Identify the role you’ve chosen to take on for the project. Discuss why you chose that role.

Discussion Prompt:

Identify the role you’ve chosen to take on for the project. Discuss why you chose that role.

Let your classmates know what story or poem you’ve chosen to write about and provide a synopsis of what your project’s essay and PowerPoint will discuss. For even further guidance, you may choose to share your current thesis statement with your peers.

What are your thoughts on how the article dealt with the concept based on our class discussions and your understanding of the concept? (i.e. compare the article’s treatment of the concept to our class discussions). Was it an article that demonstrated the concept clearly? Why or Why not?


1. To become aware of the many publications within the nursing field.

2. To see how the concepts we discuss are
applied in the world of nursing, and how they can also be mapped onto your own workplace situation.

3. To demonstrate critical thinking
When assessing whether the article/study you chose is substantive and credible
When assessing key points in the article/study
When doing a comparison of the article’s treatment of the concept to our class discussions
To determine whether the article/study is substantive and relevant to recommend to fellow students

You will do a summary and critique/analysis of the article (over for grading rubric).

1. Write a summary
A synopsis of the article and the conclusion made
in the article.

The point of this is for the reader to be able to take away key points of the article so s/he can credibly reference the article’s ideas
in the future.

2. Critique and analyze the article
What are your thoughts on how the article dealt with the concept based on our class discussions and your understanding of the concept? (i.e. compare the article’s treatment of the concept to our class discussions). Was it an article that demonstrated the concept clearly? Why or Why not? (don’t give the definition of the concept; what you write will demonstrate your understanding of the concept)

3.Would you recommend this article be read by your classmates? Why or Why not?

Write a brief overview of the key points); and your professional goals (you have already written these out in more depth – so just give a brief synopsis of key points).

Executive Summary

Paper detalis:

An executive summary is basically a brief synopsis or overview of a larger document – in this case, your e-portfolio. This is meant to be short and sweet – a quick overview of the high points of your professional career.

It should be roughly five (5) paragraphs (including an introduction and conclusion).

You will give an overview of your professional accomplishments (most of this information is in your resume as well, but this should be written out in narrative form);

your strengths as a nurse (again, much of this information is already located in your resume – you just need to write a brief overview of the key points); and your professional goals (you have already written these out in more depth – so just give a brief synopsis of key points).

APA format will not be graded, but correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation is always expected. Submit via Canvas.