Roles and functions of black intellectuals in "what are the drums saying, Booker?'" By Adolph Reed:Explain the themes of this article?
Tag: Political
What are the policies and projects, if implemented, that could result in a US food supply that REALISTICALLY provides nutritious, safe, abundant, and affordable food for ALL Americans?Are health disparities confined to (socially categorized) racial groups? Are there other communities similarly affected?
You are now the President of the United States.
If there is only one human species, why do health disparities exist in (socially categorized) racial groups? What is the origin of the health disparities observed in (socially categorized) racial groups?
Are health disparities confined to (socially categorized) racial groups? Are there other communities similarly affected?
What are the policies and projects, if implemented, that could result in a US food supply that REALISTICALLY provides nutritious, safe, abundant, and affordable food for ALL Americans?
Answer the following items SEPARATELY
What are the 3 to 4 areas that are so important to your success that they must be tackled first? Explain why each area is critical to the overall success of achieving your “Good Food, Safe & Affordable” goal. 1-page will be needed to:
(a) fully describe each individual area and
Explain why each is so important to achieving the goal of “Good Food, Safe, and Affordable.”. Provide citations for Item #1.
What can be done REALISTICALLY through local, regional, national policy changes and/or incentives to achieve success in item #1? The food industry may resist changes that appear to adversely impact future profits. Currently ultra-processed foods are highly profitable. Can ultra-processed foods be manufactured that are truly nutritious? [Consider the packaged meals created for the military and astronauts.] 2 pages will be needed to:
(a) fully describe each proposed change,
Explain why this change is needed, and (c) describe the expected improvement the change would generate when implemented. Consider why each proposed change will be so important to your success. Provide citations for Item #2.
Briefly summarize your proposed action plan along with the expected outcomes/improvements. 1 page will be needed.
Create a realistic plan to encourage and activate political support for your plan (in Item #3) from the general public (locally, regionally, and nationally)? 2 pages will be needed.
Explain, in your own words, one of Thompson’s arguments for the permissibility or impermissibility of abortion. Is the argument convincing to you? why or why not?
Thompson discussion
Explain, in your own words, one of Thompson’s arguments for the permissibility or impermissibility of abortion. Is the argument convincing to you? why or why not?
Are all stakeholders represented? Was sufficient research done on the respected positions of each stakeholder? Was the issue that would affect each stakeholder group well defined and accurate? Recommendations 60 20% Are the recommendations ethical, legal, and possible?
Public Policy
In addition, you will need to show the economics of your idea—how much does it cost? How will you pay for it? Will it save money?
Problem Statement 20 7% Is the problem statement concise and a reasonable public policy problem?
Rationale 30 10% Is the rationale behind the public policy problem reasonable and understood?
Economic Considerations 30 10% Did the team understand the economics of the policy? Was it reasonable and attainable?
Research 40 13% Was proper research conducted? Does it support the argument?
Stakeholders 40 13% Are all stakeholders represented? Was sufficient research done on the respected positions of each stakeholder? Was the issue that would affect each stakeholder group well defined and accurate?
Recommendations 60 20% Are the recommendations ethical, legal, and possible? Did the recommendations get well developed and have appropriate supportive data?
Grammar and Professionalism 30 10% Does it utilize proper grammar and spelling of a graduate-level paper?
Describe what he means by these terms. Do you have any objections to his theory?
Nietzche discussion
Nietzsche’s fundamental insight or assertion seems to be that in order to understand morality we must look at history and human culture. For him morality is not natural in the sense of already being there but is created by humans and evolves. His example is the evolution of what he calls master and slave morality. Describe what he means by these terms. Do you have any objections to his theory?
Transcriptome assembly and differential expression experiment:Discuss?
Transcriptome assembly and differential expression experiment:Discuss?
How would you contribute to our campus community? For students completing online programs, how do you contribute to your local community?
1. Why did you choose SUNY Canton and/or your intended major?
2. Who is a role model for you and why?
3. Tell us about your most meaningful achievement or a time when you displayed leadership.
4. How would you contribute to our campus community? For students completing online programs, how do you contribute to your local community?
5. What are your goals for after graduation?
Responses to these questions should be at least 3 sentences for each question at length. SUNY Canton is a NCAA Division III College. Regulations for this membership prohibit the consideration of athletic ability, athletic participation, or athletic performance in awarding scholarships. focus your answers on academic influences and education-related content.
Describe each component of the logic model separately (assumptions, inputs, activities, outcomes, and outputs) with evidence from organizational-level data or scholarly sources.
Logic Model
Describe each component of the logic model separately (assumptions, inputs, activities, outcomes, and outputs) with evidence from organizational-level data or scholarly sources.
Provide recommendations, using the literature on learning organizations to support your intended change.
Convey purpose, in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly writing standards.
Consider your target audience and how you will lead them through your recommendations for organizational changes, supported by your logic model.
What are the relevant social, economic, and political conditions locally, regionally or nationally that are influencing/shaping the particular circumstances being researched?”
“What are the relevant social, economic, and political conditions locally, regionally or nationally that are influencing/shaping the particular circumstances being researched?”
Examine the most noteworthy events, policies, people, communities, scholars, programs, organizations, etc.
Discuss two barriers that might hold nursing practice from achieving this goal and suggest ways in which identified barriers may be addressed.
Topic 1 DQ 1
The Institute of Medicine has stated a goal that 90% of practice be evidence-based by 2020. According to, the United States is currently at approximately 15%. Discuss two barriers that might hold nursing practice from achieving this goal and suggest ways in which identified barriers may be addressed.