How do materialist feminists understand women’s place in society? Critically assess the limitation of their position in relation to either intersectionality or postcolonial theory.

New Developments in Theories of Gender and Sexuality

1. How do materialist feminists understand women’s place in society? Critically assess the limitation of their position in relation to either intersectionality or postcolonial theory.

2. Critically assess the significance for feminist thought of a shift from ‘working on women’ to ‘theorising gender’?

3. Drawing on an empirical example (this could be a current event, a cultural text, or a particular public figure or group) critically assess the concept of ‘intersectionality’.

4. Critically assess the concept of hegemonic masculinity. Discuss with reference to empirical examples (this could be a public figure, cultural text or social structure or social phenomenon).

5. Is it possible to create a world feminist movement? Identify the challenges of such a project and the position of postcolonial feminists towards the issue.

6. Critically discuss the claim that ‘sex is a biological category’.

7. Sexuality is a social construct. What are the theoretical and political implications of this claim?

8. What is ‘queer’? Is it anything other than being ‘against the normative’?

9. Drawing on one or more empirical examples, critically assess the role of the media in reproducing and/or subverting gendered norms.

10. Are we living in postfeminist times? Critically discuss this using empirical examples (from the media, personalities, events, trends, activist groups etc.).


Explain, discuss and evaluate the methodologies applied in the reviewed literature.

Business & Management Research Methods (Impact of Four Day Work Week on Employee Productivity)


Main Objective of the assessment

You are required to submit a critical analysis of research topic (given above) in relation to a chosen topic of study/area of interest in the context of Business Studies.

This research topic normally relates the research issues in your master programme subject area.

Description of the Assessment

You need to undertake a significant literature review, which outlines the underpinning methodologies and the research method(s) adopted in previous research that incorporates a range of viewpoints and perspectives.

It is essential to provide a critical analysis that applies the knowledge and understanding acquired during the module to evaluate theoretical and technical aspects of related research methodologies and methods.

You are expected to demonstrate both breadth and depth of understanding of relevant academic literature of the chosen topic.

You are required to explain, discuss and evaluate the methodologies applied in the reviewed literature.

Typically, your essay should have (a) an executive summary (b) Introduction (c) literature review (d) Analysis, discussion and evaluation of research methodology (e) Findings and what you have learnt from this assignment (f) References (Harvard Referencing System).

In this assignment, you are expected to use relevant materials from academic research books and academic empirical journal articles (ABS ranking listed journals) in your subject area to support your analysis and arguments when formulating your assignment.

Your analysis, discussion and evaluation should be backed with appropriate academic references and examples where necessary.

This assignment should be presented with 12 pt. Times New Roman Text with line spacing of 1.5. The word limit is 2000 words (excluding references). Note that assignment below this word limit by more than 10% would result in decrease in the overall achieved mark by 10%.

Proper referencing of all ideas, concepts, theories and quotes used in your work is essential. Normally you are required to present no less than 20 academic journal article references.

The Harvard referencing system must be used, details of which are contained on your handbook.

Create a presentation for your human resources department to explain the theories and propose a theoretical approach to assessing employee personality.

Assignment Content

There are many applications of personality assessment in life, specifically in the workplace. Personality assessment can provide details about how employees tend to view certain situations, how they may approach certain tasks, and their preference for communication style.

With different approaches to understanding personality, there are multiple options for personality assessments.

Imagine your team has been asked to determine a theoretical approach to assessing the personality of employees at your organization.

You must create a presentation for your human resources department to explain the theories and propose a theoretical approach to assessing employee personality.

Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation on the theories presented this week. Your presentation should include:

An illustration of the main concepts in each theory with a situational example.

A proposal of one theory as the chosen theoretical approach and rationale for proposing this approach over the others.

A description of the personality assessment(s) aligned with your proposed theoretical approach.

NOTE: cite from this text book: Include a minimum of 3 sources other than your textbook.
Theories of Personality, 9e (is the book pages p.536-644)

Format any citations within your presentation according to APA guidelines.

Define Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Perspective including all five (5) levels of systems, making note of each of the systems as they are expressed in the film.


This assignment is a combination of demonstration of mastery of content as well as application of content to the characters/circumstances in the film

All written assignments require understanding of theoretical concepts and materials presented in classroom and readings.

This paper is an opportunity for you to apply what you have been learning this semester.

You are required to view the film “The Boys of Baraka” on your own time prior to session 7; this will be the basis of your midterm paper (we will discuss it in class).

The film is available on Vimeo at the link below: (Links to an external site.)

Choose two (2) of the main characters (among the “boys”).

Define Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Perspective including all five (5) levels of systems, making note of each of the systems as they are expressed in the film. You can speak in generalities (i.e. – the microsystems for the boys include their caregivers), but make sure it is specific to the film.

Select 2 of the 4 main characters in the film.

Through either a multidimensional OR life cycle perspective, discuss how each system interacts with these characters to inform their functioning and development.

Compare and/or contrast the differences or similarities between the environmental factors of these two characters.

Include elements of resource and resilience.

Include any value conflicts and personal biases that may have emerged for you in viewing the film.

You may use any and all required readings as well as 4 additional peer-reviewed journal articles.

This is an analysis not a film review. You are expected to apply acquired knowledge to your understanding of the development of the characters you’ve chosen.

Although you will focus on two characters, this paper is also about interlocking systems and the probable systemic impact on your character’s development.

Do not use online computer sites such as Wikipedia or sites that provide psycho-educational information. Use professional scholarly journals and texts only!

