Who is the economic agent generating the externality and who are the agents that are directly and unintentionally affected by the actions of the generating agent?

Rob Harmon discussion about markets

Step 1. watch the TED talk by Rob Harmon discussion about markets

helping keep streams in Montana flowing (Duration – 8 minutes 47 seconds)

Rob Harmon TED talk (Links to an external site.)

Step 2. Virtually explore your own neighborhood, town, or city and find an example of a negative externality.

Step 3. Tell us about it in a discussion post. Your post must include four (4) things:

Identification of your local environment negative externality.
One (1) point

An assessment of the market failure that allows the externality to occur. Why are existing markets failing?
Two (2) points

Identification of the parties involved. Who is the economic agent generating the externality and who are the agents that are directly and unintentionally affected by the actions of the generating agent?
Two (2) points

Compose a 250 word (max) discussion of if and how you could use a market-based solution (similar to the one in the video) to align incentives to correct the externality in your community.
Three (3) points

Step 4. Peer Review:

respond to one of your classmates posts and provide the following two (2) items:

An assessment of whether their externality is an issue in your community as well

A critique of their chosen market-based solution with one (1) positive aspect and one (1) aspect that needs improvement

Two (2) points for response

What role have prior strategies played in shaping the distinctive competencies of Pembina Pipeline Corporation? What has been the role of luck?

Pembina Pipeline Corporation.

Module 4:

This module deals with the competitive position of Pembina Pipeline Corporation. With the information you have at your disposal, perform the tasks and answer the questions listed:

1. Identify whether Pembina Pipeline Corporation has a competitive advantage or disadvantage in its primary industry.

2. Evaluate Pembina Pipeline Corporation against the four generic building blocks of competitive advantage: efficiency, quality, innovation and responsiveness to customers. How does this exercise help you understand the performance of Pembina Pipeline Corporation relative to its competitors?

3. What are the distinctive competencies of Pembina Pipeline Corporation?

4. What role have prior strategies played in shaping the distinctive competencies of Pembina Pipeline Corporation? What has been the role of luck?

5. Do the strategies Pembina Pipeline Corporation is pursuing now build on its distinctive competencies? Are they an attempt to build new competencies?

6. What are the barriers to imitating the distinctive competencies of Pembina Pipeline Corporation?

7. Is there any evidence that Pembina Pipeline Corporation finds it difficult to adapt to changing industry conditions? If so, why do you think that is the case
Module 5:

This module deals with the ability of Pembina Pipeline Corporation to achieve superior efficiency, quality, innovation and responsiveness to customers. With the information you have at your disposal, answer the questions and perform the tasks listed:

1. Is Pembina Pipeline Corporation pursuing any efficiency enhancing practices?

2. Is Pembina Pipeline Corporation pursuing any quality enhancing practices?

3. Is Pembina Pipeline Corporation pursuing any practices to enhance innovation?

4. Is Pembina Pipeline Corporation pursuing any practices designed to increase responsiveness to customers?

5. Evaluate the competitive position of your company in light of your answers to questions 1-4. Explain what, if anything, Pembina Pipeline Corporation needs to do to improve its competitive position.

Module 6:

This part of the project focuses on the nature of Pembina Pipeline Corporation business-level strategy. If Pembina Pipeline Corporation operates in more than one business, concentrate on either its core, or most central, business or on its most important business. Using all the information you have collected on your company so far, answer the following questions:

1. How differentiated are the products or services of Pembina Pipeline Corporation? What is the basis of their differentiated appeal?

2. What is Pembina Pipeline Corporation’s strategy toward market segmentation? If it segments its market, on what basis does it do so?

3. What distinctive competencies does Pembina Pipeline Corporation have? Is efficiency, quality, innovation or customer responsiveness, or a combination of these factors the main driving force in your company?

4. Based on these product, market, and distinctive competency choices, what generic business level strategy is Pembina Pipeline Corporation pursuing?

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages associated with Pembina Pipeline Corporation’s choice of business level strategy?

6. Is your company a member of a strategic group in an industry? If so, which one?

7. How could you improve its business level strategy to strengthen its competitive advantage?

Module 7:

This module requires you to identify how Pembina Pipeline Corporation might profit from global expansion, the strategy that your company should pursue globally, and the entry mode that it might favour.With the information that you have at your disposal, answer the questions regarding the following two situations

Your company is already doing business in other countries.

1. Is Pembina Pipeline Corporation creating value or lowering costs of value creation by realizing location economies, transferring distinctive competencies abroad, or realizing cost economies from the experience curve? If not, does it have the potential to do so?

2. How responsive is Pembina Pipeline Corporation to differences among nations?

Does it vary its product and marketing message from country to country? Should it?

3. What are the cost pressures and pressures for local responsiveness in the industry in which Pembina Pipeline Corporation is based?

4. What strategy is Pembina Pipeline Corporation pursuing to compete globally? In your opinion, is this the correct strategy?

