What would be your main recommendations for the next few years? Describe the main components of your strategy and back those

Drugs and Society

•Answer all four questions.

You may consult any documents from throughout the semester or any outside materials you feel necessary.

•All four questions are gradedout of 25 for a total of 100 points.

•E-mail me with any questions that you have about the exam.

•Cite in-textand construct a reference pageusing an acceptable, recognized format (APA format recommended, but not required).

This is different from the unit responses in which citations were not required.

Remember to cite in-text in the appropriate format any time you have referred to a source or are taking information from a source….for example (Jones, 2015).

You can have a reference page for each questionor just one reference page at the end of the exam including all the questions.

•Submit your completed exam via Blackboardbefore Sunday, July 4 at11:59pm.

This is a firm deadline as it represents the end of the session.

•There is no specific required length response for each question but each answer should elaborate upon all your points as completely as possible. Looking at past semesters with similar exams, strong responses were often in the 400-600 word area per question.

Exam Questions1.

Over the course of this short session, you were assigned to complete about 30 readings and/or videos. Select the reading/video that either (a) leftyou conflicted or (b) challenged yourprevious thoughts on the subject.

First, identify what reading/video you selected and whether it falls into category A or category B, then proceed to explain why it either left you conflicted or challenged a previous viewpoint you possessed.

2. One could argue that drug policy should be based strictly off of the harm that drugs cause to users and society. However, drug policies can be affected by other things. Discuss some of the other factors that influence drug policies besides theharmfulness of the drugs. Use specific examples.

3. Efforts to reduce drug problems come from many directions. Describe severalof the negative unintended consequences that are commonly associated with drug policies.

Explain which policies cause which unintended consequences. If possible, include unintended consequences that may arise across multiple policies.

4. In 2020, drug overdoses reached a new peak in the United States. Let’s assume you were appointed to draft a series of recommendations for the next 3-5 years in the effort to stem the tide against Theopioidepidemic. What would be your main recommendations for the next few years? Describe the main components of your strategy and back those What would be your main recommendations for the next few years? recommendations up with sound logic and/or evidence of effectiveness.

What they generally seen in a positive/negative light? Explain with at least 3 reasons for your answer

The War with Grandpa
Reflection about the movie, The War with Grandpa

1.What they generally seen in a positive/negative light? Explain with at least 3 reasons for your answer.
2.In what ways could you relate to the main character? List at least 2.
3.How did others in the movie treat the elderly character? Explain with at least 3 examples.
4.Reflect on the movie pros/cons, what you thought about it, how it can educate others or mislead others about the elderly population, anything you reflected on should be discussed here.
5.Add Continuity Theory, Disengagement Theory, Social Exchange Theory, how it relates to the movie.
6. Discuss some ways (at least two) that a more positive spin could have been portrayed in the movie/book to show a more accurate view of the aging population.
7. Summarize this assignment.

What is your leadership aspiration, how do you intend to express yourself through individual and/or organizational leadership?


Respond to the following questions and complete the development planning template as yourself – not as an employee of Sorriso/the case. You may add to/modify the template.

1. Aspirations and intention – What is your leadership aspiration, how do you intend to express yourself through individual and/or organizational leadership?

2. Opportunity in everyday experience – How can you leverage the organizational or other context you most often practice in now to accomplish your personal leadership development agenda?

3. Leveraging this experience – How can you more fully leverage your experience as a graduate student at the University of Illinois to accomplish your goals?

Complete the following template as indicated
Name: Date:
Development Goals – Obtainable, measureable performance improvement or application of strength(s) (include at least two for the assignment)


Action Steps – What do you need to do to accomplish the goal and by when? (Complete remaining sections for one goal for the assignment)

Steps Target Date

Practice – How will you practice the new skill or behaviour on the job or other context?

Support – what support do you need from your boss or others (who can help)?

What aspects of educational leadership that were discussed by the author were relevant and meaningful to you?

Educational Leadership.

First select one article from Part Four: Leadership for Learning in The Jossey-Bass Reader on Educational Leadership.

Include the following in your journal entry about the article that you selected.

1. Information about the article: Name of author and title of article.

2. Brief explanation about why you selected this article in this section.

3. Summarize the article and include the most poignant ideas described by the author.

4. What aspects of educational leadership that were discussed by the author were relevant and meaningful to you?

5. How did the article change the way you think about educational leadership?

6. How will you incorporate the lessons learned from the article into your future professional life?

7. Identify at least five KSMs in the article (either directly or indirectly referenced) then explain how these identified KSMs relate the content of the article.

8. Outline a real-life event (s) that you have either experienced or observed that you thought about as you read the article.

Discuss the assessment of the value of the budget cycle and the value of budgetary techniques.

Bible for the Biblical integration

In an evaluation, You will discuss the assessment of the value of the budget cycle and the value of budgetary techniques.

see the attached directions with a template/outline to follow.

The books and articles are also attached.

