Critically discuss Bradstreet’s “To My Dear and Loving Husband” with Taylor’s “Huswifery” to demonstrate the contrasts and similarities between the two poets. Include direct quotes from Bradstreet’s “To My Dear and Loving Husband” and Taylor’s “Huswifery” for analysis and support.

Critically discuss Bradstreet’s “To My Dear and Loving Husband” with Taylor’s “Huswifery” to demonstrate the contrasts and similarities between the two poets. Include direct quotes from Bradstreet’s “To My Dear and Loving Husband” and Taylor’s “Huswifery” for analysis and support.

What are the possible challenges a social worker might encounter while using the instrument for assessment? Are there any ethical issues that should be considered?

Culturally Competent Instrument Critique

Does the instrument take into account diversity issues? Could the instrument be used with any population, or is it specific to a certain population?

What are the possible challenges a social worker might encounter while using the instrument for assessment? Are there any ethical issues that should be considered?

Identify at least two ways to strengthen the instrument from a culturally competent perspective and provide substantive recommendations for questions/statements in the instrument.

What are the implications of effective self-leadership and self-care in your future MSN role? Provide two recommendations to further cultivate self-care and self-leadership.

WEEK3 NR-504

Why are self-care and self-leadership important, and how do they relate to one’s competency as a leader? How is self-care related to self-leadership?
Based upon the Chamberlain Care Model, what are the implications when adequate self-care is present? What are the implications when self-care is lacking or absent?

How are self-care and self-leadership reflected in the principles of authentic leadership?

What are the implications of effective self-leadership and self-care in your future MSN role? Provide two recommendations to further cultivate self-care and self-leadership.

Discuss the role that you feel that family and cultural practices can play in the development of eating disorders.

Eating Disorders

Write a post discussing your thoughts about the stigma surrounding eating disorders.

Discuss the role that you feel that family and cultural practices can play in the development of eating disorders.

Find a video that discusses diet culture, eating disorders and ethnic minorities, or that speaks on an aspect of eating disorders that you found informational and interesting and share it here.

 Identify the key security threats in the e-commerce environment.Describe the nature and the scope of the security and privacy issues confronting eBusinesses.

Describe the nature and the scope of the security and privacy issues confronting eBusinesses.

Identify the key security threats in the e-commerce environment.

Characterize the importance of policies, procedures, and laws in creating security.

Discuss how technology helps secure Internet communications channels and protect networks, servers, and clients

Describe the features and functionality of electronic billing presentment and payment systems.

Explain how the Medline Checklist was useful and/or relevant in evaluating the accuracy of health/nutrition information of the specific website you selected.

Health and Nutrition website

(1) Go through the NLM’s MedlinePlus “Evaluating Internet Health Information Tutorial” a 16-minute presentation on how to evaluate health information on the internet.

(2) Select a COMMERCIAL health and/or nutrition website. The website you select should have “.com” in the URL. DO NOT choose a government agency (.gov) or a non-profit organization (.org) or (.edu)

Be adventurous –select a website whose information may be questionable. You are to test how well the Medline Checklist works as a tool to evaluate nutrition/wellness websites. Then write a short essay about its usefulness. Apply the Medline checklist to a commercial health and/or nutrition website.

You MUST PROVIDE the full URLs where the answers were located on the website. Use the provided ‘Medline Plus CHECKLIST form’ provided to record your answers to EACH of the questions. As you evaluate the commercial website consider: Is the science and medical information ACCURATE? Is the information on this website to be trusted? Medline Plus CHECKLIST form.docx

(3) Write a 1–2-page essay at the end of the Form. Explain how the Medline Checklist was useful and/or relevant in evaluating the accuracy of health/nutrition information of the specific website you selected.