Identify two data collection methods that would be best to use for the community and an explanation as to why (Part 2), and using the information learned from previous research, identify 1 asset and 1 weakness seen in the community and detail why it is an asset and explain why it is a weakness to be improved upon (Part 3).

Community Themes and Strengths Assessment (CTSA) + Local Public Health System Assessment (LPHSA)

See directions, MAPP User Handbook, associated lectures (CTSA, LPHSA, Essential Services), updated MAPP Steering Committee from previous work to Identify five positions within the organizations who would make excellent members of the CTSA sub-committee (from page 62 of the MAPP User Handbook attached) (Part 1), page 64-65 of the MAPP User Handbook should be used to identify two data collection methods that would be best to use for the community and an explanation as to why (Part 2), and using the information learned from previous research, identify 1 asset and 1 weakness seen in the community and detail why it is an asset and explain why it is a weakness to be improved upon (Part 3). The grading are also attached and  read all directions and provided materials and if unclear about any of the stated directions ask questions.

Prepare to discuss your experience on MAPP and Onet in class:What are the positives and negatives concerning your students using both MAPP and Onet?

Career Counseling Assessment

Take the ONet and MAPP online. What are the positives and negatives concerning your students using both MAPP and Onet?

Prepare to discuss your experience on MAPP and Onet in class:
Take this free personality assessment and bring your results to class. Free Personality test/16 personalities:

Take this Self Directed Search and bring your results to class. What’s Your Career Type? RIASEC Free online self directed search
Naviance (password given by instructor)

After completing the various assessments listed above, provide a concept map that provides a visual understanding of both the experience and your results.

The map will need to begin with an overview of your total experience working with the assessments.

Then it must provide a breakdown of the each of assessment as to what type it is, how accurate/applicable it was, and how that assessment could be used in a school setting.

For example site #1 provides a personality assessment:

Assessment provided an accurate/confusing/poor/inappropriate analysis of my personality. (Provide a descriptor of the analysis and why you believe that this is the case)
Assessment can be used for….