Analyze and evaluate the major points if your case study for research to write the analytical essay.

RAND Research

Analytical Essay on the RAND Research (countering sexual assault and sexual harassment in the U.S. Military). This is found on

APA 7th Ed
Times New Roman 12 point font

Analyze and evaluate the major points if your case study for research to write the analytical essay. Requirement to give an in depth introduction of your topic. Provide Transitional sentences from one topic to the other. Provide a summative conclusion.

What are the similarities and differences in the public’s sentiments towards the #MeToo related cases happened in America and China?

This essay relates to WDRA’s collection of data on Twitter. Analysis is required using Sentistrength and Voyant Tool.

What are the similarities and differences in the public’s sentiments towards the #MeToo related cases happened in America and China?

The allegations against Harvey Weinstein’s sexual harassment in October 2017

The allegations against Zhu Jun (a famous host in China)’s sexual harassment in July 2018

What are the similarities and differences in the leading topics emerging in these two cases?