Identify the main types of sources of internal finance, explain their main features and characteristics, and evaluate each type when seeking to determine an appropriate financing structure (MLO1, MLO4)

Financial management essentials: Online Quizz

Identify the main types of sources of external finance, explain their main features and characteristics, and evaluate each type when constructing a capital structure (MLO1, MLO4)

Identify the main types of sources of internal finance, explain their main features and characteristics, and evaluate each type when seeking to determine an appropriate financing structure (MLO1, MLO4)

Discuss the factors to be considered when selecting a source, or a mix of sources, of finance (MLO1, MLO4)

Discuss the types of share issues and critique their advantages and disadvantages (MLO1, MLO4)

Determine and explore the significance of bonus share issues for the theoretical ex-rights share price and the value of the associated rights. (MLO1, MLO4)