Analyze the causes of a particular problem in your community, workplace, or field of study (your major) and then offers a solution that a person or group in power might consider implementing. In other words, the solution has to be realistic and viable.
Tag: Socioeconomic
What advice would you give to those who want to start writing? Do research on the internet choosing two authors with different points of view on writing.
What advice would you give to those who want to start writing? Do research on the internet choosing two authors with different points of view on writing.
Explain how neuro activity changes when there is a lack of sleep and how it can impact mental health.
Sleep/Sleep Disorders
Review the literature for sleep guidelines and provide an overview
Explain how neuro activity changes when there is a lack of sleep and how it can impact mental health.
Describe hypnotics effect on brain activity and identify common pharmacologic agents.
Provide a sleep management plan and how the APRN can monitor it
How it is diagnosed, and how has it impacted your personal life (can be created):Discuss?
How it is diagnosed, and how has it impacted your personal life (can be created):Discuss?
How is this cancelation related to social justice and tolerance for diversity?Did this instance of canceling contribute to a new social norm?
Cancel Culture
Research one specific example of someone who was “canceled.” This could be a high-profile public figure or a lesser-known layperson. Then, answer the following question: Was the “canceling” of this person justified? Why or why not?
Here are some additional questions to explore:
How is this cancelation related to social justice and tolerance for diversity?
Did this instance of canceling contribute to a new social norm?
How severe were the consequences for the canceled individual? Are these consequences appropriate given the offense?
Be sure to include at least two quotations from this week’s readings or videos on cancel culture (Buckley, Pollitt, and Robertson).
300 words minimum ( this 300 is withouth the quotations that need to me added)
Managerial issues at the American Conservation Coalition:Discuss?
Managerial issues at the American Conservation Coalition:Discuss?
Discuss your strengths.Discuss your work-related emotional intelligence.Discuss your energizers.
Leadership Journal
Write two pages, single spaced(no title page) journal entry regarding your leadership style.
-Discuss your strengths.
-Discuss your energizers.
-Discuss your challenges.
-Discuss your work-related emotional intelligence.
Does a leader who can correct the course and manage change as discussed in Peak Performers make him/her a Transformational Leader (I/O Psych, p.451)? Is this the best type of leadership regardless of industry, company, etc.?
Transformational Leadership
Aamodt, M. G. (2016). Industrial/Organizational Psychology: An applied approach (8th Edition). Pacific Grove, CA: Wadsworth Publishing.
Garfield, C. (1987). Peak Performers: The New Heroes of American Business. New York, NY: Garfield Enterprise
Does a leader who can correct the course and manage change as discussed in Peak Performers make him/her a Transformational Leader (I/O Psych, p.451)? Is this the best type of leadership regardless of industry, company, etc.?
How does Walt view friendship different than Thao and Sue? What strategies are different between them in initiating and maintaining friendships?
Interpersonal Communication
Discussion Questions
1. Analyze Walt’s process of adapting to cultural diversity (Ch. 4). Identify difference between Walt’s culture and the Hmong people.
2. Looking closely at Walt’s communications style, how would you describe his verbal communication skills versus of Thao and Sue? What are the meanings and purposes Walt attaches to talk?
3. How does Walt view friendship different than Thao and Sue? What strategies are different between them in initiating and maintaining friendships?
Explain the reliability and validity of the screening tool.Explore differential diagnoses and necessary work-up
Research the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9)
• Explain the reliability and validity of the screening tool
• Utilize the tool to describe a mental health case study of a patient (in a clinic setting/or created) with a diagnosis of depression and/or anxiety
• Explore differential diagnoses and necessary work-up