Why should we consider the philosophical ways of life that we explore in our units on the good life?”

Prompt 2

Nietzsche’s account of nihilism and his philosophy of life affirmation can be regarded as a response to the following question, “Why should we consider the philosophical ways of life that we explore in our units on the good life?”

In my lecture on Nietzsche,  argue that we can regard the ways of life explored in the course as responses to the challenge posed by nihilism. Each philosophical perspective provides an account of the good life that provides a path to living a meaningful life.

In this prompt, you will assess the degree to which this has been true of the philosophical perspectives we have considered (Aristotle, Epicureanism, Stoicism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Ancient Aztec Virtue Ethics).

Begin by explaining nihilism and how it poses a challenge to living a meaningful life.
Next, explain Nietzsche’s account of nihilism.

Then, pick two philosophical perspectives we have considered (Aristotle, Epicureanism, Stoicism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Ancient Aztec Virtue Ethics).

Explain the specific aspects of these philosophical perspectives that you think bests respond to the challenge posed by nihilism.

Evaluate the degree to which the two perspectives you have explained successfully respond to the challenge of nihilism: do they articulate a way of life capable of overcoming nihilism? Explain why or why not.

What specific educational ideology/ ies of Marxism are suited and adaptable to the nature of the Philippine Educational System? Why? Explain thoroughly with supporting-based references.

Kindly answer the questions comprehensively and scientifically by citing the authors and writing the bibliography in an APA style/format

Identify and critically compare Two Philosophical Views of Learning and Managing relevant to your Professional Growth and Development.(20 Points)

How does the Philosophy of Education in Idealism, Realism , and Behaviorism affect the following in 21st century of : (30 points)

A. Teaching and Learning in the Classroom
B. School- Based Management
C. Philippine Educational System
3. John B. Watson popularized this quotation.
“Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and guarantee to take anyone at random and train him to become any type of specialist
might select-doctor, lawyer, artist-regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors”.

Based on the statement above, is it possible to achieve a God-fearing society and government? Why? Expound your answers by citing your references or authors. (20points)

4. What specific educational ideology/ ies of Marxism are suited and adaptable to the nature of the Philippine Educational System? Why? Explain thoroughly with supporting-based references. ( 30 points)

For Tuesdays with Morrie, give a brief summary of the movie. Also, finish the famous quote “Once you learn how to die…” and what does that mean to you personally? Finally, what other lessons taught by Morrie can you relate to your own life?

 Write a one page reflection for each movie, relating the movie to topics discussed in class.

For Tuesdays with Morrie, give a brief summary of the movie. Also, finish the famous quote “Once you learn how to die…” and what does that mean to you personally? Finally, what other lessons taught by Morrie can you relate to your own life?

 How does Locke define toleration and explain why is it important for civil society and democratic governments to have it?What are the major features of the political system and how is it supposed to make decisions?

The social contract

Explain at least three ways the life experiences of Thomas Aquinas influenced his philosophical ideas and his support for monarchy.

What does Machiavelli mean when he says it is better for a leader to be feared instead of loved? Be sure to support your answer with evidence from the text or renaissance Italian politics.

What does Machiavelli mean when he says that leaders need to cultivate the virtues of the fox and the lion? Be sure to support your answer with evidence from the text or renaissance Italian politics.

Explain at least three ways the life experiences of Locke influenced their attitude toward government.

How does Locke define toleration and explain why is it important for civil society and democratic governments to have it?

Explain and analyze the theorists’ use of human nature and the state of nature.

Define and explain how a citizen becomes part of the social contract and to what extent the theorists rely on the consent of the governed.

What are the major features of the political system and how is it supposed to make decisions?

What are the duties, rights, and responsibilities of citizenship if any?

How may a citizen, if at all, leave the social contract? Lastly

Which of the contract theorists do you find most persuasive and why? Are their ideas still relevant to contemporary political problems?

Describe what a day in the life would look like if your school were to embrace the progressive philosophy of education. Make references to Dewey’s writings to help the reader understand how your vision is different from the reality.

ED Battle #4

Consider what it would mean if our education system in 2021 were to be driven by the philosophical ideas of Progressivism, as Dewey explains in “My Pedagogic Creed”.

Describe what a day in the life would look like if your school were to embrace the progressive philosophy of education. Make references to Dewey’s writings to help the reader understand how your vision is different from the reality.

What is his response supposed to prove? Does it succeed in proving its conclusion? Answer each of the questions carefully.

Topics for Paper #1:
Below are 4 possible paper topics. Pick just one as the subject of your paper and write a short philosophical essay on it (see the philosophical writing guide in Unit One for helpful writing tips.) Your essay should beThrasymachus , and your conclusion should be announced somewhere near the beginning of your paper.

