How does this status of preparedness and aggressive interdiction affect the creation, design, and implementation of morality policies in the criminal justice field?

Many commentators label the current “War on Terrorism” as a state of perpetual war. Many issues become apparent when a nation adopts a permanent war setting.Chapter 10 in your text explores many of the ethical issues associated with the War on Terrorism, and the video Treat Terrorists Like Enemy Combatants, Not Criminals: A Debate ( debates the best methods to handle accused terrorists (Makio, 2010).In this discussion, discuss the morality and expectations for the criminal justice system to be engaged in such a “war.”How does this status of preparedness and aggressive interdiction affect the creation, design, and implementation of morality policies in the criminal justice field? Examine the implications of a nation continually in a state or war. Do Ethical systems become irrelevant in light of a consistent, aggressive foreign policy, or is the need for moral action and rules more imperative in such a culture?

Wright (2011) Between ‘Bastard’ and ‘Wicked’ leadership? School leadership and the emerging policies of the UK Coalition Government.


The Assignment

• Critique of Policy in area of Leadership and Management: Paper to be presented orally (10 minutes plus 5 minutes Question & Answer) with a supporting portfolio. (5000 words equivalent) (100% weighting).

The details
• Educational Leaders have the challenging task of mediating and filtering policy from government into their organisations in a thoughtful way.
• As we will see, this process can impact on organisations and individuals in a range of ways. Some themes of impact include: purpose, Pedagogy, provision and personnel.
• All of this links to the role of educational leaders which need to be central to your presentation.
• Your task is to choose one specific policy and critique it with reference to these themes of impact and the broader role of educational leaders.Resources of interest (all on BBL)
• Hall (1993)Policy Paradigms, Social Learning, and the State: The Case of Economic Policy making in Britain.
• Lewis (2018) Policy and the image of the child: a critical analysis of drivers and levers in English early years curriculum policy.
• Wright (2011) Between ‘Bastard’ and ‘Wicked’ leadership? School leadership and the emerging policies of the UK Coalition Government.

What benefits might you champion as ensuing from the achievement of workforce-training goals for the state? What, if any, other benchmarks might be affected by achieving a more educated and better-trained workforce in the state?

you have the task of analyzing a case study entitled, Louisiana and Vision 2020.

Instead, analyze the case critically and assess how it pertains to this week’s readings.

Refer to the Guide to a Successful Case Study Analysis (see slides above) for additional guidance.

Remember, excellent analyses are a combination of critical and analytical thoughts connected to greater themes presented in the readings – and this is not an easy task.

Be sure to include the following personal reflections about the readings elements in your assignment:

Provide a brief description of the questions/challenges you have regarding this week’s course readings.

Explain why the case is noteworthy.

Explain how it pertains to the assigned readings (i.e., complements, contradicts, extends the readings).

Identify the implications for you as the newly hired Director of Personnel Administration for Public Organization X.

Explain how these points or issues integrate with the material covered in the class thus far and explain their relevance to you.

As you complete your analysis, keep the following questions in mind:

How might you coordinate such efforts across agencies, industries, and sectors? What state agencies might be tasked with implementing the workforce-training benchmarks?

What roles might secondary and post secondary education have in advancing toward the workforce-training benchmarks? How might community and Technical colleges contribute to achieving these benchmarks?

What benefits might you champion as ensuing from the achievement of workforce-training goals for the state? What, if any, other benchmarks might be affected by achieving a more educated and better-trained workforce in the state?

A summary of the readings
A detailed description of the case
Any editorials
Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages

References: Include a minimum of 5 scholarly resources.

use APA 7th edition

Did she ask leading questions, did she criticise the interviewee at times? Was the way in which the interviewer ended the interview appropriate?


International Business Research Skills


• This coursework is worth 40% of the overall marks for the module.
•  choose 1 of the 3 options below, and answer all questions with your chosen option.
• Submission with CW2 (2 x mind maps) as ONE WORD DOCUMENT: Qualitative Research Tasks
You should answer all tasks (a, b and c)a) You are required to watch the following video which is a poor example of how to conduct an interview

Provide a written report that outlines some of the key mistakes made by the interviewer during the interview.
Just to note, the interviewer is the one asking the questions.
The interviewee is the one answering the questions.You should think about the following to inform your report…
• How the interviewer introduced the research topic to the interviewee.
• The speed at which the interviewer talked.
• Interviewer behaviour during the interview, including:
o Her general behaviour
o Her body language
o Her approach to building rapport with the interviewee
o Her listening skills
o Was the interviewer respectful?
• The way in which she asked questions and probed the interviewee
Were the questions objectively asked?
Did she ask leading questions, did she criticise the interviewee at times?
• Was the way in which the interviewer ended the interview appropriate?
o If no, then explain why it was not appropriate b) You should also watch this video

Provide a written report outlining the good points on how the interview was conducted.

