Explain ethical decision making approaches and value systems.Explain what you would do in this situation.

The synopsis is the same as the one you answered in Doctoral Dialogue 1:

This assignment is intended to help you learn to do the following:

Justify recommendations for responding to an ethical dilemma.

Explain ethical decision making approaches and value systems.

Critique ethical decisions and leadership practices.

Explain what you would do in this situation.

What did you find surprising (unexpected) and/or disturbing?What is the glycemic index (GI)?


What type of study is (a) Study 1 and (b) Study 2?

Write a 2 to 3 paragraphs to explain your answer for (a) and (b).
Roughly how many people are enrolled in: (a) Framingham Heart Study?
Nurses Health Study?
Black Women’s Health Study?

Hispanics Health Study?

After viewing the NHANES videos—(https://youtu.be/EXXTQlju_Nc, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QQm-Ke6w90)

What did you find surprising (unexpected) and/or disturbing?

If selected for NHANES would you participate in the NHANES survey? Explain–Why? Why not?

Explain why or why not—(1-3 paragraphs)—consider what you learned from epidemiology readings.

What is the glycemic index (GI)?
The glycemic index is a value assigned to foods based on how slowly or how quickly those foods cause increases in blood glucose levels.
Foods low on the glycemic index (GI) scale tend to release glucose slowly and steadily. Foods high on the glycemic index release glucose rapidly.
Low GI foods tend to foster weight loss, while foods high on the GI scale help with energy recovery after exercise, or to offset hypo- (or insufficient) glycemia.

How have technology, natural and cultural macro environmental forces impacted Tesla?

Unit 3 D.B: proactive strategies in macroenment

How have technology, natural and cultural macro environmental forces impacted Tesla?
What can Zachary recommend in his report to adapt (a proactive approach) and hold off the competition with Tesla it electric car market.

How are the five communication factors related to Performance?Discuss two of the five communication factors (below) in effective team performance

Five communication factors in effective team performance

Write a 1 page essay discussing the following 3 points with at least 1 citation per discussion point in APA for a total of 3 references.

1. What the steps of building a project team- Discuss
2. Discuss two of the five communication factors (below) in effective team performance
3. How are the five communication factors related to Performance?

 What do we know about this historic or contemporary person? What role does he play in an historic event?

Provide a SOAPStone of analysis for “The Road Not Taken”

(The following two pages are an AP graphic organizer to be used for
primary document analysis within the lesson)
S What is the subject of the piece?
What are the general topics/and/or/ideas
contained in the text?

O What is the occasion? What are the time, place,
and setting of the piece?

Who is the audience? To whom is the piece
directed? What is the purpose?

What is the purpose or reason this piece was written?

Who is the speaker? Who is the voice that tells the story? Tone What is the tone of the piece?

What is the attitude or emotional characteristics present in the piece?

What do we know about this historic or contemporary person? What role does he play in an historic event?

What is the Occasion?

What is the time and place? The context in which the primary source was created?

What is the Geographic and Historic intersection at which this source was produced?

What is the Purpose?

What is the reason behind the text

Why was it written?

What goal did the author have in mind?
What is the Subject?

What is the general topic, content, or idea contained in the text?
Summarize in a few words or phrase.

What is the Tone?

What is the attitude expressed by the speaker?

Examine the choice of words, emotions expressed, imagery used to determine the speaker’s attit

How is global poverty related to key human development issues such as life expectancy, health, education, and literacy? Elaborate on your answer.

How is global poverty related to key human development issues such as life expectancy, health, education, and literacy? Elaborate on your answer.

Book for course is Sociology in Our Times: The Essentials
Diana Kendall, 2018