Describe how you have already made an impact on your home (or adopted) country or the broader international or scientific community,


Describe how you have already made an impact on your home (or adopted) country or the broader international or scientific community,

(2) how you will continue to do so after your education is completed, and

(3) how your education will directly contribute to your ability to effect these goals.

Maximum characters: 2,500

Write the citation and annotation When writing your annotation, the complete citation should always come first, and the annotation follows.


You need to write a paragraph describing each of the 50 sources you use for your paper topic. The topic for this Annotated Bibliography is Racism (REQUIRED TO HAVE 50 SOURCES!)

The student will select a subject for the Annotated bibliography that should be relevant to this course “Deviant Behavior”. Topic has to be focused on some type of social deviance

This has to be a descriptive/ informative annotated bibliography based on a topic of your choice ( regarding a type of social deviance )

• Step 1:

Choose your sources Before writing your annotated bibliography, you must choose at least 50 sources. This involves doing research much like for any other project. Locate records to materials that may apply to your topic.

• Review the items Then review the actual items and choose those that provide a wide variety of perspectives on your topic. Article abstracts are helpful in this process.

• Write the citation and annotation When writing your annotation, the complete citation should always come first, and the annotation follows.

[You will want to include at least the following]

1. The purpose of the work

2. A summary of its content

3. Its relevance to the topic

Annotated bibliographies may be arranged alphabetically or chronologically,

Guidelines for formatting the citations

Format style and citations should follow American Psychological Association (APA) formatting instructions.

What are your thoughts about the Peter Principle? Do you agree/disagree with the theory and why?How can leaders manage change during downsizing and are there any alternatives to downsizing?


Group A – The Peter Principle

• What are your thoughts about the Peter Principle? Do you agree/disagree with the theory and why?

Organizational Development
Let’s start by talking about a concept called Organizational Entropy.  In life, all living things are in one of two stages – growing or dying – and we have to think about businesses in the same way. Left to progress on their own, organizations go from order to disorder (Zipp, n.d.) There is an adage that applies, “resting on your laurels” – laurels being your successes in the past. How can we combat the “death” of our business? Businesses have to continue to change in order to survive in the increasingly global and high tech economy. Organizational Development aka Organizational Behavior and Change Management is the part of the business to focus on this and the function is often within HR. What is Organizational Culture? According to SHRM, the culture of a business involves the norms and beliefs, how to behave. Leaders establish the culture then communicate it and reinforce it with all employees to shape their behaviors and build similar perceptions.
Strong, positive cultures are part of the most successful companies, contributing to highly engaged employees who go above and beyond to fulfill the vision and mission (such as helping customers or implementing process improvements). As imagined, companies with weak and/or negative cultures have higher turnover, poorer customer satisfaction, disengaged employees, and lower profits.Building a Culture
According to AugmentHR writer Bruce Powell, there are 6 points to remember if the company wants to create a positive culture.

1. Define the culture first with a vision, mission and values that match what you want to do.

2. Management needs to lead by example. There is no sense in having values that the leaders, themselves, do not live by.

3. This one is particularly important in HR – hire people who are a ‘fit’ for the culture.

Naysayers and employees who fight the norms does not add support to what the company is building even if the person performs the tasks of the job well.

4. Reward people for demonstrating the company’s values in their day-to-day work.

Behaviors such as Putting the Customer First or Always Doing the Right Thing (ethics, integrity) are found on some performance appraisals and higher scores factor into raises.

HR also encourages simple acknowledgement privately or in group settings and small perks.

5. Last, but not least, reinforce the culture.

Coupled with rewarding it, make sure communication, events, processes, and the like are aligned with values and the mission.

Maintaining a Culture / Change Management
Should all change be managed?

Organizational Development professionals believe it should be and offer the 10 Principles of Change as guidance.

Use this in the discussion.Types of Change

Among the biggest types of change in an organization is when work is shifted and jobs eliminated, called Outsourcing and Downsizing.
Like the financial crisis in 2007-2009, the country/the world is experiencing a fairly unexpected and severe economic downturns.

The inevitable result is often downsizing if the company hopes to survive. Downsizing also occurs without a major country or world crisis.

It can be as simple as a company losing a large contract or losing customers due to poor service or products.

How can leaders manage change during downsizing and are there any alternatives to downsizing?

Read the following articles and use the information to respond to the topic in this week’s discussion.

What Happens During Downsizing:

How Organizations can Manage the Experience

Downsizing Alternatives
RIF Avoidance Strategies When Downsizing and Restructuring

Thirteen Alternatives to Downsizing

Another way companies can manage fluctuating workforce needs is to outsource all or part of the work.

The number of people and expertise level required of HR changes as headcount and/or geography changes, so why not outsource HR too?

