Describe and defend a specific statistical procedure you would use to answer the research question. Identify specific eligibility criteria for your sample, and briefly defend the need for the eligibility criteria.

1. Statistical Analysis: (Describe and defend a specific statistical procedure you would use to answer the research question).

2.  Social Change: Briefly describe positive social change implications of potential findings.

3. Qualitative Research Design: Identify a specific qualitative research design. Do not use broad terms, such as descriptive design, exploratory design, hermeneutics, lived experience, and so on. Briefly describe how the selected design fits your scenario.

4. Qualitative Sampling Strategy: Be specific.

5. Sampling Criteria: Identify specific eligibility criteria for your sample, and briefly defend the need for the eligibility criteria.

6.Qualitative Data Collection Method: Be specific.

7. Add Sources of Data: Identify specific sources of data needed to answer your research question, briefly describe how you would access the sources (e.g., recruitment of participants, artifact availability, and access), and briefly discuss potential access issues.

8.  Qualitative Data Collection Method: Be specific.

9.  Data Analysis Plan: Being as specific as you can, explain how you will analyze the data, and briefly discuss any concerns or issues with your analysis plan.

10. Trustworthiness: Explain how you will ensure trustworthiness in your qualitative study.

Explain how the company uses the total cost approach to coordinate the selected logistics activities in a cost-efficient manner. Identify the tools and/or methods (as described in Chapter 4 of your textbook) that the company uses to measure the quality of its logistics performance.

Connecting Logistics and Financial Performance

You will play the role of a logistics analyst who is creating a report on the contributions of logistics activities to a company’s overall business performance.

Select any publicly traded company. Research this company’s website and relevant business documentation to evaluate the company’s performance and profit models, such as inventory turnover, return on assets, or other models that the company uses to measure its performance. Possible sources of information include the company’s annual report, income statement, or other financial documents that report the company’s revenues, expenses, and profits.

These are usually published on the company’s Investor Relations page on their website.

Identify two logistics-related activities the company utilizes to achieve its business goals. You may select, for example, the company’s inventory management system, warehousing operations, order management, transportation management, international logistics, or any other activities.

Your 200-250 word post must include the following:

Name the company that you chose and identify and describe the two logistics activities you selected that support the company’s supply chain and business strategies.

Explain how the company uses the total cost approach to coordinate the selected logistics activities in a cost-efficient manner.

Identify the tools and/or methods (as described in Chapter 4 of your textbook) that the company uses to measure the quality of its logistics performance.

Describe one tool/method, and briefly explain what it measures and how it works.
Support your report with credible sources, citing from the company’s websites, business publications or articles, and assigned readings from this week. Reference them in your discussion post in proper APA style

Discuss one key concept from the course and apply it to analyzing current events in their communities, the wider society, and around the world.

For this paper, students will discuss one key concept from the course and apply it to analyzing current events in their communities, the wider society, and around the world.

The paper should be be 2 pages single spaced in 12 pt. Times New Roman font with normal margins on all sides.

What is the focus of the conflict? What is/are the specific source(s) of the conflict?Second, select an appropriate strategy to address this conflict (forcing, compromising, collaborative, compromising, accommodating).

Use a law enforcement/police type conflict as an example with a co-worker

Assignment 4

Identify an interpersonal conflict you are currently experiencing with one specific individual. It could be with a boss, subordinate, vendor/supplier, client, or co-worker.

Analyze the conflict using the principles presented in our text and in the videos.

First, identify and describe the type of conflict you are experiencing.

What is the focus of the conflict? What is/are the specific source(s) of the conflict?Second, select an appropriate strategy to address this conflict (forcing, compromising, collaborative, compromising, accommodating).

Explain why you believe the strategy you chose is best for this situation in terms of the:

Importance of the relationship

Importance of the issue

Relative power

Time constraints


Cooperativeness  Third, describe how the strategy you chose relates to the “Managing Interpersonal Conflict” and “Strategies of Handling Conflict” assessments.

For example, is the strategy you chose in step 2 your “go to” strategy? Could there be an opportunity to “stretch” your skills?Fourth, draft a “script” in which you initiate a conversation with the individual with whom you are experiencing conflict.

Use the X,Y,Z formula on page 321.

Discuss the difference and similarities between an interview and an interrogation. Second, analyze new Technologies impacting crime scene investigation.

An interview and an interrogation

Discuss the difference and similarities between an interview and an interrogation. Second, analyze new Technologies impacting crime scene investigation. Lastly, craft a fictional crime, any crime, and tell me step by step how you would solve it.

Consider Russell’s views on western attitudes towards sex in the 1930’s. Has western society followed Russell’s advice, and to what extent? Is society still too prude and irrational about sex, or has it become too sexually liberal?

Bertrand Russell in sexuality

Consider Russell’s views on western attitudes towards sex in the 1930’s. Has western society followed Russell’s advice, and to what extent? Is society still too prude and irrational about sex, or has it become too sexually liberal? Give reasoning to support your answers.

Identify the four different forms of health care policy. Identify an example of each form identified. Classify the form identified into one of the two categories of the health care policy.

Health Care Policy: The Past And The Future

Impact of Health Care Policy and Determinants

Part 1
Research health care policy and health care determinants.

Respond to the following prompt using 90 to 175 words:

• Explain the importance of health care policy and its impact on health care determinants.

Part 2

Complete the following chart. Use the weekly textbook readings and other resources you have researched to support your answers.:

Identify the four different forms of health care policy. Identify an example of each form identified. Classify the form identified into one of the two categories of the health care policy. Describe why the health care form identified fits in the category identified (15 to 45 words).

Part 3

Respond to the following prompt using 90 to 175 words:

• Describe how the different forms of health care policy can be used to shape future policies.

Cite at least 2 reputable references used to complete your prompts and chart. One reference must be your textbook, Health Policymaking in the United States (6th ed.). Reputable references include trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, textbook, or other sources of similar quality.

Format your reference section and references used in your prompts and chart according to APA guidelines.
Submit your assignment.

what is desire? why people desire what they desire? how do psychologists see desire? what is the relation between desire, unconscious, repression, and self-mastery and self-discovery?

Mapping out the history of desire in psychology and existentialism

what is desire? why people desire what they desire? how do psychologists see desire? what is the relation between desire, unconscious, repression, and self-mastery and self-discovery? do the lidinal drives create happiness amd freedom? dig into related concepts like meaning, free will, sex and sexuality, existence..etc