Which feature do humans, hares, caimans, and parrots share that the other three lineages did not inherit?

Use the https://ucmp.berkeley.edu/education/explorations/tours/geotime/gtpage1.html webpage to answer the following questions:

How many pages would be in the “A History of the Earth” book if each page represented 10,000 years of Earth history? __________________________________

For the events listed below, fill in how many years ago the event happened, and what page it would be on in the “A History of the Earth” book.
Event Years ago Page # in book
Formation of the Earth and Moon
Earliest life appears

Early land plants

Largest mass extinction

Dinosaur extinction

Early hominid “Lucy”

What is the difference between relative date and absolute date? (Use the U.S. history timeline you create to help answer this question.)

What is the Law of Superposition (what does it tell us)?

Fill in the following information for the fossils shown in step 7 of the activity.
Fossil Fact about the organism Date the fossil:
First appeared:
Height of diversity:
Went extinct:
Went extinct:

Which of the fossils is the earliest (oldest)? ________________________________________

What is radiometric dating, and what does it tell us?

Based on the data from the radiometric dating of the volcanic ash layers, what is the age range for the layer of rock the ammonite fossils are found in? _____________________________________

The geologic time scales starts with the formation of the Earth. When did the Earth form? __________________________________

Fill in the following information for the eons and eras in the geologic time scale.

Time Period Fact Millions of years ago
Eons Phanerozoic



Eras Cenozoic



Use the information from the geologic timeline to identify what period each of the following events occurred in.

 Animals first appear in the fossil record: _____________________________________

Evidence of life on land: ____________________________________

First trees and forests appear: ________________________________

Pangaea forms: _______________________________________

Largest mass extinction occurs: _____________________________

Dinosaurs roam the earth:__________________________________

Dinosaurs go extinct:_______________________________________

Mammoths, saber-toothed cats, giant sloths, humans, and ice ages
(aka, when the movie “Ice Age” takes place): ___________________________

Of the 30 million species of living things estimated to exist today, how many of them are not animals?

Find the timeline. How many millions of years did dinosaurs exist on Earth before they became extinct? (this is the length of time from when they first appear until their extinction)

Name at least five things other than bones that can be preserved as fossils.

Explain what divergence is.

What types of evidence are used to determine evolutionary relationships?

In your own words, explain how Geospiza Fortis is a good example of natural selection.

Describe two other mechanisms for evolution in addition to natural selection.

Give an example of an animal that has gone extinct because of human influence and explain what happened.

Go to this website to begin:

Who did Max inherit dimples from?

What is a “common ancestor”?

In the quiz, which is the best definition for lineage? Circle one: A B C

Which feature do humans, hares, caimans, and parrots share that the other three lineages did not inherit?

When did the skull opening in front of the eye develop? Before the human/hare or between human/hare and the caiman/parrot?

What did Dinosaurs likely taste like?

Describe the Zero Trust Model and its principles related to cyber security, and its efforts to increase wide-ranging security posture of a network. How is it different than other architectures like Defense in Depth?

Zero Trust Architecture: How is it different from previous approaches to IT security?

Describe the Zero Trust Model and its principles related to cyber security, and its efforts to increase wide-ranging security posture of a network. How is it different than other architectures like Defense in Depth?

-10 valid sources, 5 of them no more than 3 years old. This means at least 5 of the references must be newer than 3 years old.

-Properly cite quoted, derived or paraphrased works

-Do not include the Title, Abstract of Reference pages in the page total.

What is the CFTR protein and what is its function? What happens if this protein is defective in cystic fibrosis patients?As a doctor, what are three important tests you would order to confirm a CF diagnosis and why?

CF Assignment

Watch the following video and answer the following questions.

What is the CFTR protein and what is its function? What happens if this protein is defective in cystic fibrosis patients?

As a doctor, what are three important tests you would order to confirm a CF diagnosis and why?

If early screening finds a CF mutation in a child, would you recommend genetic counseling for the family? Explain your reasons why.

What is the average or median life expectancy of a cystic fibrosis patient? Today, up to what age can patients live? How is this possible?

Why is the skin of cystic fibrosis patients salty (explain the mechanism)?

Why do CF patients have greasy stools and persistent cough?

What is the bacterial pathogen involved in severe lung infections in later stages of CF?

Watch the following video and answer the following questions.
Please find information from reliable sources rather than simply from Holly’s account. Include the source link with each answer.

Why does Holly take the following medications? How do they help her deal with CF?
a) Ursodeoxycholic acid

b) Ranitidine

c) Salbutamol inhaler

d) Nebulizer with DNase

Why does Holly take so many antibiotics? What impact may the antibiotics have on Holly’s gut normal flora?

Why are CF patients supposedly able to absorb only about half of the nutrients in food? Does this affect their growth or weight?

12. An analysis of a CF patient’s stool revealed decreased or absent levels of the digestive enzymes (trypsin and chymotrypsin) and high levels of fat. Why?

