completely destroy each other?

9. When the waves pass through each other they immediately regain their original form. Now, do you need to re-write your answer to #8?

10. Finally, try to make a constructive interference. This is a little easier. You will make an “up” wave as before, and then about the time of the 3rd green ball, make a “down” wave. What will be the direction of the “down” wave after it reflects?

11. What happens to the amplitude when two waves pass each other?

12. Sometimes in the ocean a “rogue wave” will seemingly come out of nowhere, tower over small ships and quickly disappear. They can be quite dangerous. From what you have done, explain in a sentence or two what might cause rogue waves.

What are the processes, skills, and stages of word recognition and literacy development? How do these processes, skills, and stages relate to assessment and instruction? How do these processes, skills, and stages relate to ELL students and students with special needs including those with dyslexia? Use the following link for additional information:


What are the processes, skills, and stages of word recognition and literacy development? How do these processes, skills, and stages relate to assessment and instruction? How do these processes, skills, and stages relate to ELL students and students with special needs including those with dyslexia? Use the following link for additional information:


If you were a member of the U. S. Supreme Court would you rule for South Dakota or the United States government? And why?

PLSC 2306 Assignment 4
Federalism-a South Dakota case

South Dakota’s legal drinking age was 19 years old. Young people from neighboring states with higher drinking ages would drive to South Dakota to buy beer. Selling beer was also profitable for small businesses so that there were many business supporters of the current state drinking age.

Congress then passed a law requiring all states wanting money from the United States government to help take care of their portions of interstates to raise their drinking ages to 21. If states did not raise their drinking ages, they would lose five (5) percent of their federal highway funding.

The U. S. Government argued that different drinking ages across states created an “incentive to drink and drive,” creating danger on the nation’s interstate highways.
Congress is charged with promoting the general welfare of the country, which in this case means uniform state drinking laws.

States are not forced to take federal money or to obey this law. This federal law was simply to encourage all states to raise their drinking ages.

If you were a member of the U. S. Supreme Court would you rule for South Dakota or the United States government? And why?


Does a newborn baby have a circadian clock? Is a newborn clock different from an adult clock? Physiologically, how might these differences be explained? Are these differences found across species or only in humans?

From the perspective of a chronobiologist consider:

Does a newborn baby have a circadian clock? Is a newborn clock different from an adult clock? Physiologically, how might these differences be explained? Are these differences found across species or only in humans?

Explain the different purposes of stories in teaching and discuss the value of using stories when teaching.

Module 4

Define student engagement and discuss its importance.

Discuss the value of using thinking prompts

Identify the attributes of effective thinking prompts

Describe how thinking prompts can be used effectively

Elaborate on why teachers should reflect on the effectiveness of their questioning

Discuss the process of using questions effectively with students

Explain the different purposes of stories in teaching and discuss the value of using stories when teaching.

Define cooperative learning and explain when and why it should be used as an instructional strategy.

Describe a problem you have solved or a problem you’d like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma-anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution.

Personal statement

One essay/personal statement, approximately 250-650 words in length, which will assist the Admission Committee in reviewing your application. The essay/personal statement you submit must consist solely of your own origin work. You may write on a subject of your choice or one of the following subjects:

Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then share your story.

The lessons we take from failure can be fundamental to later success. Recount an incident or time when you experienced failure.

How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?
Reflect on a time when you challenged a belief or idea. What prompted you to act? Would you make the same decision again?

Describe a problem you have solved or a problem you’d like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma-anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution.

Discuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal, that marked your transition from childhood to adulthood within your culture, community, or family.

Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?

Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you’ve already written, or one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design.

Pforzheimer Honors College: All students are considered for the Pforzheimer Honors College based on their GPA and Test scores. Students may apply as test optional to be considered for admission within the Pforzheimer Honors College. You will need a need a minimum 90 GPA and will need to submit two short essays that are listed on the application.

Identify consequences as primary, secondary or tertiary as well as intended or unintended.But Senator Dan, who has the deciding vote, has not yet declared his intention. Dilemma Is it ethical for Senator Dan to vote for the bill?