1. As carefully as you can, state the core claims of Divine Command Theory. Then, equally carefully, present the Euthyphro Problem as a serious objection to this view. Do you believe the Euthyphro Problem successfully undermines Divine Command Theory? Argue for your evaluation.
2. Is Socrates’ position in the Crito, concerning the moral authority of the state, consistent with what he says, in the Apology, about what he would do if commanded by the state to cease practicing philosophy, or about what he did when commanded by the Thirty to capture Leon of Salamis for execution? Explain the passages in which Socrates makes these claims, then evaluate the set of claims for consistency.
3. What is “Meno’s paradox” (Meno 80d-e)? What is Socrates’ response to it? What is his response supposed to prove? Does it succeed in proving its conclusion? Answer each of the questions carefully.
4. In Book I of Plato’s Republic, Thrasymachus claims that justice is the advantage of the stronger. Carefully explain what he means by this, giving at least two of his arguments. Then, evaluate this claim. Do you think Thrasymachus is correct? Argue for your position.

Critically analyse and evaluate the concept of generating theory from practice.Demonstrate an appreciation of the contribution of borrowed perspectives toward the development of paramedic knowledge

Journal article – literature review

Develop the necessary skills to critically evaluate published research to determine its relevance to paramedic practice.

Be able to examine and critically analyse current developments in paramedic practice including the professionalisation of the discipline.

Be able to articulate the philosophical underpinnings of paradigms in the discipline of paramedicine.

Critically analyse and evaluate the concept of generating theory from practice.

Demonstrate an appreciation of the contribution of borrowed perspectives toward the development of paramedic knowledge

Identify the interrelationships between religion and philosophical worldviews.


Note on Research Project:
Your mark will be based on your critical reading of the material, your writing ability (especially citing specific material which influences or supports your ideas —  use MLA citations), your understanding of the vocabulary and concepts, and how well you can identify the interrelationships between religion and philosophical worldviews. do not just reiterate or describe the material from the academic sources, but rather, subject it to critical assessment and evaluation (including material from a practitioner’s perspective).

You may use ‘First Person’ in this project (in fact want to hear YOUR VOICE).

Make note if there are any differences between the sources (academic or practice perspective) in their interpretation or presentation of “factual” material. Also, make note if there are controversies associated with the topic, or specific aspects of it. Pointing out these ‘controversies’ makes for a great ‘Discussion Paper’.

What, in your judgment, is the most philosophically defensible position on the issues at stake in the case? Which philosophical theory/theories or principle(s) help to best support the position you are defending?

Philosophy of Law -Hate Speech – R. v. Keegstra- Philosophy paper.


The goal is to develop, articulate, and set out a position on the philosophical issues at stake in one of the Canadian legal cases and support that position with a philosophical theory/theories or principle(s) that provide the most compelling and persuasive account with respect to the position being argued for.

Note that you may find that a combination of theories and principles will be most conducive to your arguments.

Make connections between your position, the reasoning of the judges, and/or arguments of the litigants in the case (as reflected in the reported decision and related commentary).

Provide a clear, cogent, and coherent account of the issues at stake in the case, your arguments for your position, and the interpretation and application of the philosophical theory/theories or principle(s) you relied upon to support your position.

Provide a persuasive and compelling articulation and justification for your position, your interpretations, and your arguments.

Be sure to address the potential objections and criticisms to your position from the perspective of a competing philosophical theory or principle, and respond to these in order to bolster your position.

questions: What, in your judgment, is the most philosophically defensible position on the issues at stake in the case? Which philosophical theory/theories or principle(s) help to best support the position you are defending?

(Note that you may find that a combination of theories and principles will be most conducive to your argument.)

Which philosophical theories or principles can illuminate why and how the judges reasoned in the ways that they did and the litigants argued in the ways that they did? What are the philosophical implications of the ruling in the case?

In the context of addressing these questions, give consideration to the approaches and perspectives being used by the judges to determine which “law” is being applied to the case. Consider the relevance of the theories of legal interpretation.

The paper should constitute an argument for a clearly stated, though that  might itself be nuanced or qualified. Note that a thesis statement may, and often will, consist of several sentences or even a full paragraph.

1. Choose a Canadian legal case (Hate Speech – R. v. Keegstra

2. Identify the philosophical issues at stake and determine the position you will defend with respect to those issues.

3. Review the theories and principles (see options listed below), and choose a theory/theories or principle(s) to support your position.

4. Identify which parts of the reasoning of the judges (i.e., either the majority, dissent, or the whole court if a consensus decision was reached) or the arguments of the litigants you will be analyzing and connecting to your arguments.

Theories/Principles Options

• Autonomy

• Canadian Critical Race Theory

• Feminist Legal Theory

• Freedom of Conscience

• Freedom of Expression

• Freedom of Religion

• Harm Principle

• Interpretivism

• Kantian Deontology

• Legal Moralism

• The Offense Principle

• Paternalism

• Quality of Life Perspective

• Sanctity of Life Perspective

• Utilitarian Consequentialism