Statistics in Criminal justice
1) Find one research article that uses either qualitative or quantitative research methods. would recommend searching on either the university library under the PsycInfo database or use Google Scholar.
You can try searching for a topic you are interested in (police, use of force, violence, gangs, sex offenders, substance abuse, juvenile offending, etc.) and would also include either quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods, in your search keywords with your other keywords and hopefully something should come up pretty quickly for you.
2) In your discussion response, provide 1) the full reference of your article, 2) discuss how you know it is qualitative or quantitative, 3) your views of the research method they chose. For example, could it have been conducted in the opposite research method? (ex. if quantitative, could it have been done in qualitative as well or vice versa), and 4) what were their main conclusions? (you will likely find this information in the discussion section at the end of the article.)