What type of research approach and methodologies are you likely to use and why? What your areas of research will cover: Who are the participants?

Research project

What type of research approach and methodologies are you likely to use and why? What your areas of research will cover:
Who are the participants? Tick all that apply:

Ages 12-16: Young people aged: 17-18 Adults:

How will participants be recruited (identified an approached)?

Describe the processes you will use to inform participants about what you are doing.

How will you obtain consent from participants? Will this be written? How will it be made clear to participants that they may withdraw consent to participate at any time?

Studies involving questionnaires: will participants be given the option of omitting questions that do not wish to answer?
Yes No

If no  explain why below and ensure that you cover any ethical issues arising from this

Studies involving observation: Confirm whether participants will be asked for their informed consent to be observed.
Yes No

Will you debrief participants at the end of their participation (i.e give them a brief explanation of the study)?

Yes No

Will participants be given information about the findings of your study?(This could be a brief summary of your findings in general)

What might you do to understand the problem?How might you test possible interventions or solutions for the problem?What research methodologies might you use?

Student-Centered Classroom

Write a paper 4-5 page paper (no more and no less), where you select an educational problem of practice to
examine. Follow this outline and make sure to respond to the questions. Use this organizational framework for
your paper. Also, you should follow APA 7thEdition Style Guidelines in your paper with a cover page,
appropriate in-text citation, and a reference page.

Identification of a Problem of Practice

What is the problem?

Who is affected/impacted?

Where does the problem reside? What is the context of this problem?

Why do you perceive this to be a persistent problem?

Are there data to support your perception?

What research or literature supports this as a problem? Cite no more than two studies.
Investigation of the Problem

What might you do to understand the problem?

How might you test possible interventions or solutions for the problem?

What research methodologies might you use?

How might a collaborative research team approach/investigate this problem?

Describe the processes involved in your topic.Briefly describe the results of the paper (papers) you read on your topic. This should be a couple of paragraphs, at least. Be creative.

List your topic and subtopic.
Describe why this is an important topic in one paragraph.
Describe the processes involved in your topic.
Briefly describe the results of the paper (papers) you read on your topic. This should be a couple of paragraphs, at least. Be creative.
List your sources (sources should also be cited in the text – see citation documents). All the text should be in your own words and you should cite all your sources of information.

Pick whichever topic you feel most comfortable with. Similar assignment to order #630824

Describe the major classical theories of crime, including the significance of their socio-historical context. This would encompass.

On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1.) Describe the major classical theories of crime, including the significance of their socio-historical context. This would encompass:

a.) Being familiar with the various schools of early criminological thought;

b.) Understanding the key terminology, concepts and methodologies used by classical thinkers.

2.) Critically analyze and evaluate classical criminological thought and theorizing:

a.) From a methodological standpoint;

b.) By highlighting the sociological implications and consequences of such theorizing as they pertain to race, gender and social class.

3.) Apply classical criminological theory to a variety of historical and contemporary issues. This would include:

a.) Using theory to help inform and explain current events;

b.) Proposing solutions to contemporary crime problems within Canadian society.

4.) Appreciate and understand the importance of good theory building and testing for sociological and criminological inquiry.

5.) Think bigger, more critically and more creatively than they ever thought possible.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the involvement of private commercial companies in the delivery of criminal justice services in England and Wales?

 Introduction to the Criminal Justice System

Essay titles 2021 (in place of unseen exam)

Choose one essay title from the selection below:

1. Using evidence in support of rehabilitation, can it be argued that ‘prison is just an expensive way of making bad people worse’?

2. While lessons have been learnt from the past, is there still discrimination in the criminal justice system of England and Wales? Using current evidence in support, evaluate this question in terms of ethnicity and/or gender.

3. In what ways have social scientists identified that the news reporting of crime, criminal justice and victims is distorted?

4. Using examples and relevant legislation describe and evaluate the surveillance powers now available to the various agencies of the state.

5. Supported by evidence, critically evaluate primary, secondary and tertiary crime prevention strategies in England and Wales.