Again, think about the following to inform your response:
• How the interviewer introduced the research topic to the interviewee.
• The speed at which the interviewer talked.
• Interviewer behaviour during the interview, including:
o Her general behaviour
o Her body language
o Her approach to building rapport with the interviewee
o Her listening skills
o Was the interviewer respectful?
• The way in which she asked questions and probed the interviewee
Were the questions objectively asked?
Did she ask leading questions, did she criticise the interviewee at times?
• Was the way in which the interviewer ended the interview appropriate?
o If yes, then explain why/how it was appropriate

Explain the interdependent characteristics of meaningful learning environments (active, collaborative, constructive, authentic, and goal-directed) and how these relate to the levels of integration (Entry, Adoption, Adaptation, Infusion, and Transformation).


The paragraph below was given by the instructor to develop this section of my assignment.

discuss what is meant by Technology integration and what it looks like in classrooms.

Spend some time exploring the Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) ( Here’s a link to the Matrix : and briefly explain the interdependent characteristics of meaningful learning environments (active, collaborative, constructive, Authentic, and goal-directed) and how these relate to the levels of integration (Entry, Adoption, Adaptation, Infusion, and Transformation).

Include a minimum of two scholarly articles in support.

What is the pricing strategy? What is the place strategy?


For this third part, you should develop a proposal for the pricing strategy and the place strategy for the client. Remember to not only include what it is, but also your recommendations. Some of the topics you should analyze/describe are to include, but are not limited to:

Pricing strategy (What is the pricing strategy?)

Effect of price on demand

Aggregate demand and supply


Impact of the economy on price

Place strategy (What is the place strategy?)

Distribution decisions

Channel partners

Logistical issues

Gains from trade

Growth and inflation <– this part is likely to be a little more Theoretical. Refer to your textbook and give your thoughts on how inflation would influence them.

Describe the original source for its active ingredient, the original world region from where it came, and how it was originally used in this cultural context.


Describe the original source for its active Ingredient, the original world region from where it came, and how it was originally used in this cultural context. Outline the key innovations that have made the drug more potent, more available, and less expensive over time. Finally, describe how and for what purposes it is used today.

give citations to course readings or to other scholarly work to support your statements (websites are not acceptable). The Courtwright book and the textbook are excellent sources of material for the assignment.

use APA style for citations and references. You can find guidelines on how to use APA citation and reference formats at the following website.

If you choose to use evidence from a book, please include page numbers in the in-text citation.

see syllabus for the specific details of assignment length and submission. The written portion of the assignment is limited to a page, but you can add the citations on a second page.

Describe how a researcher determines the sampling criteria (inclusion and exclusion criteria) for a study. Analyze the terms validity and reliability and their meaning in quantitative research.

Answer the 2 following assignment post in bold below. Since I am in nursing school, answer all assignment in regards to the field of registered NURSING.  follow these guidelines below per post.

A. Compose your answer in approximately minimum of 1 paragraph (200 words or more, 5-6 sentences) in EACH post.
B. You are required to use 2 outside peer-reviewed resources with each post, with in text Citations and references attached per post. Sources must be reputable and reliable. References must be published within the last 5-10 years. have doi, or reference where you got it from.

Analyze the terms validity and reliability and their meaning in quantitative research. Give an example of how you would establish validity or reliability in a research study you would conduct.

Describe how a researcher determines the sampling criteria (inclusion and exclusion criteria) for a study.

Will neuromuscular training reduce the occurrence of lower limb injuries in adult female athletes? In lower extremity dominant athletes, are the Nordic hamstring curls effective in preventing a hamstring injury?

In lower extremity dominant athletes, are the Nordic hamstring curls effective in preventing a hamstring injury?Will Neuromuscular training reduce the occurrence of lower limb injuries in adult female athletes?Must have 2 peer reviewed resources to support each question.Must be written in APA 7th edition

Discuss the relationship between the research available and the practice you have selected. How have you experienced the use of research in your practice?

Objective: Timely application of research evidence in patient care is of significant importance.

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your understanding of the connection between theory and how it is supported by rigorous research to become evidence-based practice and transitioned to patient care.

Upload your Poster, one PowerPoint Slide, to Turnitin by the deadline provided in the course calendar.

1) Select a current nursing practice or procedure. You can use a practice or procedure from your daily work environment.

• Find research studies that support the procedure or practice. The key term here is research studies.

• Find at least 2 research studies or one meta-analysis or systematic review that support the practice or procedure.

Supporting EBP requires a high level of evidence from research.

Refer to the Evidence Hierarchy on page 131 of your textbook and look for studies from the higher levels.

A good place to start would be the Cochran Collection in the library database.

Journal articles on the topic can provide expert opinion to support EBP.

These are a lower-level of evidence in the hierarchy of evidence but are often valid.

Your supporting literature DOI or URL must lead to your resources to be counted.

Check your DOI or URL carefully. Hanging indents and double spacing are not required for this assignment.

2) Proper APA format is required for citations and references including the DOI for articles from the library.

Double spacing and hanging indents are NOT required for this assignment.

3) Create one Poster on a single PowerPoint slide with the following information:

• Topic Title, Your name, and Credentials

• Discuss the relationship between the research available and the practice you have selected.

Topic Ex: PICC lines, Decubitus care, Tube feedings, VAP bundle, CAUTI, etc
• How have you experienced the use of research in your practice? Avoid HIPAA violations