Read more about outsourcing individual HR functions or the entire department in the following articles.

Use this information in addition to your own research and experience to contribute to the discussion.
Should you Hire or Outsource HR

Is It Time to Outsource HR

Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs)

Management – The Peter Principle

Where does management fit into the equation of organizational development and change management.

With growth or decline, companies look to hire more managers and some of those positions are filled internally through promotions.

But how many of the individuals who are promoted turn out to be good managers?

Do they hang on to the “we’ve always done it this way” or are they risk takers?

Unfortunately, some people simply “max out” on their potential at that point in their life.

They have not fully developed effective management skills and they may not even want to.
In 1969, Laurence Peters coined the term ‘the Peter Principle’ in his presentation of satirical research suggesting managers continue to be promoted until they reach a level where they are incompetent.

Read about this concept in the following article by the Harvard Business Review and reflect on it as you address this topic in the discussion.

Overcoming the Peter Principle

What is the biggest problem facing the president as he deals with this topic?What were the strengths or weaknesses of the article?

It Would Be a Terrible Thing if we Handed These People over to the Communists”:

The title of the article is “It Would Be a Terrible Thing if we Handed These People over to the Communists”: The EisenhowerAdministration, Article 14(d), and the Origins of the Refugee Exodus from North Vietnam. By Philip E Catton, Diplomatic History, Vol. 39, No. 2 (2015).
In terms of the content of the report looking for two main points of discussion. First, devote the first half of the report to a summary of the main points that the author is trying to convey to the reader.

To help to address this issue, consider some of these questions:

Which president is the topic of this article, and what is the time frame for the article?

What is the foreign policy topic being discussed?

For example, is the topic about trade or terrorism?

Does the topic correspond to the Cold War?

What is the biggest problem facing the president as he deals with this topic?

What is the author’s purpose for writing this article?

What is the author’s academic or professional background?

As for the second point of discussion, provide opinions or perceptions of the article.

In other words, what did you think about it?

What were the strengths or weaknesses of the article?

What do you conclude about how they reacted to COVID-19?In which circumstances would they use the opposite policy of your selection?

United States Government reacted and dealt with the outbreak of COVID-19

Students conduct a policy research paper on how the United States Government reacted and dealt with the outbreak of COVID-19 and its devastating effects on human and economic costs.Your research consists of looking into HOW the President of the federal government and the Federal Reserve Chairman used their institution to help peoples in dire need. Students can evaluate the outgoing government’s works and the hope inspired by the incoming government plan and its implementation.

1. What do you call the policy each of them conducted?

2. Indicate if you consider their reaction as an expansionist/contractionary policy.

3. In which circumstances would they use the opposite policy of your selection?

4. What do you conclude about how they reacted to COVID-19?

Optional reference:

Federal Government Responses to COVID-19 (Links to an external site.),_2020

The paper should be a maximum of 500 words, MLA or APA style, and use at least three outside sources.
Writing Process Note (optional)

1-Write your four questions on your scratch paper. Visit the provided site to collect information for your paper focusing on the four questions.

2- Conduct more research on both administrations (Trump & Biden).

3- Analyze your collection to see if your research covers the four questions.

Then, write your first draft respecting the traditional format: Introduction – Body – Conclusion (consult the syllabus).

Observe paper length and chosen style (MLA/APA) during the drafting.

4- Review your draft and submit your draft and make necessary corrections before submitting your final draft.
Good luck.

Verify each of the factual statements. Are they accurate? How do you know?Are there inaccurate statements in the books? How do you know?(Tell me how you know.)

Critiques Experts urge early childhood educators

Nonfiction book Critiques Experts urge early childhood educators to use information packaged in a “story” as a major approach in all curricular areas. They propose that a basic characteristic of young children’s intellectual capacity is their delight and “sense-making” of stories, consequently, a prime learning and remembering mode. More and more teachers are attempting a literature-based program.Some teachers worry that nonfiction materials may be slighted and excluded even though many nonfiction books are offered in story form.Nonfiction books makefactual statementsabout animals, objects people, and so forth, and differ from narrative stories in a number of ways. Not all facts presented may be accurate or true so teachers must screen them carefully.Young children may list many nonfiction books among their favorites.

The exclusive use of stories might be a barrier to literacy.Locate two (2)nonfictionpicture books for young children.

(The books may not be books from any of the modules or books discussed in the text.)Respond to the following for EACH book:

1.Cite title, author, publisher, and publication date

2.List three factual statements found in each book

3.Verify each of the factual statements. Are they accurate? How do you know?

(Do not just say you know it is true. Research it. Tell me where you learned it is accurate. Cite the source.)

4.Are there inaccurate statements in the books? How do you know?(Tell me how you know.)