What strengths do you see in your writing? What weaknesses? How will you build on or work on these as you continue drafting your assignment?

Before you revise your assignment, you should review the peer responses that you received in

last week’s peer review discussion board. Decide what your next steps will be for revising your

assignment, and develop a brief revision plan that outlines those steps.
Be thoughtful and specific.

Use this as an Opportunity to articulate your goals and processes for
writing the assignment.

You’re welcome to write this plan in paragraph format, a bulleted or
numbered list, or an outline.

Whichever form you choose, be sure to address the following

1. Were you surprised or confused by any comments you received? Explain, including a
discussion of how you resolved any issues.2. How will you respond to peer comments and suggestions? Ultimately, the assignment is
yours; however, if you choose not to follow particular suggestions, you should use the
revision plan at least to acknowledge them and explain why you are choosing to go in adifferent direction.3. What strengths do you see in your writing? What weaknesses? How will you build on or
work on these as you continue drafting your assignment?4. Any final thoughts to close out your revision plan assignment?
Revision plans should be about a half-page (double-spaced) and no more than one page. Post to
the revision plan assignment dropbox by Sunday (by end of day).

So your methods needs work. Descriptive then you are doing surveys??? rework it completely.

1. You don’t use website or non peer reviewed stuff in the lit review.

2. page number needed here – “money is, in a devastating way, at the center of all vital interests, and this is exactly the limit before which almost every human relationship fails” (Palmer et al., 2019).

3. After Adorno you need date –Adorno points out the importance

4.page number needed —which “is constituted according to the technological requirements of the production process ” (Horowitz, 2019). 5.date after Weber – Weber characterizes bureaucratic Functionalism

6. date after — Wirtz points out that, so you mention Horkheimer etc but not mentioning them in the lit review and only one reference to Adorno. Take them out from the upfront that you will utilize their Theoretical lens.

7. So your methods needs work. Descriptive then you are doing surveys??? rework it completely.

8. Your survey questionnaire also it is odd so fix it and it is quantitative so there is mismatch between methods and everything else.

How does U.S. government reimbursement policies for healthcare providers impact the use of telemedicine in your state? (California)

Discussion Prompt

How does U.S. government reimbursement policies for healthcare providers impact the use of telemedicine in your state? (California)


Initial Post:

Length: A minimum of 250 words, not including references
Citations: At least two high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years

To what extent is this memory of the postwar era true?

The post-WWII period is often remembered as the moment when the American dream became a reality.

To what extent is this memory of the postwar era true?

Rather, the best papers will analyze what these plays reveal about this period in American history and culture, and what their authors were trying to convey through them.

Reference at least one specific example from Death of a Salesman OR A Raisin in the Sun.

Incorporate no less than 3 key terms from lectures, being sure to explain what the term means, when it took place, and why it is historically significant.

Key Terms are Reagonomics, Savings and Loan Crisis, and Department of Housing and Urban Development
Academic Style:
Times New Roman
12 pt font

In your opinion, which type of historical film is better suited to depict the recent past (i.e. mid to late 20th century, and early 21st century)?

read the attached document first before answering the question

In the reading “The Cinematic Writing of History:

An Overview,” Burgoyne specifies different subtypes of historical films.

In your opinion, which type of historical film is better suited to depict the recent past (i.e. mid to late 20th century, and early 21st century)?

What were the procedures used to test the hypotheses? Were the procedures in the method section detailed enough so that you could complete the study on your own?

 Write the reference (author, etc.) for this article in APA style (use format from the APA manual). 

Be very careful to use lower case letters in the title of the article; only capitalize the first letter of the title and the first letter of the subtitle if there is one (if there is a subtitle it comes after a colon : ). Use italics only for the journal title. 2. Write an “overview” or brief summary of the article. Indicate your assessment of what the study is about and the major findings of the study. 3. According to the introduction, what information was already known about the topic (look for references to previous research)? Did the author(s) describe the problem being studied? Did they present sufficient background literature to allow you to understand the problem better? 4. What variables (e.g. the dependent and independent variables) were studied? What were the Hypotheses concerning these variables? 5. What were the operational definitions of the variables studied (e.g., how was each variable or procedure specifically defined so that it could be studied)? 6. Who were the participants in this study? Present any special participant characteristics (race, education status, etc.)? 7. What were the procedures used to test the hypotheses? Were the procedures in the method section detailed enough so that you could complete the study on your own? 8. What were the major results of the study? Were the results consistent with the hypotheses? 9. describe exactly how the authors list their statistical findings (e.g. t=3.26, p< .01) for the results you described in Question 8. do not just list the statistic, tell me what the statistic represents. 10. How do the results relate to the other studies cited in the introduction? (Researchers usually include this when the results supported the hypothesis.) 11. What was the researchers’ explanation for the pattern of results they found? (Researchers usually include this when the results do not support the hypothesis, but this article also includes explanation for the pattern of results.) Can you think of alternative interpretations? – Be sure to answer both questions. 12. Present all of the study limitations the authors noted. 13. Present all of the future research suggestions the authors suggested. Can you provide other suggestions?note, “no,cannot provide other suggestions” is not a response. 14. How did the researcher practically apply the results? Explain what the researcher(s) said they could do with these results. How are they looking at the bigger picture?

