Does participation in eight sessions of a brief mindfulness exercise affect depression, anxiety and stress scores in university students undertaking first year psychology?

Lab B
Research Question

1. Do university students undertaking first year psychology show similar scores on a measure of depression, anxiety and stress compared to control participants?
2. Does participation in eight sessions of a brief mindfulness exercise affect depression, anxiety and stress scores in university students undertaking first year psychology?; Do university students undertaking first year psychology show similar scores on a measure of depression, anxiety and stress compared to control participants? Does participation in eight sessions of a brief mindfulness exercise affect depression, anxiety and stress scores in university students undertaking first year psychology?

Research the 1950s. What elements were mostly used (color, styles, typography)? Where did companies advertised the most? What products or services? Look at the psychology behind these ads, what can you conclude from them?


The 50s were a major stepping stone in the advertising world, with WWII still fresh in the memory of the people, society was hopeful, cheerful and very enthusiastic for the future.

Research the 1950s. What elements were mostly used (color, styles, typography)? Where did companies advertised the most? What products or services? Look at the psychology behind these ads, what can you conclude from them?

Write a 2-page research paper about the 50s and remember to include at least 2 references.

 Describe how you would apply the values of your leadership style to resolve the issues presented in this case study.

Describe three values that reflect your leadership style and explain why. Values may include:
Personal values: consciousness of self, congruence, commitment
Group values: collaboration, common purpose, controversy with civility
Societal values: citizenship
Cultural competence
Emotional intelligence

Positive change orientation

Describe how you would apply the values of your leadership style to resolve the issues presented in this case study.

Describe the impact of psychology on decision making and leadership in this workplace scenario.

What is the design of the experiment? Within or between subjects? Name the independent variable (and how many levels it has) and name the dependent variable.


This is the space to be critical of the design of this experiment. Can we improve the design? What are the limitations (and strengths) of the current design? Any discrepancies in findings between your study and past studies that could be explained by methodological issues?

What is the design of the experiment? Within or between subjects? Name the independent variable (and how many levels it has) and name the dependent variable.

How did you help Sarah identify the target problem? What about the target tasks? Was the development of the tasks and the identification of the target problem collaborative work between you and Sarah? Did you allow Sarah to be her own expert and have adequate input?

SWK 527 Week 5 Discussion B

Subject is social work and not psychology.

Read the entire Case Example: Task-Centered Model

The choose one of the three questions at the end of the case and discuss. (Chose number 3 to answer – unless you find another one that might be easier for you then that’s fine. You can answer a different one.)

Do feel free to also discuss any part of this case that intrigues or puzzles you and/or enhances your learning.

Here is the question below:

How did you help Sarah identify the target problem? What about the target tasks? Was the development of the tasks and the identification of the target problem collaborative work between you and Sarah? Did you allow Sarah to be her own expert and have adequate input?

Choose a scholarly article and a non-scholarly article directly related to a topic in psychology you are interested in. Explain how they are similar and different, using specific examples from each article.

What is the difference between a scholarly journal article and a popular magazine

It is important that the information you learn about Psychology is supported by
strong academic research.

Research that is published in peer-reviewed journals is
considered scholarly work.

For this assignment, you will distinguish between a
scholarly journal article and a popular magazine article.


1.view the “Welcome to the Traurig Library!” Tutorial: Welcome to the
Traurig Library Tutorial

2. Write a minimum one-page essay following these guidelines:

• Summarize the characteristics of each type of article.

• Compare and contrast a scholarly journal article with a popular magazine
article by including three (3) ways they are similar and three (3) ways they
are different.

• Choose a scholarly article and a non-scholarly article directly related to a
topic in psychology you are interested in. Explain how they are similar and
different, using specific examples from each article.

• Make sure to include references to your articles.
Be sure to read the criteria, by which your paper will be evaluated before you
write and again after you write.

Consider positive and negative uses of power. Explain one way in which you have experienced a supervisor/boss/leader using power in a positive way and explain one way in which you have experienced a supervisor/boss/leader using power in a negative way.

Consider positive and negative uses of power. Explain one way in which you have experienced a supervisor/boss/leader using power in a positive way and explain one way in which you have experienced a supervisor/boss/leader using power in a negative way.

Draw on the readings and be specific in the implications of both positive and negative uses of power.

Links for readings:

Psychology-Using techniques demonstrated in class, find 3 scholarly research articles related to a topic we discussed in this course.

Interventions that are effective in the development of communication/language skills in autism

Using techniques demonstrated in class, find 3 scholarly research articles related to a topic we discussed in this course.

Introduction to Psychology is a course that covers a very broad range of topics, this assignment allows you as a student to investigate more deeply an idea, concept, theory or topic that interests you. Remember that there is specific criteria for “scholarly” sources. For example, news web articles (cnn), magazine articles (Time), some online health publications (webmd) and blogs are NOT scholarly. Your paper should be 10 pages double spaced, Times New Roman font, regular margins and should summarize and review the research for an audience of your peers (someone with a basic knowledge of psychology). APA style is to be used such as appropriate citations in-text and references. Plagiarism and academic honesty on this assignment will not be tolerated, refer to the course syllabus for more information about academic dishonesty.