This paper should be presented in a scholarly fashion using APA-7 style citations and references. Make sure to include an Introduction and a Conclusion.

You may use headings to organize your paper if it helps.

Number your pages. This paper should be 4-5 pages double spaced (NO MORE). Proofread your paper before submission.

Identify 2 research articles from a peer reviewed journal related to nursing practice that highlights an area of practice that links to the themes above (L.O2).

Foundations of Evidence for Nursing Associate Practic

Annotated Bibliography

Provide an annotated Bibliography of two primary research articles: one Qualitative and one Quantitative.

This assessment task is part 1 of the two assessments towards developing your theoretical and practical understanding of evidence based practice. You are required to engage in a literature search and submit an annotated bibliography (1,000 words).

In order to meet your learning outcomes, you will need to choose one from the following themes:

• Infection Control

• Hydration and Nutrition

• Person-centred Care

• Communication

Use ‘Communication’.

Once you have a chosen theme, identify 2 research articles from a peer reviewed journal related to nursing practice that highlights an area of practice that links to the themes above (L.O2). One article must be based on QUALITATIVE and another QUANTITATIVE research methods.

Your papers MUST be primary research published with in last 5 years (systematic reviews/opinions/ literature reviews are not allowed).

Assessment 2

Assessment Briefs including the criteria mapped to Learning Outcomes.

Assessment Brief: Chose and critique one of the provided research articles. This assessment task is part 2 of the two assessments towards developing your theoretical and practical understanding of evidence based practice.

You are required to critique a primary research paper (2,000 words) using the CASP tool. You will then need to apply the principles of evidence-based practice outlined in the module; to effectively critique your chosen article and consider its application to clinical practice.

The writer can choose the article they are most comfortable with.

See document: MSG.Foundations.of.Evidence.for.Nursing.Associate.Practice.AY2019-20.pdf for structure to both assessments


Harvard – standard

Explain the experience of the Asian countries as for example Hong Kong, Taiwan,China and compare their growth rate with the USA. On the other hand compare the experience of the Eastern European and African countries.

The essay should be about 2 pages font size 12. A minimum of 2 pages is required.

Do not put unnecessary information and also do not write the essay like a short answer type question.

The essay should include an introduction with theoretical background, the body paragraphs (maximum 2 body paragraphs) and a conclusion followed by a reference list.

2) The essay should be in your own words. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. Anyone copying and pasting materials from the internet will get a grade of zero.

3) If you want to answer using graphs please use the website

4) There will be more than 1 submission attempts. I will leave my comments after your initial submission so that you have the choice to go and re-do if needed.

5) You will be graded based on the rubrics provided.

6) Choose ONE of the following topics.


1) “Is GDP the true measure of well- being?” Here you can either use the US economy or any other economy of your choice and also use a couple of pre – packaged graphs from

Address in your essay the relation between annual growth rate of GDP and unemployment rate.

Reference: Look at pages 155,156 and 157 of

2) Is a strong dollar better than a week dollar. Write using the concepts you learned from Chapter 16 on Exchange rates.

Reference: Look at pages 388 and top of page 389 of

3) Convergence and Divergence of Rich and Poor Nations. Use the Chapter on Economic Growth to write this essay.

Are there persistent gaps in the growth rate of real GDP per capita or are the economies converging?

Explain the experience of the Asian countries as for example Hong Kong, Taiwan,China and compare their growth rate with the USA. On the other hand compare the experience of the Eastern European and African countries.

Reference: Look at pages 178 to 183 of

What would you need to consider?How would these decisions influence your study?

APA empirical reference

Pick a theoretical topic you would like to design a research study on..
1. What would you need to consider?

2 How would these decisions influence your study?

Below is text book.

Ch 1 and 2

Industrial organizational research psychology seventh edition 2016 paul Spector. Wiley global education

Which facilitate understanding of the presentation and the theory? Does the presentation demonstrate focused research effort and good writing ability?

Theoretical Perspectives Peer Presentation Review Checklist Template Criteria No.

Checklist Check the boxes 1 Does the presentation include all the specified components?

• A brief overview of the theorist’s background

• Discussion of the theorist’s view of the four basic Metaparadigms and two concepts unique to the theory

• Basic theoretical assertions or propositions

• An analysis and a critique of the model with a focus on elaboration of the theory’s implications for nursing practice, nursing education, and nursing research

2 Does the presentation demonstrate focused research effort and good writing ability?

3 Does the presentation reflect an understanding of theory?

4 Is the presentation comprehensive?

5 Does the presentation reveal any content gaps?

6 Does the presentation effectively compile the specified packet of materials?

7 Does the posted packet include handouts, such as charts, diagrams, or definitions, which facilitate understanding of the presentation and the theory?

8 Is the presentation style impressive?

9 Does the presentation reflect organization and clarity?

10 Was the presentation submitted on time, and with correct spelling and grammar?

11 Does the presentation exhibit consistent and accurate adherence to APA standards?

12 Did the presenter have effective communication skills?

Page 1 of 1 © 2006 South University

What is the pricing strategy? What is the place strategy?


For this third part, you should develop a proposal for the pricing strategy and the place strategy for the client. Remember to not only include what it is, but also your recommendations. Some of the topics you should analyze/describe are to include, but are not limited to:

Pricing strategy (What is the pricing strategy?)

Effect of price on demand

Aggregate demand and supply


Impact of the economy on price

Place strategy (What is the place strategy?)

Distribution decisions

Channel partners

Logistical issues

Gains from trade

Growth and inflation <– this part is likely to be a little more Theoretical. Refer to your textbook and give your thoughts on how inflation would influence them.