What type of intervention would you argue as most effective in resolving this conflict? We’ve explored methods such as negotiation, mediation, arbitration, sanctions, a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd generation peacekeeping operation, or a peace enforcement operation (i.e., a military intervention without the consent of the host state, such as that which might be authorized under R2P). explain why.

International relations (“10 Conflicts to Watch in 2021.)”
Progress Assignment – research-based

1. Read the report – see the attachment “10 Conflicts to Watch in 2021.”

2. Choose one conflict only.

3. Determine the two major issues that would cause the conflict to escalate in 2021.

4. Visit our institution Library databases and find 6-8 journal articles that would support the issues that you found, within the context of the country or area you’re reviewing. The articles do not have to be from 2020 or 2021 but they should be recent and relevant.

5. The idea is to provide the scholarship from the journal articles that would support the authors’ positions in “10 Conflicts to Watch in 2021.”

Answer all the following questions using the journal articles to support:

(a) Do you agree or disagree with the authors in the reasons why they are concerned about the conflict?

(b) What is the basis for the conflict in the two issues that you’ve identified?

(c) Are the issues common in the international community?

(d) If the issues are commonly found in the international community, then give some examples. If they are not, then discuss why this country or area is different than what we see elsewhere.

(e) Given the basis for the conflict and the issues you have identified, what type of intervention would you argue as most effective in resolving this conflict? We’ve explored methods such as negotiation, mediation, arbitration, sanctions, a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd generation peacekeeping operation, or a peace enforcement operation (i.e., a military intervention without the consent of the host state, such as that which might be authorized under R2P). explain why.

General instructions: Prepare your answers in 6-8 pages, double-spaced in Word 12 pt. font. Do not exceed the eight-page limit. In international relations, it is a skill to write within a defined space.

This is a research assignment. Use our institution Library as your primary method to find sources. Peer-reviewed journal articles are required. Do not rely on the library’s system to verify that the articles are peer-reviewed. By this point in your academic career, you know what a journal article looks like – but if you need some help, just ask your instructor.

Even though it is a research assignment, avoid quotes of more than one or two lines. Try to paraphrase and attribute the author within your writing rather than quoting.

You will need formal citations – which means in-text references (Author year, page) as well as a corresponding full entry in the References List. Do not list sources that are not used specifically within the text.

Our citation style is Chicago 17th Author-Date. Ask your instructor if you have difficulty locating the Chicago 17th Author-Date style guide.

What factors contribute to the success or otherwise of an international regime? Outline your answer with reference to at least one international regime of your choice

International relations


Reflective Portfolio (1,500 words + bibliography)

The reflective journal should be a word document which includes copies of your two best
discussion board posts. In addition, it must contain a 500-word reflective essay that answers, in the context of what you have learned, one of the following questions:

What can academics learn from the study of global governance?

What can policy practitioners learn from the study of global governance?

The Reflective Journal should therefore be a total of 1500 words + bibliography.
The deadline for the Reflective Journal is Thursday 19th April 2021, 11:59pm.

Questions for Posts and Responses:

Questions for Posts and Responses may be found in the Blackboard Weekly Tasks section below.

Choose one of the following topics:

1. ‘Global governance is not the same as world government’ (Keohane and Nye). Do you agree? Outline your answer with appropriate examples.

2. How do ideas matter in making sense of power in global governance?

3. ‘Global governance is little more than an instrument for the exercise of hegemonic power’. Critically evaluate this argument drawing upon examples.

4. What factors contribute to the success or otherwise of an international regime? Outline your answer with reference to at least one international regime of your choice (see the list below for some examples of international regimes)

5. “International organizations socialize states to accept new political goals and new social values in ways which have lasting impact” (Finnemore). Critically assess this assertion drawing upon evidence from one or more cases with which you are familiar.

6. To what extent has the vision of the UN as ‘the world’s policeman’ (see Williams and Bellamy in Weiss et. al., p. 417) been achieved in practice?

7. To what extent do civil society organisations (CSOs) have the power or legitimacy to help realise more humane and democratic forms of global governance? Analyse in relation to one or more global governance regime (e.g. trade, finance, development, environment, security, etc.)

8. Is ‘club governance’ a help or a hindrance to effective global governance?

9. Which theory covered on the course (neoliberal institutionalism, constructivism, realism, or Marxism) best explains the emergence of the BRICS?

10. Are we living in an era of ‘post-hegemonic multilateralism’, and to what extent is this a positive or negative factor in the governance of globalisation?

11. What actions could be taken to make global governance more democratic?