What is the story line or narrative? Who were the main characters and what role did they play history?

A comprehensive story of the Gettysburg Campaign and Battle.

Details of who, what, where, and when are outlined and the hard fought engagement is explained in detail.

Each formal critique must include the following elements:

Set the stage, what is the purpose of the book?

What is the story line or narrative?

Who were the main characters and what role did they play history?

review and reference using Turabian footnote citation a scholarly reference to either key figures or historical events. Wikipedia or similar references are not permitted.

How do the events or characters in this book compare (or contrast) to contemporary issues.

Explain Routine activities theory as it relates to criminal offending and then describe target-hardening strategies that can be used to lessen the chance of residential homes being burglarized.

Primary goals of crime analysis

Some of the primary goals of crime analysis  are to assist law enforcement in criminal apprehension, crime mapping, crime prevention, and conducting research that can advance the profession.

Explain how each of the Aforementioned goals can be used by law enforcement agencies to combat gang-related Homicides stemming from drug trafficking.

Explain Routine activities theory as it relates to criminal offending and then describe target-hardening strategies that can be used to lessen the chance of residential homes being burglarized

Under the details  forgot to put where question two starts. So in better detail the two questions are as follows:

Some of the primary goals of crime analysis are to assist law enforcement in criminal apprehension, crime mapping, crime prevention, and conducting research that can advance the profession.

Explain how each of the aforementioned goals can be used by law enforcement agencies to combat gang-related homicides stemming from drug trafficking.

Explain Routine activities theory as it relates to criminal offending and then describe target-hardening strategies that can be used to lessen the chance of residential homes being burglarized.


What would you change and why? what worked and what didn’t? what was useful and what was pointless? can the wider teaching community learn anything from your investigation?

Critically reflect on how creativity and assessment are used to support children’s learning in science.

A creative tool was developed for a KS3 Biology class, where they had to do a story board for a journey of a sandwich through the digestive system. this was delivered across 3 lessons. Assess the students in relation to what they have learned using your creative tool.

intro – outline the aim of the assignment, talk about the school  the demographic  and the class that be teaching for the lesson sequence . any SEND or EAL in the class (this can be left out –

lit review – Defining creativity and what it means in the classroom. how can it be achieved in science, what factors increase it, so what can you as a teacher do to facilitate it as much as possible, how do you know students work is creative?Defining assessment, different types. what type will you be looking at and why? thats AfL for us. how is effective assessment done? What tools/methods are used to make assessment for effective?The lesson sequence – explaining the design of the lesson sequence based on everything youve found out in your lit review. e.g. did this because Dennis and Williams (2003) said blah blah’. justify everything in your lesson sequence designinclude the lesson sequence table and reference lesson plans in appendixfindings and observations – reflect on how it went, did the students work creatively? why do you think so? any issues/problems in the class? why? reference students work in the appendix. is it creative? why? how did the assessment go? any issues?recommendations and conclusions – so what would you change and why? what worked and what didn’t? what was useful and what was pointless? can the wider teaching community learn anything from your investigation?

What are some of the challenges of doing quality evaluations/research on safe injection sites and products like the app discussed in this unit?

•••Every unit submission should begin with a two-page reflection as described in the syllabus.

After writing that reflection, in a separate section in the same document,  answer the questions below thoroughly.•••

1. If we describe ‘harm reduction’ as “a Policy approach that accepts drug use as an unavoidable reality of life and attempts to minimize the harms that come from drug behavior”, which policies discussed in this unit would fall into the harm reduction category and which would not?

2. What are some of the challenges of doing quality evaluations/research on safe injection sites and products like the app discussed in this unit?

3. Based on the Harper’s Magazine article, do you think it is realistic that a balance can be found between getting powerful opioids to people who need them while simultaneously limiting access to addicted drug seekers?

4. I’ve asked a similar funding question before relating to a past topic. If you were responsible for allocating how one billion dollars would be spent nationally in 2022 on addressing the opioid crisis, how would you allocate this money to create beneficial outcomes for this national problem?

Explain the Confucian theory of international politics Explain the what, why, where, and how of proper order

• Identify and explain five core concepts related to Confucianism
• Explain the what, why, where, and how of proper order
• Explain the Confucian theory of international politics
There are General Instructions
For each exam,  answer one question in 6–7 pages. include the title of the prompt you are responding to. The Bibliography page does not count toward your page count. If you use extensive amount of footnotes, then you should write more than 7 pages. The bottom line is that you need to demonstrate a keen understanding of the course materials. Playing with format in order to write less will decrease the probability that you can demonstrate your understanding of the materials.
do not include pictures, charts, or tables in your essay. do not copy/paste lecture notes into the text of your response. do not simply paraphrase the lecture notes or the book. You will need to cite both the lectures and assigned course readings in your papers. Do no use outside sources beyond the lectures and assigned course readings.

What would Green Architecture/building in your locale look like and how could it best function, what technologies could it utilize?

Green Architecture

Since man started creating permanent structures, architecture has conformed to the environment and technology of the time and place it was created. For a time, during the mid-20th century, it can be said that architecture deviated from this as new technologies allowed for architects to consider their buildings as art forms that existed for its own sake. They followed the dictum “form over function”. With the beginning of Postmodernism in Architecture (the first discipline to use the term), there was a return to, at least, the idea that architecture should serve, first and foremost the people that use it. Now, with dwindling natural resources, architects are again returning to the idea that architecture should strive to fit within its natural setting and use technologies appropriate to that setting. The “green” architecture movement, then, fits within a long tradition and takes it further. Many architects now are seeking the best ways to integrate their buildings into the environment, using new and old technologies to make the structures more energy efficient, more eco-friendly.

What renewable resources are readily available? What energy sources?

In a word document list some of the new (and old) technologies that allow architects to utilize Green Architecture. Be sure to challenge your assumptions and not default to common Green materials such as Trees?

In the same word document, list examples from the Neolithic to Modern age that have succeeded in working with a variety of Green materials. Research your findings well, and begin to question why “these” materials were used during the time period in which they were produced.

What would Green Architecture/building in your locale look like and how could it best function, what Technologies could it utilize?

Lastly, think about a Green Building that you would build. Problem solve, and thing about which renewable resources are readily available for you to build your structure, and what energy sources could you use or utilize?

Criteria: List (5) new and old Green architecture building materials. List (3) reasons why Green Architect during various times throughout history used the green materials that they had. List (3) local technologies that one could use to build Green Architecture locally. List (3) energy resources that could be used by you to build local Green Architecture.

Explain why the population is designated as “vulnerable.” Include the number of individuals belonging to this group and the specific challenges or issues involved.

Compare vulnerable populations.

Describe an example of one of these groups in the United States or from another country.

Explain why the population is designated as “vulnerable.” Include the number of individuals belonging to this group and the specific challenges or issues involved.

Discuss why these populations are unable to advocate for themselves, the Ethical issues that must be considered when working with these groups, and how nursing advocacy would be beneficial.

How does the community health nurse recognize bias, stereotypes, and implicit bias within the community?

How does the community health nurse recognize bias, stereotypes, and implicit bias within the community?

How should the nurse address these concepts to ensure health promotion activities are culturally competent?

Propose strategies that you can employ to reduce cultural dissonance and bias to deliver Culturally competent care.

Include an evidence-based article that address the cultural issue.

Cite and reference the article in APA format.