Critically analyse and evaluate conceptual frameworks, models and theories of strategic management that could be utilised by senior management of the organisation.

Strategic Management

Critically analyse and evaluate conceptual frameworks, models and theories of strategic management that could be utilised by senior management of the organisation.

Justify and apply models of change to aid strategic management within an organisation






Critically compare three costing methods that may aid HG-Ai to both reduce and understand their costs. Critically compare two most common budgeting methods that may aid HG-Ai to reduce overheads. You must include Beyond Budgeting as one of your methods.

Strategic Management Accounting

Calculate cost driver rates and the production overhead cost attributed to each product unit using an
activity-based approach.
(13 marks)

From management and costing perspectives, briefly discuss why the production director suggested
the application of ABC approach to product costing as opposed to the traditional practice in the
(3 marks)

Briefly discuss four major implementation challenges that a company could face at the introduction
phase of an ABC programme.

Critically compare three costing methods that may aid HG-Ai to both reduce and understand their
(27 marks)

Critically compare two most common budgeting methods that may aid HG-Ai to reduce overheads.
You must include Beyond Budgeting as one of your methods.
(28 marks)

Critically evaluate how three strategic cost saving techniques may be able to help HG-Ai to save
costs. You must include the PAFF (Prevention, Appraisal, Internal Failure, External Failure)
technique of Cost of Quality as one of the techniques.