6. What are the strengths and weaknesses of data collected from both the Crime Survey of England and Wales and official police crime statistics?

7. Compare and contrast some of the differences between the adversarial system of criminal justice of England and Wales and the inquisitorial system of criminal justice of the European Union.

8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the involvement of private commercial companies in the delivery of criminal justice services in England and Wales?

9. What measures has the criminal justice system introduced in recent years to support victims of crime in England and Wales?

This work must be written in essay format only in sentences and paragraphs with no bullet points, headings or graphs.

Ensure that you reference clearly and accurately using the Harvard system and include an appropriately presented bibliography.

To pass this assessment, you must use in-text referencing and academic sources and provide a bibliography of the in-text sources you have used as your last page.

Explain, discuss and evaluate the methodologies applied in the reviewed literature.

Business & Management Research Methods (Impact of Four Day Work Week on Employee Productivity)


Main Objective of the assessment

You are required to submit a critical analysis of research topic (given above) in relation to a chosen topic of study/area of interest in the context of Business Studies.

This research topic normally relates the research issues in your master programme subject area.

Description of the Assessment

You need to undertake a significant literature review, which outlines the underpinning methodologies and the research method(s) adopted in previous research that incorporates a range of viewpoints and perspectives.

It is essential to provide a critical analysis that applies the knowledge and understanding acquired during the module to evaluate theoretical and technical aspects of related research methodologies and methods.

You are expected to demonstrate both breadth and depth of understanding of relevant academic literature of the chosen topic.

You are required to explain, discuss and evaluate the methodologies applied in the reviewed literature.

Typically, your essay should have (a) an executive summary (b) Introduction (c) literature review (d) Analysis, discussion and evaluation of research methodology (e) Findings and what you have learnt from this assignment (f) References (Harvard Referencing System).

In this assignment, you are expected to use relevant materials from academic research books and academic empirical journal articles (ABS ranking listed journals) in your subject area to support your analysis and arguments when formulating your assignment.

Your analysis, discussion and evaluation should be backed with appropriate academic references and examples where necessary.

This assignment should be presented with 12 pt. Times New Roman Text with line spacing of 1.5. The word limit is 2000 words (excluding references). Note that assignment below this word limit by more than 10% would result in decrease in the overall achieved mark by 10%.

Proper referencing of all ideas, concepts, theories and quotes used in your work is essential. Normally you are required to present no less than 20 academic journal article references.

The Harvard referencing system must be used, details of which are contained on your handbook.

Describe these two budget methodologies. Include enough detail for the reader to follow and understand the methodology.

Building a Nursing Budget

This assignment asks you to look at two budget methodologies, fixed and flexible. You are asked to focus your discussion on two types of operational budgets and then compare them to the identified criteria.

Lastly, you are asked to present an example of the type of budget you would implement as a masters prepared nurse leader in a health care setting of your choice.


Keep the APA scholarly paper within a 6 page limit (excluding title page and reference list). An abstract page is not required for this assignment.

Review the presentation format to know the topic headings you should include in your paper.
Presentation Format

Budget Types/Methodologies (20%)
Compare the fixed operating budget approach to the flexible operating budget approach as outlined in your text book and readings.

Describe these two budget methodologies. Include enough detail for the reader to follow and understand the methodology.
Comparison: (40%)

Construct a table and compare the 2 types of budget methodologies in the following categories:
Advantages and disadvantages to the nurse leader in monitoring compliance

Operations best suited to each type of budget
Impact on the correlation to patient care

Ability to take variances into account

Example of Budget (20%)

Choose one of the budget types you have described.

Present an example of how this budget type would be used by the masters prepared nurse leader in a health care setting of your choice.

The setting can be a community or inpatient environment where you work, have worked, or would like to work as a masters prepared nurse leader.

Integration of Evidence and Theory (10%)

Integrate credible, relevant sources to support ideas appropriate for the assignment.

