Critically examine the role of international education aid in national development. You may focus on one country (or region) or one international organisation or NGO. Consider the main sources of aid, competing agendas in aid, shortcomings in aid, and any unintended consequences.

Essay prompts:

1. Focusing on a particular country or countries, describe the relationship between education and another aspect of national development in the country(ies), focus on key actors, main challenges, attempts made or planned to overcome the challenges, and any unintended consequences.

2. Critically examine the role of international education aid in national development. You may focus on one country (or region) or one international organisation or NGO. Consider the main sources of aid, competing agendas in aid, shortcomings in aid, and any unintended consequences.

3. Examine power in education and development. Choose a local development initiative and place it within the broader global context, critically examine issues of power and agency between included actors.