Describe the activity or artifact you have found, and give a link to it if it’s on the web. Argue for why the activity or artifact counts as philosophical.

Find something out in the world beyond the course that you think counts as an example of philosophical content, or thinking, or a philosophical activity.

It must be something that isn’t obviously connected to philosophy (e.g., a philosophy blog would obviously be connected

to philosophy, or a newspaper column like The Stone from the New York Times, which is written by philosophers: (Links to an external site.)).

There are many different options for this assignment, from novels to films to video games to TV shows to everyday activities. It’s up to you

what you want to pick to talk about.

Describe the activity or artifact you have found, and give a link to it if it’s on the web.

Argue for why the activity or artifact counts as philosophical.

Do so by first defining what philosophy means to you, and referring to at least one philosopher we have discussed in class to show how this definition fits what they do.

Give details about what the philosopher says or does to support your claim that this definition fits with their work, referring to specific things in the texts where relevant.

Then argue for why and how the activity or artifact you have found counts as philosophical under this definition.

Finally, include somewhere in your post (doesn’t have to be at the end) an explanation of one way in which you engage in philosophical activity in your life outside of class, based on the definition of philosophy you have given earlier.

If you can’t think of anything, talk to me for help!
You may include with your post an image or embedded video or audio file, if you wish, but note:

The images or audio files you post must be either public domain or licensed to allow reuse. And if they are the latter, they must be attributed to their original creator correctly.

Here is a resource to explain what  mean by this, and how you can correctly attribute images:


PDCCLicenses (Links to an external site.). If you include any images that are not clearly marked as public domain or licensed for reuse, they will be removed and points will be taken off for not following instructions.
Videos posted on YouTube or Vimeo can be embedded into the assignment even if they aren’t licensed for reuse.

How long the text should be:

Don’t have a hard and fast rule for this; basically it should be as long as necessary to include all the elements noted above. Still,don’t think you can do this well in less than 500 words at a minimum, and don’t think it needs to be more than 1500 words at a maximum (which doesn’t mean that you should try to hit the maximum, and add in unnecessary things to do so!).


This is worth 100 points, based on your thorough completion of the components of the assignment as instructed. You must include everything required for full credit. The response in Week 7 is worth 50 points, a Discussion Grade.

Discuss both the positive and negative aspects as it relates to both parties concerning the Mutual Exchange of Evidence,

“Ten Pages of Content or longer-term paper with proper accreditation addressing:
Florida’s Construction defect statute F.S. 558.001 and the balance of chapter 558 which became effective on May 27, 2003, has caused considerable confusion among construction practitioners and contractors relating to its procedure and enforcement.

This statute dramatically altered the industry in the litigation of construction defect claims by requiring homeowners to provide contractors and other allegedly responsible parties with prior written notice and an opportunity to cure the alleged defects prior to filing a lawsuit.

Furnish a summary of the obligations, responsibilities, and time limitations imposed on the parties required to serve notice of the defect and those parties receiving notice of the defect.

Discuss both the positive and negative aspects as it relates to both parties concerning the Mutual Exchange of Evidence, the Right to Inspect the Property, Destructive Testing, the Contractor’s Failure to Take Any Action, the Contractor’s Failure to Honor an Agreement to Make Repairs, and the time limits to complete promised repairs.

Finally, provide a conclusion regarding the effectiveness of this statute and its benefits if any, to the construction industry and the homeowner.”

This paper is due July 26th.

What sequences would be optimal for a customer trying to find items? Would all items requested by the wedding couple be included on the list?

Elonzo’s Department Stores

Elonzo’s Department Stores is a chain of about 50 retail stores, specializing in kitchen, bath, and other household items, including many decorative and fashionable items.

Recently Elonzo’s decided to automate its gift registry to allow wedding and other event guests to be able to browse for items that were selected by the wedding couple or others.

Design a Web page that would allow customers to enter a zip code and find the nearest store.

Design a Web page for customers to browse gifts and order them online.

Do not include the actual ordering forms, simply the products. What sort of options should be available for customers? Include buttons or links to change the sort sequence in your design.

Design a printed list that customers could request when they go to one of the stores.

What sequences would be optimal for a customer trying to find items? Would all items requested by the wedding couple be included on the list? (Hint: some may have been purchased already.)


Your essay should be approximately 400 words.
Be sure to use proper APA punctuation, spelling and grammar; points will be deducted accordingly.

Which techniques do you see in the video that are described in the following research articles?

In this class, where ELLs are learning English Language Arts alongside other students, the teacher uses teaching techniques that support her ELL students’ academic progress and language acquisition.

Which techniques do you see in the video that are described in the following research articles?

Required reading: Read the “English Language Learners and Bilingual Program Models” section of the course text.

Then read the 2015 Department of Education’s “Dear Colleague” letter about serving ELL students, posted online at

Finally, read the English Learner Guidebook provide by the LDOE.

Required learning activity: Select, read, and report on four of Dr. Jill Kerper Mora’s MoraModules, available online at Some of the material is available online for free, but a more full course of modules is available for $10 for 60 day access.

Assignment 2:

Post a two to three paragraph summary of what you learned in the MoraModules.

