How design projects are carried out and documented in industry, including the formats used for design reports:Discuss?

Math/Physic/Economic/Statistic Problems

How design projects are carried out and documented in industry, including the formats used for design reports:Discuss?

Why engineers in industry use codes and standards in design

Why it is necessary to build margins into a design

Methods used by product design engineers to translate customer needs into product specifications

How did Gomberg-Muñoz become interested in this project? What are her two primary arguments in the book? How is this fieldwork different from typical anthropological ethnography fieldwork (especially consider legal status and ethnography within U.S.)?

Assignment #1: Preface, Introduction, chapters 1-2

How did Gomberg-Muñoz become interested in this project? What are her two primary arguments in the book? How is this fieldwork different from typical anthropological ethnography fieldwork (especially consider legal status and ethnography within U.S.)?

What ethical dilemmas does the author face? Why does she spend time in both the preface and chapter 1 discussing terminology used in the book? What is the braceros program? How does globalization influence undocumented migration? Why is this answer more complex than just, “migrants come here for jobs?”