Critically appraise the evidence of the use of Pendleton et al 1984-2003 consultation model – Model of 7 tasks.Critically appraise the use of the WEBER test in the cranial nerve examination to assess conductive or sensory hearing loss (in a patient with new onset of hearing loss)

Critically appraise 4 different aspects of key areas of physical examination

Critically appraise the theory that underpins one element of a chosen examination system. Focus on ONE specific chosen element as noted below. Critique the literature and be clear on how this influences practice/ adds value to diagnostic reasoning.

1. Critically appraise the use of bowel sounds as part of performing abdominal examination (based on a patient with bowel instruction) (note have started this account but it needs revisions/ amending to be more critical/ explore literature)

2. Critically appraise the use of the WEBER test in the cranial nerve examination to assess conductive or sensory hearing loss (in a patient with new onset of hearing loss)

3. Critically appraise the use of the anterior draw test to assess ACL injury

4 Critically appraise the evidence of the use of Pendleton et al 1984-2003 consultation model – Model of 7 tasks