Identify and discuss one of the three milestones in the history of the hospital distinguishing hospitals by their ownership classification. What was interesting about the history of hospitals?

History of the hospital

Identify and discuss one of the three milestones in the history of the hospital distinguishing hospitals by their ownership classification. What was interesting about the history of hospitals? Perform a search and report about how hospitals operate in one other country. How is the operation similar or different than that of the United States?
Need 4 peer reviewed sources.
1 source must come from “Navigating the U.S. Healthcare system ” by Nancy Niles.

Explain and explore their experiences with “education.” In what ways are they similar and what are some significant differences? How would each writer define “education”?

Looking carefully at the writings of Malcolm X and Richard Wright, it is clear that both consider education to be important. Education, for Malcolm X, takes place in the formal setting of a school and an educational system; education for Wright is what happens when he reads and how he reads—in secret and with a sense of violating Jim Crow prohibitions. Explain and explore their experiences with “education.” In what ways are they similar and what are some significant differences? How would each writer define “education”?

What are the major differences between a working and a nonworking group? Between a working and a nonworking member?

Group Therapy/

Complete a hybrid/online discussion assignment. You are to read and review the power point (see attachments) and watch the video ( then answer the below discussion questions:

1. How would you attempt to build trust during the initial phase of group? What factors do you think are likely to lead to trust? What would it take for you to feel a sense of trust in a group? What do you see as the major barriers to the development of trust?

2. Think about how the characteristics described in the initial stage of group that were depicted in the video. What are the members anxious about, and how safe did most of them feel from the very beginning? What early concerns did the members voice? What process and group techniques are being employed to help the members get acquainted?

3. Describe ways of effectively dealing with defensiveness and reluctant behaviors in a group.

4. Differentiate between the working stage and transition stage of group. Describe specific characteristics and behaviors in each.

5. There are important differences between effective and ineffective confrontation. How would you explain this difference to group members? Think about how you might respond to a person who had been in your group for some time and who said, “I don’t see why we focus so much on problems and on confronting people with negative feelings. All this makes me want to retreat. I’m afraid to say much because I’d rather hear positive feedback.”

6. What are the major differences between a working and a nonworking group? Between a working and a nonworking member?

7. What would you want to teach members during the working stage about giving and receiving feedback?

Discuss at least (3) botanicals or herbs in the treatment of illness, prevention of illness, or maintenance of health.

Perform outside research on the use of herbs and botanicals in the treatment of illness. Sources of research are provided in the PowerPoints, readings, and videos. The research can be conducted in person at a botanica shop or health food store or online. Discuss at least (3) botanicals or herbs in the treatment of illness, prevention of illness, or maintenance of health.

Describe the Zero Trust Model and its principles related to cyber security, and its efforts to increase wide-ranging security posture of a network. How is it different than other architectures like Defense in Depth?

Zero Trust Architecture: How is it different from previous approaches to IT security?

Describe the Zero Trust Model and its principles related to cyber security, and its efforts to increase wide-ranging security posture of a network. How is it different than other architectures like Defense in Depth?

10 valid sources, 5 of them no more than 3 years old. This means at least 5 of the references must be newer than 3 years old.

Demonstrate the accurate utilisation of academic skills, review the formation process of adiposis edematosa (cellulite) and research TWO treatments used within the Aesthetic industry to treat the condition.

Demonstrate the accurate utilisation of academic skills, review the formation process of adiposis edematosa (cellulite) and research TWO treatments used within the Aesthetic industry to treat the condition.

How many church meetings have you presided over as a preacher:Discuss?

Prior Learning Assessment Assignments

How many church meetings have you presided over as a preacher:Discuss?

How many church meetings have you served in as a teacher:Discuss

Have you served as a department head at work or at church:Explain

List military training and experience

List all awards and commendations not already mentioned

List your special skills or areas of personal accomplishment

List your hobbies, sports, passions