5. What major foreign market does Pembina Pipeline Corporation serve, and what mode has it used to enter this market?

Why is Pembina Pipeline Corporation active in these markets and not others?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using this mode?

Might another mode be preferable?

Module 8:

This module requires you to assess the vertical integration and diversification strategy being pursued by Pembina Pipeline Corporation. With the information you have at your disposal, answer the questions and

perform the following tasks:

1. Has Pembina Pipeline Corporation ever pursued a horizontal integration strategy?

What was the strategic reason for pursuing this strategy?

2. How vertically integrated is Pembina Pipeline Corporation?

3. Assess the potential for Pembina Pipeline Corporation to create value through vertical integration.

In reaching your conclusions, also consider bureaucratic costs of managing vertical integration.

4. Is Pembina Pipeline Corporation involved in any long-term cooperative arrangements with suppliers or buyers

? If so, how are these relationships structured?

Do you think that these relationships add value to the company? Why?

What would you need to consider?How would these decisions influence your study?

APA empirical reference

Pick a theoretical topic you would like to design a research study on..
1. What would you need to consider?

2 How would these decisions influence your study?

Below is text book.

Ch 1 and 2

Industrial organizational research psychology seventh edition 2016 paul Spector. Wiley global education

Describe how protest influenced the development of folk music and how it contributed to its popularity in the mainstream?


 Make each response at least 175 words!

1.) What are the music production contributions made by Phil Spector to the sound of Rock and Roll?

How did he shape the role of “producer” in the world of music production?

2.)Describe how Berry Gordy ran Motown records.

How do you think this affected the creativity of individual artists on the label?

3.)Describe how protest influenced the development of folk music and how it contributed to its popularity in the mainstream?

Discuss the ways in which generational stress and social oppression may have an impact on marginalized populations. Identify specific social justice advocacy skills you can utilize to help this population.

Generational stress and social oppression

Discuss the ways in which generational stress and social oppression may have an impact on marginalized populations (examples include issues such as increased negative health outcomes, increased rates of depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder [PTSD], increased risk for substance abuse, and higher suicide rate).

State the specific marginalized population you are researching.

Identify specific social justice advocacy skills you can utilize to help this population.

Imagine the ways in which you would use these skills in various clinical settings.

Use your readings and a minimum of 2 additional peer-reviewed journal articles to help in answering this question.

Describe the main components of your strategy and back those recommendations up with sound logic and/or evidence of effectiveness?


In 2020, drug overdoses reached a new peak in the United States.

Let’s assume you were appointed to draft a series of recommendations for the next 3-5 years in the effort to stem the tide against the opioid epidemic.

What would be your main recommendations for the next few years?

Describe the main components of your strategy and back those recommendations up with sound logic and/or evidence of effectiveness?

Describe several of the negative unintended consequences that are commonly associated with drug policies.

Efforts to reduce drug problems come from many directions

Describe several of the negative unintended consequences that are commonly associated with drug policies.

Explain which policies cause which unintended consequences.

If possible, include unintended consequences that may arise across multiple policies.

Identify two (2) insights you gained and discuss how helpful the model was in understanding organizational dynamics.

Leading Organizational Change course

Diagnose your organization or one with which you are familiar using one (1) of the following models:

Nadler and Tushman’s Congruence, Sterman’s Systems Dynamics, Quinn’s Competing Values, Greiner’s Organizational Growth, or Stacey’s Complexity.

After briefly describing and supporting your analysis with one or more examples, identify two (2) insights you gained and discuss how helpful the model was in understanding organizational dynamics.

This is for a Leading Organizational Change course.

Discuss how Learning to write in English is a developmental process that involves being able to. Is it useful or not useful to use the conventions from the First Language?

Teaching English Language Learners: Across the Content


The essay should discuss:

-Determining the degree of Writing Instruction that is needed in the classroom for the English Language Learners. Is it useful or not useful to use the conventions from the First Language?

Discuss how Learning to write in English is a developmental process that involves being able to

-Communicate meaningfully through writing

-Write for a range of purposes

-Use Culturally appropriate terms

-Use correct form and grammar.

_What are strategies that educators may use that are helpful in ELL Writing Instruction.

_Discuss Calkin’s Four Phases of the Writing Process

This essay must be written in the first person and must conclude with a personal interpretation of what is written.

Discuss the set of factors that has a direct influence on a firm and its competitive actions and responses to include:

Port City Brewing


After reviewing the video,  answer the following:

Describe the general environment and industry environment in the craft beer market.

Discuss the set of factors that has a direct influence on a firm and its competitive actions and responses to include:

the power of suppliers, the power of buyers, and the intensity of rivalry among competing firms.

What growth stage do you believe the craft brew industry is in and why?

Make sure you conduct additional research when answering these questions

. There is a lot of information available on the internet about Port City Brewing.

Link to video:

use this book as one of your sources if possible:

Hill, C., Jones, G., & Schilling, M. (2020). Strategic management theory: An integrated approach (13th ed). Cengage Learning