How do we use the “Results Summaries” to describe which app features need special attention by the developers? What is the biggest question that a user of your proposed app might ask?

———-Beginning week three of summer term 2021 (session 3) we will begin major paper #2—the Investigative Research Project (IRP) report.
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Su2021-Wr 327-Baunach—ZOOM Office Hours Thursday Review/consult

Recommendation:  review the NST rubric—Canvas file# 017-Module-1-Wr327-S2021-ASSIGNMENT-6-Final-NST-draft-100pts-due-Fri02Jul-at-1159PM
Recommendation: Also Review “How to get an ‘A’ on your Instruction Manual Paper,” Canvas file#005, page 6.

How do we use the “Overviews” to introduce our instructions?

Keeping your 3 screens with linkages to a web site in mind, think of your app as a guide for users.

The users want to know something when they launch your app:

What is the biggest question that a user of your proposed app might ask?

—–In the case of the Rainwater Resource Tour of OSU, the biggest question the user might ask would be:

“What are rainwater resources at OSU and where are they located?”

This biggest question is addressed in an Overview.

How do we use the “Results Summaries” to describe which app features need special attention by the developers?

Remember, software development projects often run-out of time and budget and are forced to cut-back on the scope of the project, so details need to be provided in the results summaries—dear developers: don’t forget these important details!

—–Imagine that the users of your app learn something new—what details might your app users learn after exploring your app?

—–In the case of the Rainwater Resource Tour of OSU, users learn, for example, the building names and street addresses of all four of the rainwater-collection tanks on the OSU Campus.

These details are included in a Results Summary.


For Graded DISCUSSION-5, reply to the DISCUSSION thread with a paragraph that is approximately 250-words long.

This paragraph should include a topic sentence.

(Advice for writing a paragraph with a topic sentence: 1) Write down the content of your paragraph first; and 2) then go back and make sure that your first sentence fully introduces your content.)

Imagine the Planet Argon software (SW) developers as your audience and describe the following:

1) Provide a descriptive name for your app—so we can understand its function.

2) What is the biggest question that a user of your app might ask? (Overview content)

3) What details might your app users learn after exploring your app? (Results Summary content)


Graded-DISCUSSION-5, here is the outline that  would use to create my 250-word paragraph for the Rainwater Resources Tour

Descriptive App Name: Rainwater Resource Tour of OSU-Corvallis. 2)

What are rainwater resources at OSU and where are they located? 3)

Example of details provided by App: Building names with street addresses for all four of the rainwater-collection tanks on the OSU Campus.

5 “016-Module-1-Wr327-Su2021-Graded-ASSIGNMENT-5-NST-OverviewsResultsSummaries-5pts-due-Wed30Jun-at-1159PM”

For ASSIGNMENT 5,  consider revising the following Overviews/Results Summaries— make certain that a) one of your NST Overview sections addresses the biggest question that a user of your app might ask, and b) that one of your NST Results Summary sections addresses specific details that users might learn.Page 2 Overview of the GUI (Graphic User Interface):Page 4 Overview for Developers regarding integration testing:Page 3 Results Summary for the GUI:
Page 5 Results Summary for Developers regarding integration testing:When you are satisfied that your two Overviews and your two Results Summaries address a) the biggest question that a user of your app might ask, and b) address specific details that the user of your app might learn, then  upload (one more time) a complete draft of all five pages of your NST (Instruction Manual) to Canvas.