What do you perceive to be the strengths or weaknesses in each piece from an aesthetic point of view?

Your music study should cover the following, in full sentences:


The full titles of the pieces

The composers’ full names, birth and death dates, and nationalities

The years when the pieces were written and where they fall within the composers’ lifetimes.

Compare: Juxtapose the two pieces using these criteria:







style period

text (if any)

absolute or programmatic meaning

sacred or secular orientation

Evaluate: What do you perceive to be the strengths or weaknesses in each piece from an aesthetic point of view? This will involve subjective judgment on your part, but please use examples to support your opinions.

Which part did you find most enjoyable and why?Which part did you like almost as well and why?Which part did you least enjoy and why?

Vivaldi: Four Seasons played by: Janine Jansen


What concert?

Reaction to the concert environment (performing venue)
Composition(s) (Just give the artist for the Newport Jazz Festival video)
Which part did you find most enjoyable and why?
Which part did you like almost as well and why?
Which part did you least enjoy and why?
Was your like or dislike due to the music itself, or the way it was played?

Connection to Course
To what forms and musical concepts that we have studied do you see any connections? Explain your choices.


Personal Reaction
Give any other reactions. Feel free to mention images, feelings, emotions, mood and the affect of the overall spirit of the music.

Formatting Requirements:

1″ margins, 12 pt. Times New Roman, single spaced

What year was the song created? Where was the song created?Who is the musician/group of musicians?Is there any cultural or religious significance to the song?

Non-Western and Western Music

What year was the song created? Where was the song created?
Who is the musician/group of musicians?
What instruments were used in the song?
What background details can find about the group/musicians?
Is there any cultural or religious significance to the song?
What elements of music are present? (for example: Rhythm, Tempo, Pitch and Scale, Melody, Harmony, Dynamics, Tone Color/Timbre)
What do hear?
What similarities and differences can hear between my two choices?


Describe anything you noticed about the way the performers played/sang the music:How were they developed?

Concert reports must include:

Name of ensemble/s performing
Academic English, with proper grammar.

Write about:

The type of ensemble(s) you listened to.

The numbers and types of instruments or voices used

Audience etiquette –When did people clap? Did they scream or cheer on the performers or were they quiet?

Performance style:

Describe anything you noticed about the way the performers played/sang the music.

Use musical terminology to describe the music such as: melody, harmony, dynamics, texture, and rhythm.

Did the composer use motives or short, melodic ideas?

How were they developed? Were they expanded, shortened, or moved around to different keys?

Describe how the music made you feel or what it made you think of.

Did it make you think of a scene or story?

Which piece did you enjoy the most? Why? ( use musical terminology in your answers)

Which piece did you enjoy the least? Why?

Did you have a favorite group or soloist?