Evaluate the value and explanatory power of theory and research in relation to contemporary and real-world psychological issues. Critically distinguish between different approaches in psychology and their application to case studies in abnormal psychology, based on relevant theoretical, philosophical, practical, statistical, and methodological reasoning.

As per attachment

Critically understand the main theoretical perspectives and debates in psychology in their historical and contemporary contexts in a reflective way.

Identify, research, critically summarise and apply key concepts in psychology to a range of psychological topics and scenarios.

Critically distinguish between different approaches in psychology and their application to case studies in abnormal psychology, based on relevant theoretical, philosophical, practical, statistical, and methodological reasoning.

Collect, evaluate, and apply information from a variety of sources in order to address questions regarding human psychology.

Use relevant research theory and knowledge to critically evaluate psychometric testing or explanations of mental and emotional distress.

Evaluate the value and explanatory power of theory and research in relation to contemporary and real-world psychological issues.

Responsible Global Citizenship: Understand global issues and their place in a globalised economy, ethical decision-making and accountability. Adopt self-awareness, openness and sensitivity to diversity in culture.

Discuss the next steps to build on strengths and address weaknesses. For example, if you have identified a need to improve an essential skill area, you need to explain why, how and when you plan to it.

Employability and Career Planning

1. An explanation of why you consider yourself to be the ideal candidate for the role. Illustrate your
argument with a wide range of feedback and evidence from seminar activities (for example,
psychometric tests, tutor feedback), directed study, and other relevant sources of evidence, such as
part-time jobs, volunteering, university activities, sporting activities, hobbies and interests.

2. Give consideration of your personal strengths and weaknesses in relation to your capability to fully
carry out the main requirements of the role and / or fully meet the entry requirements.

3. Discuss the next steps to build on strengths and address weaknesses. For example, if you have
identified a need to improve an essential skill area, you need to explain why, how and when you plan
to it.

4. Outline your rationale for applying for this role within the context of your longer-term career plan.