What were the driving motivations behind the colonization of Africa? As a result, how did these dreams of empire cause the Great Powers of Europe to go to war (World War I)?

What were the driving motivations behind the colonization of Africa? As a result, how did these dreams of empire cause the Great Powers of Europe to go to war (World War I)?

This essay should be written in no more than three pages, double-spaced and in 12-point font size. Write your name, course number and the section at the top of the page. Make sure you place your source(s) for your information at the bottom of the page. At least one source is required for this essay.

How does this colonial legacy help us explain many of the conditions we see in the world today? You must use at least two course readings.


We inhabit a world that is a product of European colonization and the domination of non-European people, including the institution of slavery that gave way to massive forced and violent migration of people. Utilizing course readings and lectures, describe 3 of the ramifications of this process.

How does this colonial legacy help us explain many of the conditions we see in the world today? You must use at least two course readings.