Discuss pathophysiology, causes/risk factors, signs and symptoms, and treatments (including medication) of osteoarthritis.
Discuss pathophysiology, causes/risk factors, signs and symptoms, and treatments (including medication) of osteoarthritis.
What this essay is about: Explain the role of derivatives of carbohydrates (glucosamine and vitamin C) in the management and treatment of osteoarthritis.
What is currently been done about the problem?
MIMS online (2021).
Discuss the pathophysiology of osteoarthritis.
Describe the clinical manifestations of osteoarthritis (joint pain, swollen joints, Bouchard’s nodes, tender joints) and related these to the changes which occur in the musculoskeletal system.
Discuss the diagnostic procedures for osteoarthritis and how they contribute to diagnosis (ultrasound shows inflammation in the tendons of some of the joints, particularly those containing Bouchard’s nodes and xray indicates osteophytes in numerous joints in patients hands and narrowing of the joint space).
Explain why capaicin (applied topically 3 to 4 times per day) and ibuprofen 400mg is prescribed (3 times per day) and suitable for treating osteoarthritis. Outline mechanism of action and how these are usually administered.