Identify and discuss key components of the study, the researcher behind the study, and the reliability of the study. You will also discuss the ethical considerations taken into account by the researcher.

For this assignment, you will read and critique the research article written below. Your critique will be a short paper in which you fully address the questions listed below.

You will be asked to identify and discuss key components of the study, the researcher behind the study, and the reliability of the study. You will also discuss the ethical considerations taken into account by the researcher.

Article for Assignment:

Schweitzer, D., Chianello, T., & Kothari, B. (2013). Compensation in social work: Critical for satisfaction and a sustainable profession. Administration in Social Work, 37(2), 147-157.

Then, using the outline below, in 3-4 pages, critique the article:


What was the purpose of the study?

What was the need or rationale for this particular study?

Literature Review

What types of sources were used in the literature review?

What themes and content areas were explored?

How does previous literature influence this study’s design?


What was the role assumed by the researcher? What was the person’s training and background?

What was the design selected?

Which sampling technique was used? How were people selected to be interviewed or observed?

What was the sample size?

What data collection strategies were used? Were multiple strategies employed?

What strategies did the researcher use to minimize potential bias (internal and external validity)?

Limitations and Ethics

What are the recognized limitations of the study?

What ethical consideration was addressed?

Did the researcher specify how informed consent, confidentiality, etc. were handled in the field?


Did the author(s) make a clear case for what valuable information was gained from their research? If so, what was learned?

Did the author(s) make clear other avenues of research that should be taken in the future? If so, what was suggested?

Describe what each project success measure (from the textbook Exhibit 10.1) looks like on your example project. Identify at least three risks to each success measure, determine which are major risks, and for each major risk develop one or more contingency plan.

Create a risk register for your example project. Categorize each risk, list potential impact, and list potential responses (as in the textbook Exhibit 10.9).

For your example project, you can choose from this list of the most influential projects, or create one.

Describe what each project success measure (from the textbook Exhibit 10.1) looks like on your example project.

Identify at least three risks to each success measure, determine which are major risks, and for each major risk develop one or more contingency plan.

Identify whether the contingency plan is an avoidance plan (reducing the probability of the risk event), a mitigation plan (reducing the impact of the event), or both.

Facilitate a discussion with the sponsor and other key stakeholders of your project. Have them determine the relative importance of their priorities and document them as in the textbook Exhibit 10.2.

Perform a risk review for your example project.

Use at least three types of review as shown in the textbook Exhibit 10.8. Which of these types gave you the most useful information? Why?

Describe at least three common quantitative risk and change analysis techniques. Choose two of them and under what circumstances would you find each one useful?

List and describe at least three common quantitative risk and change analysis techniques. Choose two of them and under what circumstances would you find each one useful?

Discussion Requirements:

Your initial post should be at least 250 words.

Why do you think that this is important when managing a global team regardless of the technology platform such as social media?

Paper detalis:

This week’s discussion will be about the risks of virtual teams. Specifically, internationalization and localization.

Localization entails customization related to:

Numeric, date and time formats
Use of currency
Keyboard usage
Collation and sorting
Symbols, icons and colors

Text and graphics containing references to objects, actions or ideas which, in a given culture, may be subject to misinterpretation or viewed as insensitive.

Varying legal requirements

A guide for the use of color in international communications. Click for more options A guide for the use of color in international communications. – Alternative Formats

Why do you think that this is important when managing a global team regardless of the technology platform such as social media?

There is also a reason why companies choose certain colors for their brand Logos and other printed material.

Seems like nuance but in the global world of work color takes on different meanings. You no doubt thought before taking this class that communications was fairly simple, just be straight forward and frank with people. The reality is that effective communication is complex and rewarding when done well. This course was designed to make you aware and expand your use of tools, tips and techniques to enable you to become a more effective project stakeholder communicator.

Review the following article post Click for more options video post – Alternative Formats on two takeaways that you did not know before you read the article and how they might impact how you would set up a virtual meeting using Skype or Webex with an international multicultural team.

By sharing ideas through collaboration during the planning phase many of these pitfalls can be avoided as project communications plans are built and executed

Discuss their evolution between 1820 and 1860 and their importance in the period before 1860.

The five aditional institutions are family, religion, politics, economics, and education

The five aditional institutions are family, religion, politics, economics, and education. Discuss their evolution between 1820 and 1860 and their importance in the period before 1860.

You should be able to use the information you gain from your discussion posts this week to help. Remember this was a period of significant growth and changes in our culture.

Each of these institutions experienced growth in importance in our society and as part of the ‘American culture’.

Use the information from your reading and any individual research you may have done. Remember to cite any references used.

What is the chain of command in your organization?What is the formal authority in the organization?


Defining Your General Organizational Realities for the Case study this portion of the case study assignment will require you to apply the Structural Theories lens to your organization.

This enables you to make sense of the organization in a general way before turning to the specific problem within the organization which you identified in Case Study:

Problem Proposal Assignment.

Lens One:

Reviewing the Structural Theories [MACHINE]Use the following questions to describe, in a summative-narrative fashion, what the structures of your organization look like.

Your summary is to be 3–5 pages, include 3–5 references (this can include your textbook), have a title and reference page, and be formatted according to current APA style (the first person should not be used).

1. What is the chain of command in your organization?

a. What is the formal authority in the organization?

b. That is, who has economic, legal, contractual, collegial authority?

2. Describe the span of control in the organization.

a. How many people report to managers at various levels?

b. How many levels exist in the organization?

3. Describe the departmentalization structures of the organization

.4. Where are decisions being made in the organization?

5. Explain where your organization sits on the centralized/decentralized continuum

.6. Are the staff/line distinctions being maintained in your organization?

