Identify any social problem and analyze it using the objective and subjective criteria in the first chapter of your textbook. Why does it qualify as a “social problem” as defined within sociology?

Why LGBT is a Social Problem

Identify any social problem and analyze it using the objective and subjective criteria in the first chapter of your textbook. Why does it qualify as a “social problem” as defined within sociology?

You should discuss the following points:

What is the shared undesirable condition faced by people who have this problem? What must they face that other people don’t have to?
Who are the people (the social group) who have this problem?
By whom is the problem recognized as a problem? Are there others who deny that it is a problem?

How would you compare the relationship of the LGBT community during the Stonewall era with the relationship of today?Can you draw any parallels between the Stonewall Riots as a movement and the protests that are occurring today?


What were the Stonewall Riots?

What did Claire Potter mean that “the police did not get their payoff”?

Can you draw any parallels between the Stonewall Riots as a movement and the protests that are
occurring today?

How is the Stonewall Riots a marker for the Gay Rights period?

What were the challenges of “coming out”?

What is the significance of the Stonewall Inn today?

What is

Consider the arc of gay history over the last fifty years. List two changes that Claire Potter mentioned
about that arc of history.

How would you compare the relationship of the LGBT community during the Stonewall era with the
relationship of today?