But Senator Dan, who has the deciding vote, has not yet declared his intention. Dilemma Is it ethical for Senator Dan to vote for the bill?

Describe your Current Events topic AND the scenario /Ethical Dilemma in at least three full paragraphs, as follows:

Describe the topic in enough detail so the rest of the analysis is clear.
Let the reader know in what way this is a current event or current topic, why it is important to us.

You must include your Scenario and Ethical Dilemma as this is what you will be doing the analysis of
Section 2: Beneficial Aspects

Explain and justify your reasoning for 2 beneficial aspects to your scenario. Basically, what are two benefits of doing the action.

You must clearly identify AND JUSTIFY each of these beneficial aspects as follows, so that it is clear to the grader:
A beneficial aspect is XXX (and then explain)

Explain and justify your reasoning for 2 detrimental aspects to your scenario. Basically, what are two detriments of doing the action.

Clearly identify AND JUSTIFY each of these detrimental aspects as follows

Here you will discuss 3 Issues that affect society and/or are ethical issues based on the scenario that you have assigned again based on doing the action.

Use the following formats to clearly identify each item as a societal issue or ethical issue. The grader will NOT try to figure it out, if it is not clearly identified you WILL NOT get credit for it.

Clearly identify AND JUSTIFY each as follows, so that it is clear to the grader. A societal (or ethical) issue is XXX (and then explain)

Can a societal/ Ethical Issue also be a beneficial/detrimental aspect? YES – but be sure it is appropriately explained under each heading.

Section 5: Intended Consequences of the doing the action of the dilemma – identify 3
Remember that intended consequences may be negative or positive.

Identify consequences as primary, secondary or tertiary as well as intended or unintended

An intended [primary/secondary/tertiary] consequence is XXX (and then explain)

Can an intended consequence also be a beneficial/detrimental aspect? YES – but be sure it is appropriately explained under each heading.

Section 6: Unintended Consequences of doing the action the dilemma – identify 3
Remember that unintended consequences may be negative or positive.

Identify consequences as primary, secondary or tertiary as well as unintended

An unintended [primary/secondary/tertiary] consequence is XXX (and then explain)

Can an unintended consequence also be a beneficial/detrimental aspect? YES – but be sure it is appropriately explained under each heading.
Citations & Bibliography


What are the potential harms and benefits to the stakeholders? is it fair to the stakeholders? Is it consistent with virtue considerations?Identify the stakeholders and their obligations. Identify and consider all of the people affected by a decision – the stakeholders.

Ethical dilemma

1. What is the primary ethical issue in this case?

2. Gather all the facts. Specify the relevant facts, disagreement, and other conflicts situations.

3. Identify the stakeholders and their obligations. Identify and consider all of the people affected by a decision – the stakeholders.

4. Identify the relevant accounting ethics standards involved in the situation. Identify the most ethical values of the accounting profession that should be considered in evaluating the facts and alternative courses of action.

5. Identify the operational issues

6. Identify the accounting and auditing issues.

7. List all the possible alternatives that you can or cannot do.

8. Compare and weigh the alternatives. Is it legal ( in conformity with Laws PCAOB rules)? is it consistent with professional standards AICPA principles, IMA ethics standards; GAAP, and GAAS? Is it consistent with in-house rules
(firm’s policies and its own code of ethics), is it right?

What are the potential harms and benefits to the stakeholders? is it fair to the stakeholders? Is it consistent with virtue considerations?

9. Decide on a course of action. After evaluating the ethics of the alternatives, select the one that best meets the ethical requirements of the situation.

Reflect on your decision.

Create a PowerPoint presentation (minimum 10 slides) that demonstrates the use of professional guidelines and tools that create a strategy for dealing with an ethical dilemma in a simulated case study. Analyze the usefulness of those guidelines and tools?

Ethics Case Study

Create a PowerPoint presentation (minimum 10 slides) that demonstrates the use of professional guidelines and tools that create a strategy for dealing with an ethical dilemma in a simulated case study. Analyze the usefulness of those guidelines and tools?