Discuss the contribution that your study will make to the literature if your hypotheses are supported. What does your study add to the literature that you already reviewed? What unique contribution does it make?

Paper detalis:

*** Will provide Sources in PDF files uploaded***
**Topic will be related to Sex Offender Recidivism**

In this paper, you propose a research project that utilizes one of the designs covered in the course. Specifically, you may propose either:


No matter which strategy you choose, your paper will contain all the sections of a research report put forth in the APA guide except for the analysis and results. (You are only proposing a study, not carrying one out.) Thus, you should have an APA-style cover sheet, abstract, introduction—including a literature review—hypotheses, method, discussion, and references as well as any tables or figures you might find useful.

Your paper should be structured as follows:

Title page
Literature review

Introduce and summarize research (include discussion of at least 10 peer-reviewed, empirical psychology articles) that has already been done
Set up your hypotheses (final statement in this section should be your formal hypothesis)

Proposed method
Proposed sample
Measures (including how these will be reliable and valid)
Research strategy
Research design

Discussion of threats to validity and how they will be managed


Because you will not have results to discuss, you should discussThe contribution that your study will make to the literature if your hypotheses are supported. (What does your study add to the literature that you already reviewed? What unique contribution does it make?)

The strengths and weaknesses of your methodology (based on what you learned about that methodology in the course)What kinds of conclusions can be drawn?

Which conclusions cannot be drawn?

Will you be able to show causation, given the design you chose?

APA-style reference list. Tables and figures are also okay, but not required. If you do include them, they must be in APA format
3,000 words, excluding title page, references, and tables and figures
APA format, 12 pt, Times New Roman font

Choose a topic from the advocacy speech topics pageAdvocacy Speech Topics, or use a topic you have approved.Following the outline described in the Advocacy Speech Structure, construct a 4-5 minute speech.

In this assignment you will research, prepare, rehearse, and record and upload (using the canvas media editor) an advocacy speech.

Your speech should adhere to the advocacy speaking guidelines discussed in this module . Pay particular attention to key organizational elements in the introduction, body, and conclusion.

You must have a clear problem and legislative solution. Utilize clear source citations prior to any quoted material. Quote a minimum of four credible sources.

Additionally, you should follow the best practices standards described on the how to video tape a speech in canvas page How to Record and Submit a Media Recording.

The speech should be between 4 and 5 minutes long.

Choose a topic from the advocacy speech topics pageAdvocacy Speech Topics, or use a topic you have approved . Find at least four credible quotations to support your main points.

Make sure you make note of the author of the citation, their credentials, and the date. Following the outline described in the Advocacy Speech Structure, construct a 4-5 minute speech.

Using a single note card (with your outline and quoted sources on it), rehearse the speech at least three times standing. Record and submit the speech using the canvas media editor.

Remember to stand, maintain consistent eye contact, speak loudly, and gesture. BTW-always give canvas some time to save-you may hit the save key and nothing will happen. Wifi speeds seem to impact this.


What are the topics being covered in each episode? Who were some of the main political and historical personalities being featured? And what role did the United States have in these episodes?

The Cold War

CNN Cold War Video Review for this assignment need a video review of two episodes of CNN’s special on the Cold war that first aired in 1998, it can be found on YouTube. Specifically need a review of episode 10 about Cuba and episode 11 about Vietnam. Here are the specifics on what  need:

In terms of the content of the review, there are three aspects you are to discuss:

First provide summaries of each episode.

What are the topics being covered in each episode? Who were some of the main political and historical personalities being featured? And what role did the United States have in these episodes?

Was US involvement due to political, economic, or cultural reasons?
Second, analyze each episode in terms of your perspectives and observations. In other words, what do you think were the most important lessons from these episodes?

What were the strengths and weaknesses of each episode?

Which episode did you prefer of the two that you watched?

Third, how did these episodes contribute to your understanding of United States foreign policy?

How relevant are these episodes in helping you to comprehend the role of the United States today in the world stage?

Do you think any of these episodes could provide lessons for you in helping you to understand foreign affairs for the rest of this decade?

You are absolutely welcome to include your own personal experiences, particularly if you are an international student.

You do not need to include a works cited page for this review. Just mention which episodes you discussed in your opening paragraph. Below is a structure that you should follow in the course of your paper. Just be sure to create a clear and coherent series of paragraphs. Do not write any paragraphs that go beyond one page, and make sure each paragraph contains at least five sentences:

Structure of organizing your essay

Paragraph 1: Introduce scope of entire essay, mention both episodes you are discussing and what you hope to achieve in your essay.

Paragraph 2: Summarize the first episode you watched

Paragraph 3: Analyze the first episode you watched

Paragraph 4: Summarize second episode you watched

Paragraph 5: Analyze second episode you watched

Paragraph 6: Discuss how episodes contributed to your understanding of US foreign policy during the 20th century, and what lessons these episodes can provide for the United States today

Paragraph 7: Provide any final thoughts, observations, comments, etc. about this assignment and about US foreign policy.

Mention in the opening paragraph that  have seen all of the episodes and that found these two episodes useful for what we are studying in our current chapters.

Discuss customs border authority and “border searches” as they pertain to the fourth amendment rule.How does current administration’s immigration policy impact economic, security, and humanitarian policy?

Border Enforcement

How does current administration’s immigration policy impact economic, security, and humanitarian policy?

How was it treated prior to 9/11? Due to the current policy, what are the challenges that the United States has regarding securing both the US/Canada and US/Mexico borders?

Do you believe the U.S. policy treats undocumented migrants with dignity?

Discuss customs border authority and “border searches” as they pertain to the fourth amendment rule.