Consistently use information in ways that are true to original context. Always distinguish between own ideas or common knowledge and ideas requiring attribution.

Scholarly articles integrated within the paper meet the following standards:

Provide the required number of references (minimum of 6)

Most nursing-specific or nursing-related

How does the current literature relate to your aims/objectives/research questions? Can the literature inform your research? Is it that you have identified an existing gap within the literature that needs addressing via your questions?

a 2,500-word research (proposal)

Based upon: Effectiveness of Non-Invasive Ventilation, Versus Invasive Ventilation management of patients with Type 1 Respiratory failure in an Intensive Care unit – 15 patient group – (Hypothetical).

Guidance for writing up your Research Proposal.

It is helpful for those marking the assessment if you clearly label each part of your proposal with sub-headings suggested below – the word limits/numbers in brackets are not prescriptive, but merely included for guidance.

1. Introduction (100 words)
What is your overall focus and research aim? Do you have objectives? – To identify evidence defining the effectiveness of Invasive versus non-invasive ventilation.

2. Justification of Study (200 words)
Focus upon justification of the study. Why is the research question relevant to clinical practice, education or management? Why would it be of value to consider the topic? Is there a gap in current evidence? Is the existing research outdated now?

3. Literature Review (1000-1300 words)
Review the main body of literature to your research question.

The aim is to explore the nature of the problem and to formulate and refine your research question. Do not just import extracts from the literature, but be critical about what you have read and chosen to include.

How does the current literature relate to your aims/objectives/research questions? Can the literature inform your research? Is it that you have identified an existing gap within the literature that needs addressing via your questions?

4. Method (1000 words)

• Clearly outline the aim of your research and list more specific research questions.
• Critically appraise methodologies relevant to your research question demonstrating how your approach will help you to obtain an answer to your research question.
• Argue strongly in favour of the methodological approach that you consider most appropriate for your study – justify your chosen method by discussing why you have rejected alternatives and why your approach is appropriate.
• Provide a rationale for the method of data collection. Data reduction and analysis that you intend using with this approach.
• Highlight strengths and weaknesses with reference to your research question and chosen population. (600 words for the previous 5 bullet points)
• Discuss the sampling technique that you would use, highlight its strengths and weaknesses with particular reference to your research question (200 words)
• Discuss the ethical issues arising from the intended study (200 words)
• You need to conclude/summarise – as part of this you may also wish to discuss how you will disseminate your findings, given that they may have practice implications.
• Include a timetable for

i. Access/ethics
ii. Data collection
iii. Analysis
iv. Writing up (100 words)

Research Proposal Checklist
1. Justification – is it clear, concise and realistic?

2. Literature –
a. Has abroad range been considered? Relevance/depth/quality/is it current?
b. Have you analysed the issues raised, rather than just repeating what is published?
c. Have you concluded how your literature review informs and focuses the research problem?

3. Method – have you clearly stated and justified how you intend to do the research? Is you research aim listed? What are your overall research questions? Have you raised problems e.g. related to sample, access, ethics…?

4. Is your timetable realistic and manageable?

5. Have key issues been signposted?

6. Is your proposal reader friendly?

Use as many sources that you feel are appropriate for this piece of work

Identify gaps and potential venues for improvement.Consider how effective your risk management process throughout the project was

This assignment requires you to prepare an Individual Report based on the group project work and

the Project Plan developed.

Your report should evaluate your project and review the way through which you managed it. You

need to reflect upon your presentation, evaluate your project outcome, your performance as

managing team and the decisions you took throughout your journey as well as your own individual


Effectively, you need to critically evaluate your project plan and the effectiveness of

the methodologies and processes you followed for managing the various aspects of your project.

For instance, consider how effective your risk management process throughout the project was

and to which extent RM was done according to standards of best practices.

Your analysis of your management practice against theory and best practices should enable you to

identify gaps and potential venues for improvement. This should lead to recommendations for

improving project management and ensuring success in future projects. You could also think of key

lessons that you, as an individual, are taking from the experience you had.