Although many women with CF are able to conceive, can you think of one factor that may make pregnancy difficult?

The lumacaftor/ivacaftor drug combination has been found to be effective in cystic fibrosis patients. What is the annual cost of this drug to the patient? What is the molecular mechanism by which these drugs bring relief to the cystic fibrosis patient?

What is one future treatment for cystic fibrosis that is promising and explain briefly how it works? Cite your source.

What other influences were important in your own political socialization (school, friends, significant events, etc.)?

Political Socialization

Were they what you expected?

Were the results of the quizzes similar?

Do you agree with them? Why or why not?

Do you think such quizzes are useful tools?

Which one(s) do you think had the best design? Why?

Why do you think you are the political person you are?

Where do you think your core beliefs about politics come from?

Do the theories of political socialization discussed in the class notes or in the text seem to apply to you?

What is your earliest political memory?

Do you share your parents’ political opinions in whole or in part?

What other influences were important in your own political socialization (school, friends, significant events, etc.)?

How did any of these influences shape your development?

If you’re already thinking that there are few or no issues that you care about, think about that as well. How would you explain why this is the case?

How does Walt view friendship different than Thao and Sue? What strategies are different between them in initiating and maintaining friendships?

Gran Torino Movie Essay

Movie Essay: This week you will be required to watch Gran Torino. You can rent/buy this movie from any place of your choosing. You will submit a 3-5 page essay that answers and responds to the following questions:

Analyze Walt’s process of adapting to cultural diversity (Ch. 4). Identify the difference between Walt’s culture and the Hmong people.

Looking closely at Walt’s communications style, how would you describe his verbal communication skills versus of Thao and Sue? What are the meanings and purposes Walt attaches to talk?

How does Walt view friendship different than Thao and Sue? What strategies are different between them in initiating and maintaining friendships?

Are there any books you think should have made the list that did not?

3.2 Forum on the Theme: Fantasy

Using the website below, browse the top 100 science fiction and fantasy novels as voted on by NPR listeners. Then, write a reflection about a couple of the books that you have read from the list (there are a few that am sure everyone has read or knows about), telling us about your overall experiences with science fiction and fantasy. Are there any books you think should have made the list that did not?


What are the advantages and disadvantages of using picture books in middle and high school?

4.1 QQTP Reading Response: Children’s Literature, Briefly- Chapters 12, 13, and 15

Read the following chapters in Children’s Literature, Briefly (7th ed.):

Chapter 12: Contemporary
Chapter 13: Historical Fiction
Chapter 15: Informational

After reading the assigned chapters,  post to the forum using the QQTP method:

Talking Points. Indicate at least five major talking points. Briefly discuss each. Might include: Why is it significant to you? Do you agree or disagree? How might you apply?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using picture books in middle and high school?

What is the overall story? (Plot, setting, characters,conflict, antagonist, protagonist, etc…)

4.2 Activity: Connecting Literature Through a Theme

How do you think that these two stories connect? What links them together thematically? What are some of the questions you could ask your students that would help them look for the message?

What is the overall story? (Plot, setting, characters,conflict, antagonist, protagonist, etc…)

What is the message of the story?

How does this show the principle of incident and reflected waves?Do it again, but this time make a positive wave by quickly yanking the wrench up and back down. Are the incident and reflected waves still opposites?

Wave on a String

Open the program at

1. Set it to manual, fixed end, high tension, low or no damping, slow-motion. These will be your settings for most of this lab. Reset the setting after each use. Do you understand this?

2. Produce one quick wave by yanking the wrench down and back up. Which way does the waveform point (up or down)?

3. What happens to that direction when the wave hits the clamp on the right and bounces back to you (up or down)?

4. How does this show the principle of incident and reflected waves?

5. Do it again, but this time make a positive wave by quickly yanking the wrench up and back down. Are the incident and reflected waves still opposites?

6. Make a complete statement about what is happening, using the terms “reflected”, “incident” and “inverted”.

7. Now it gets challenging. You want to make a destructive interference wave. Make a quick, large “up” wave as before, and when the wave gets to about the 3rd green ball marker make another large up wave.

8. What happens when an inverted (negative) wave crosses an up (positive) wave? HINT: You might have to do this several times to get it to work. It helps visualize it by using the pause button. Did you ever get the waveforms to completely destroy each other?

9. When the waves pass through each other they immediately regain their original form. Now, do you need to re-write your answer to #8?

10. Finally, try to make a constructive interference. This is a little easier. You will make an “up” wave as before, and then about the time of the 3rd green ball, make a “down” wave. What will be the direction of the “down” wave after it reflects?

11. What happens to the amplitude when two waves pass each other?

12. Sometimes in the ocean a “rogue wave” will seemingly come out of nowhere, tower over small ships and quickly disappear. They can be quite dangerous. From what you have done, explain in a sentence or two what might cause rogue waves.