What are the ethical responsibilities of the addiction professional in the case?What are potential ethical and legal issues the professional may face when treating clients with risks of dangerous behavior?

Consider the following in your presentation:

What are the clinical concerns in the case?

What are the ethical responsibilities of the addiction professional in the case?

What are potential ethical and legal issues the professional may face when treating clients with risks of dangerous behavior?

How do your own personal, cultural, spiritual, and socioeconomic biases impact your ethical decision-making with your selected case study?
Address the clinical concerns in the case, providing the ethical codes from NAADAC Code of Ethics (3–4 slides).

Examine your own personal, cultural, spiritual, and socioeconomic bias by describing how your experiences have influenced your thinking and beliefs in each of these areas.

Define how you can maintain objectivity while working with diverse clients. Provide examples based on the case study (1–2 slides).

Explain the process for evaluating an organizational condition to determine if the action required is OD-related.

Responsible Consulting

There are many ethical responsibilities within the field of the OD consultant.

Suppose that you are just beginning your practice as an external OD consultant and an organization approaches you to help them address an issue or change within their company.

Before accepting the job, it is important for you to determine whether the problem is an actual OD issue or an internal matter that is better addressed within.

Explain the process for evaluating an organizational condition to determine if the action required is OD-related.

Define the specific criteria for determining the core of the problem and the potential solution.

After assessing the request, there are times that you will find the problem is not an OD concern.

Prepare a response to the organization stating why the problem is not OD, why you are not the right person for the job, and what options they might have to remedy their problem.