Why do you think this particular work is so timeless? What are some themes from the Epic of Gilgamesh that you can find in movies/plays/books/tv shows today?

In 2- 3 pages, a minimum of 750 words explain the importance and legacy of the Epic of Gilgamesh.

Why do you think this particular work is so timeless? What are some themes from the Epic of Gilgamesh that you can find in movies/plays/books/tv shows today? Can you make a comparison?


While prefer Turabian as a citation style, you can use Chicago, Turabian, APA or MLA. require you to use a citation style, be consistent and correct with the use of the style you use.

This is a 5 week class,  don’t think it is necessary to add learning a new citation style to the course requirements.

What did you agree with in the book?what challenges do you foresee in implementing the author’s recommendations?

Assignment 1:

Write a book report on For White Folks Who Teach in the Hood… and the Rest of Y’all Too: Reality Pedagogy and Urban Education by Christopher Emdin comparing the information in this book with the information learned in Section 1 of this course, and your own experience.

You must address the following:

o What did you agree with in the book?

o What did you disagree with?

o Based on what you have learned about teaching and student development,

what challenges do you foresee in implementing the author’s

Select an organization of your choice and research 5 of their most common vulnerabilities, threats, and risks:describe how the organization approached remediation and/or mitigation. Annotate those that were fixed or unable to be fixed.

Identifying and Mitigating Risks


You have been learning about various vulnerabilities and their associated risks this week. Keep in mind that companies are not always able to fix all their discovered vulnerabilities.

Select an organization of your choice and research 5 of their most common vulnerabilities, threats, and risks.

Write a 2 – to 3-page recommendation on the steps the organization should take to remediate or mitigate these vulnerabilities, threats, and risks.

If you found actual examples of an organization’s vulnerabilities, risks, or threats, describe how the organization approached remediation and/or mitigation. Annotate those that were fixed or unable to be fixed.

Include impacts to the organization in terms of people, network, data, or reputation.

Cite references as necessary to support your assignment.

Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

In at least 500 words, answer the following questions: Should Ronald McDonald be banned?

In at least 500 words, answer the following questions:

The fast food industry spends billions of dollars each year in advertising. Convenience food manufactures and fast food restaurants try to sell as much food as they can. They use a number of marketing tactics including advertising aimed at children, pricing structures aimed at getting people to purchase food they don’t need (a good example is super sizing, the increase in portion sizes for just a small increase in price), and advertising aimed at subconscious urges and desires (like the desire to be cool and with the “in crowd”).

Should these advertising practices be prohibited or limited in some way through government regulation?

Does your answer change for advertising geared toward children?

Should Ronald McDonald be banned?

Do you think the fast food industry should be taxed to help pay for the high cost of health care problems associated with its product?

Explain why Jackson and Nagel think that mental states cannot be reduced to physical states.What is folk psychology?

Week 5 Discussion: Philosophy of Mind.

Thomas Nagel: What is it like to be a Bat?

Frank Jackson: Epiphenomenal Qualia

Churchland: Reduction, Qualia, and the Direct Introspection of Brain States

Jackson and Nagel.pdf download

Churchland.pdf download

Answer any 7 of the 11 questions. Answer an additional question for extra credit. thoughtfully and thoroughly answer the questions. Make sure your answers are detailed and well-supported. If a question has more than 1 part, make sure you answer every part. Explain using your own words and own examples.

Discuss answers with your group, esp. concerning #11.

What are qualia? Explain using an example.

Explain what Jackson’s examples of Fred and Mary and Nagel’s example of the bat are meant to demonstrate.

Explain why Jackson and Nagel think that mental states cannot be reduced to physical states. (Use your own example to illustrate.)
What is folk psychology?

Use an example to illustrate.

What is intertheorectic reduction? (Use an example to illustrate.)

What does Churchland hope to reduce with intertheorectic reduction? What does he want to replace it with? Explain why he thinks this is possible.
Explain either the example of the wine taster or the symphony conductor. Explain what these examples are meant to demonstrate.

What can we learn about culture, experience, and capitalism when we look closely at these spaces or events?

Mass culture. cultural spaces: Hadrians wall.

Cultural products, rituals, and commodities don’t just come from shopping malls.

We experience culture in many different spaces and through different events. Sports stadiums, street festivals, museums, national holidays, and rites of passage like weddings, are all spaces where we experience and consume culture. examine how it is both a cultural and capitalist product.

What can we learn about culture, experience, and capitalism when we look closely at these spaces or events? To answer this question you need to consider how these spaces or events look, what they are for, and what people actually do there.

You might also want to think about who is included or excluded. You also need to consider how these places are affected by consumerism and capitalism.

These are spaces of community and culture but also business and industry. Remember you are being asked to use course material, so you also need to think about theories like atomization, folk culture versus mass culture, and industrialization.

These ideas  laid out above and the ones that are present in the files  posted to be applied to one specific cultural monument. examine how it is both a cultural and capitalist product.

The monument or cultural space is Hadrian’s wall. The emphasis should be to use the files  posted however use any other source that is relevant or helpful.

The discipline as other but keep me informed about the assigned writer’s expertise. Think sociology would be appropriate.