Ensure the books are referenced as well as the Bible for the Biblical integration and cite the attached articles used.

What are the implications of your leadership for individuals, teams, organizations, and communities?

Leadership Theory
: Leadership Theory: Application to Advanced Nursing Practice
No unread replies.No replies.
Consider the leadership theories and styles that have been addressed during Week 1, as well as their value to advanced nursing practice. Reflect upon your current leadership roles within the profession and respond to the following.

Select one leadership Theory or style that aligns with your personal philosophy and leadership stance.

Explain the selected theory or style, and discuss how it can be applied in your future MSN role.

Discuss your current leadership roles (formal and informal), and describe the formal and informal leadership roles that you will have in your area of advanced nursing practice.

In your future MSN role, what are the implications of your leadership for individuals, teams, organizations, and communities?

Include current, peer-reviewed scholarly support (outside of class resources) to validate your work.

Provide some examples to support your answer? Based on your study and your experience, comment on how fixed costs affect decision making in the short run.


Understanding production costs is a Critically important concept for managers. In the short run, managers must consider variable costs and fixed costs.

Based on your study and your experience, comment on how fixed costs affect decision making in the short run.

Provide some examples to support your answer?


How much of a role can/should the government play in new technology, and ethically, what are the rights of people to privacy when choosing new technology?

Each advance in technology brings with it moral questions about its application in the modern world. The ability of police and other agencies to monitor what were once private conversations and communications raises serious ethical questions about the right to privacy and the government’s “need to know.” Information Technology and Moral Values (https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/it-moral-values/) explores the relationship between morality and modern technologies (Sullins, 2012). In this discussion, provide the framework for an ethical policy that protects privacy while ensuring security.

What are the most important protections from the Bill of Rights to be afforded to modern technological communications?

Guided Response: Whenever examining technology issues in criminal justice, always consider how to improve the system. When there are Technological advances, security concerns are often paramount.

How much of a role can/should the government play in new technology, and ethically, what are the rights of people to privacy when choosing new technology?

. Criminal justice ethics: Theory and practice

Chapter 5: Judges, Lawyers, and Ethics
Chapter 15: Egoism, Pleasure, and Indifference

. Theories of criminal law (Links to an external site.). In E. N. Zalta (Ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of philosophy (Summer 2013 ed.). Retrieved from http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/criminal-law/

This entry explores the normative and analytical philosophies of morality and criminal justice. It will assist you in responding to this week’s discussion, “Criminal Justice: Varying Perspectives.”

Sullins, J. (2012). Information technology and moral values (Links to an external site.). In E. N. Zalta (Ed.), The Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy (Spring 2014 ed.). Retrieved from http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/it-moral-values/

This entry discuses morality and information technology. It will assist you in responding to this week’s discussion, “Ethics in Criminal Justice Technology.”

How would ancient Babylonian concepts of law compare to modern situations (i.e. drugs, gangs, sexual assaults, internet fraud, money laundering, etc.)?

Hammurabi’s Code

After studying Hammurabi’s Code, we can identify many similarities and differences with our own set of laws that govern this country.

Your assignment is to analyze and compare the laws of American society with Hammurabi’s code.

This should not be, however, just a listing of points. You should point out similarities that might contradict our “democratic” society, or define our freedom as Americans in vast contrast to restrictions of ancient Babylonian culture.

Here are some questions you may want to consider:

Who or what determines the criteria of fair penalties for crimes?

Why is there a need to create laws in society?

How would ancient Babylonian concepts of law compare to modern situations (i.e. drugs, gangs, sexual assaults, internet fraud, money laundering, etc.)?

How was the enforcement of the code a means of unifying Hammurabi’s empire?

How is our justice system compared in fairness with Hammurabi’s code? This should be a very through and detailed response.

Where would you like this topic to go (e..g, what studies or research should be done on this?) Would you like to dive deeper into this area of research? Did you like this chapter? Why or why not? What would you improve?


Written Exams: Exams will be submitted through blackboard on the day and time it is due. consider these exams a way to apply what you learn from the textbook and lecture slides into the real world. For each written exam, you will choose 3 terms or studies described in the lecture slides or textbook from a chapter you enjoyed or did not enjoy learning about and apply them to situations occurring in the real world

1. What is it about?

Why did you choose this one?

What situation will you be talking about?

State the 3 terms/studies you will be using.

2.  Define and describe term

1. You will then apply this term to the situation you will refer to. Do not copy and paste from the textbook or slides, use your own words!

3.  Define and describe term

2.. You will then apply this term to the situation you will refer to. Do not copy and paste from the textbook or slides, use your own words!

4.Define and describe term

3. You will then apply this term to the situation you will refer to. Do not copy and paste from the textbook or slides, use your own words!

5.  Where would you like this topic to go (e..g, what studies or research should be done on this?) Would you like to dive deeper into this area of research? Did you like this chapter? Why or why not? What would you improve?