is abortion justified when the baby has a very significant disability? In your argument, analyze the case for Part 1 of this week (linked below) and use the readings/podcasts to inform your argument.

Justification of Abortion

Read:Listen: RadioLab 23 Weeks, 6 Days

Read: “Are the 21-year old Baby Doe Rules misunderstood or mistaken?” by Kopelman (E-Res)

Choose One:

Read: “tiniest babies, the toughest decisions” Hawryluk

Read: “A Disabled Life is Worth Living” by Mattlin

Read: “Rick Santorum: Meet My Son” by Rapp

Review: : Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services: Part Four – Issues in Care at the Beginning of Life (pp. 23-28) .

Answer this question:

is abortion justified when the baby has a very significant disability? In your argument, analyze the case for Part 1 of this week (linked below) and use the readings/podcasts to inform your argument. AMA Virtual Mentor: Quality of Life and Prenatal Decisions