What are the risks, and how will you mitigate them? What obstacles could prohibit you from meeting the objectives of the merger, and how will you handle them? How does the deal provide value, considering the objective you are trying to achieve?

Final Project: Kroger – Recommendations FIN-660
As you compose your final project, consider the following questions:

What are the risks, and how will you mitigate them? What obstacles could prohibit you from meeting the objectives of the merger, and how will you handle them? How does the deal provide value, considering the objective you are trying to achieve? What can you do to make sure the merger goes smoothly and that shareholder value is achieved?

 Discuss the relationship between your chosen disaster zone and climate change. Evaluate what could be done to mitigate the risk and consequential losses arising from disaster in your chosen disaster zone.


Discuss the relationship between your chosen disaster zone and climate change. Evaluate what could be done to mitigate the risk and consequential losses arising from disaster in your chosen disaster zone.

Provide an explanation of your chosen environmental impact with justification and supporting references.

For this activity, you will identify the environmental impact that, in your opinion, presents the greatest concern for airport managers.

provide an explanation of your chosen environmental impact with justification and supporting references.

Next, you will identify a strategy that could be employed to mitigate your chosen environmental impact.

The goal is to engage in a collaborative and constructive debate that promotes critical thought and reflection.

Your initial posts and responses to your classmates need to be thoughtful, thorough, and comprehensive.

This means your initial post needs to be about a paragraph and thoroughly explain your answer.

Additionally, include a properly formatted in-text citation and reference to support your position.