What function does the figure of the “soldier” play in the novel? How does this figure overlook the female characters in the text?

This assignment is based on the novel Return of the Soldier by Rebecca West

Requirements for Excelling (A)
• These responses are Insightful, original, and thoroughly address the prompt question.
• These responses choose one main point to focus on and stick to that point throughout the whole post.
• These posts make specific reference to the literary texts – this is best done through specific quotations from the text.The writer should explain why the quoted text is important to the point being made in the post.• These posts are well-written and Demonstrate careful editing.• Includes questions at end of post that encourage others to offer different viewpoints or to make connections to other material or to discuss other parts/components of the text. Question The Title of West’s novel

What do you think the title means?From what is Chris returning? To what is he returning? What function does the figure of the “soldier” play in the novel?How does this figure overlook the female characters in the text?And finally, consider what Kitty means by “he is cured?” in the concluding lines of the novel. Does Jenny, or the reader for that matter, have a different understanding of this line?

What is the wasteland in your section (examples: Lack of passion, miscommunication, disconnection, Something mental, something physical)?

Choose your favorite section of the Wasteland by T. S. ELIOT(not including section 4 which is the shortest).

Also do not to just go with section one because it was the first one unless it really was your favorite.

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the wasteland in your section (examples: Lack of passion, Miscommunication, disconnection, Something mental, something physical)?

How does the wasteland connect to a main theme in your section?

Can you describe your wasteland in 3-5 words?

2. What are some reoccurring images in your section and what might be one significance to them?

3. come up with an alternative title and explain why.

4. what is one useful footnote and why?

What is the purpose of the collection today? What will be its purpose in the future? What types of materials will you purchase for the collection? Books? Periodicals? Microforms? Maps? Family Genealogies?

Write a Policy Manual (what services will be provided, when, and to whom) to outline your library’s response to the questions below (A-J).Choose the best example of a Website for a genealogical collection: the one you would most like to emulate in your library situation.The manual will include 10 policies covering the points (A-J) below.

What is the purpose of the collection today? What will be its purpose in the future?

What types of materials will you purchase for the collection? Books? Periodicals? Microforms? Maps? Family Genealogies?

Will you maintain vertical files of family and local history information? What materials will you not purchase? Will you welcome donations to the collection? What types of materials and under what circumstances? What materials will circulate? What materials will not? Will you borrow materials from other libraries that your library does not own? Will you lend your materials to other libraries? What reference services will you offer? Will you answer questions via U.S. mail, e-mail, Web site, telephone, or just in person? Will you charge for answering questions?Will you charge for photocopies of materials requested by patrons?Will you provide handouts and guides to genealogists, both beginners and advanced researchers?Will you provide genealogical data forms? Where will you get them? Will you refer patrons to other organizations with genealogical sources for use by the general public?Local organizations? National organizations?What equipment will you provide for users of the collection: Photocopiers? Microfilm/microfiche reader/printers? Photographic services? Will users be required to sign in? Will you have closed or open stacks or a combination of the two?What other measures will you impose to protect rare and/or valuable materials? Will you refer patrons to professional genealogists in your area who do research for a fee? What genealogical software programs are available?Which ones would you like to have available to the patrons of your genealogical collection?


How has your experience been with the nurse leader? Provide a description of your interactions with him or her?

Post a detailed description of your experience of working with a nurse leader.Include the following aspects in your description. Of the leadership Theories discussed this week, which one did this nurse leader subscribe to? Why?How has your experience been with the nurse leader? Provide a description of your interactions with him or her?