The appraiser estimates that each bedroom has a worth of $10,000 and a swimming pool a worth of $15,000. Given the above information, what is the estimated value of the subject property using the average derived from the comparables?


The requirement of this assignment is to determine an Estimated Home Value and write a short paper on the topic of Estimated Home Value. Use the data below to determine the correct estimate for the subject property. Also, refer to Chapter 29 for hints and types of adjustments to make.

Solve the following problem using the data outlined. Include a table of any adjustments you make to the sales prices of the comparable properties. Next, write a 3 page paper concerning Estimating Home Value. Include your calculations, chart, etc. in your paper. Discuss vital aspects when estimating the value of a property.

Problem: An appraiser is attempting to estimate the value of a house. The subject property has four bedrooms and a swimming pool. The appraiser has found three comparables that have recently sold:

Comparable Sales Price Bedrooms Swimming Pool
1 $110,000 5 No
2 $101,000 4 No
3 $104,000 3 Yes

The appraiser estimates that each bedroom has a worth of $10,000 and a swimming pool a worth of $15,000. Given the above information, what is the estimated value of the subject property using the average derived from the comparables?

 What positions do you intend to fill in the future?What positions need to be filled immediately?What groups can you work with to create “synergy” for the cause?

Light Life Coaching Education, LLC – Business Plan

What positions need to be filled immediately?

What experience or education is needed?

What positions do you intend to fill in the future?

What qualifications will you seek?

When will they be added? (3 mos., 6 mos., 1 year)

Milestones or key performance indicators with a timeline, including “assumptions and risks”

Strategic alliances or partnerships—what groups can you work with to create “synergy” for the cause?

A market analysis with a donor or funding focus—who can best help you? What other donors might you approach?

Assessment—when and how will the success of the organization be evaluated? How will necessary adjustments be performed in the organization?