Describe any modifications you recommend for the policy along with your reasons for the changes.

Ethical Computer Use

All organizations providing access to their computer network and DBMS should have user policy. The guidelines within the policy should be a living document that is updated regularly and followed by all users. Let’s discuss existing policies!

Find the Ethical computer use policy for your school or another organization to analyze. After reviewing the Policy, describe any modifications you recommend for the policy along with your reasons for the changes. If you recommend no adjustments to the policy, explain your reasoning.

What steps does it follow as it is applied? Where did it originate, and on what or whose authority?


Identify a policy or rule in your school, job, or personal situation.

Where did it originate, and on what or whose authority?

What steps does it follow as it is applied?

Are there unintended consequences of the Policy?

Who is directly affected?

Who is indirectly affected?

Does the actual impact reflect the original goal?

Remember to use the Critical Analysis approach (examples page 100 BOX 4.3 and page 105 BOX 4.5)

Minimum 4 PARAGRAPHS! , answer all questions.

What are some of the challenges of doing quality evaluations/research on safe injection sites and products like the app discussed in this unit?

•••Every unit submission should begin with a two-page reflection as described in the syllabus.

After writing that reflection, in a separate section in the same document,  answer the questions below thoroughly.•••

1. If we describe ‘harm reduction’ as “a Policy approach that accepts drug use as an unavoidable reality of life and attempts to minimize the harms that come from drug behavior”, which policies discussed in this unit would fall into the harm reduction category and which would not?

2. What are some of the challenges of doing quality evaluations/research on safe injection sites and products like the app discussed in this unit?

3. Based on the Harper’s Magazine article, do you think it is realistic that a balance can be found between getting powerful opioids to people who need them while simultaneously limiting access to addicted drug seekers?

4. I’ve asked a similar funding question before relating to a past topic. If you were responsible for allocating how one billion dollars would be spent nationally in 2022 on addressing the opioid crisis, how would you allocate this money to create beneficial outcomes for this national problem?