How does the caregiver role affect family dynamics? What support services are available to support this role?

Week 3 Discussion

1. Caring for older adults has become more intensive, complex, and long lasting than in the past. There are many barriers to caregivers receiving adequate preparation for their role. Evidence suggests that many caregivers experience negative psychological effects. Some caregivers are at higher risk than others, especially those who spend long hours caring for older adults with advanced dementia. Caregivers should have access to high-quality, evidence-based interventions designed to mitigate or prevent adverse health effects (Schulz, 2016). How does the caregiver role affect family dynamics? What support services are available to support this role?


Schulz R, Eden J, (2016). Families Caring for an Aging America. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US).

2. Women have shorter working lives because they tend to leave the workforce earlier than men. Based on data from the OECD, the average age for women to leave the labor-market in OECD countries is 62.3, which is about one to two years earlier than men. What are your thoughts on this?


OECD 2016. Aging and employment policies Statistics on average effective age of retirement.

Explain the ethical implications of the officer’s action and the determining outcome.Describe how the agency dealt with the public response to the incident.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you do the following:

Describe the situation and how it was handled.

Explain the ethical implications of the officer’s action and the determining outcome.

Address whether the agency where the officer worked had an appropriate ethical standard or statement.

Describe how the agency dealt with the public response to the incident.

Determine what police leadership could do to reduce the chances that this type of ethical violation would occur in the future.

How would a spiritual needs assessment help the physician assist Mike determine appropriate interventions for James and for his family or others involved in his care?

Answer the following questions about a patient’s spiritual needs in light of the Christian worldview.

1. In 200-250 words, respond to the following: Should the physician allow Mike to continue making decisions that seem to him to be irrational and harmful to James, or would that mean a disrespect of a patient’s autonomy? Explain your rationale.

2. In 400-500 words, respond to the following: How ought the Christian think about sickness and health? How should a Christian think about medical intervention? What should Mike as a Christian do? How should he reason about trusting God and treating James in relation to what is truly honoring the principles of beneficence and nonmaleficence in James’s care?

3. In 200-250 words, respond to the following: How would a spiritual needs assessment help the physician assist Mike determine appropriate interventions for James and for his family or others involved in his care?

Remember to support your responses with the topic Resources.

Advance Directives
“Advance Directives,” by Hanson and Doukas, from
The Penn Center
Guide to Bioethics
Palliative Care
“Palliative Care,” by Weigand, from
The Penn Center Guide to Bioethics


How would approaches to treatment and intervention differ if society were to focus on positive psychology instead of abnormal psychology?

Week 6 Discussion Board

After viewing the video on positive psychology, weigh in on the following: Should abnormal psychology continue its focus on identifying the causes of psychological distress, classifying different symptoms and seeking effective treatment to reduce these symptoms, or should the field focus on improving knowledge of what goes right in happy people and trying to improve these techniques in the general population? If you were to start a society from scratch and wanted to improve the lives of its members, would you focus on identifying what goes right in people or on identifying the abnormal? How would approaches to treatment and intervention differ if society were to focus on positive psychology instead of abnormal psychology?

Week 6 video

Why should we care whether others go hungry? What are the effects of world hunger on the population as a whole?

1) In the first paragraph, you should clearly explain the ways that hunger affects human and societal development. The basic question here is, Why should we care whether others go hungry? What are the effects of world hunger on the population as a whole?

2) In the second paragraph, you should clearly explain ways in which non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are addressing this issue. What are some of the ways that faith-based organizations are seeking to make a difference … and what motivates them to do so? What are some of the structural changes that these NGOs are fighting for, and why? What leads faith-based organizations to be involved in addressing hunger issues?

3) In the third paragraph, choose a religion (one of those we have studied in this course). Explain how this particular religion would address world hunger. Do the teachings of the religion you have chosen lead its followers to try to be involved? Or does the religion you chose see hunger as a “fact of life” that needs to be accepted? Be specific about how the teachings of the religion you chose would address this issue.

4) In the third paragraph, you will do the same thing—with a second religion. Choose another religion that we have studied this semester and assess how that religion views the issue of world hunger. Ideally, this will be a religion that has a different perspective; either

(a) it sees the issue in acompletely different way, or (b) it has very different reasons for the perspective that it has adopted.(Making sure there is a clear difference will make the last paragraph easier.)

5) In your final paragraph, you will explain the differences between the approaches that you have identified in the previous paragraphs. What are the fundamental differences in these two religions that lead them to view the issue of world hunger as they do? And which of them seems to be the way that we ought to think about this issue? Which of the two religions that you chose seems to have the better approach? Explain why we should prefer one perspective to the other.

Discuss the research design (either experimental, factorial, quasi-experimental, or non experimental), that you will use to examine your variables.

 Impacts of Workplace Discrimination on Organizational Performance

Describe detailed information about how your study will be conducted.

Include the following in your method sections:

Explain who your participants will be and what method you will use to select them. Be specific as possible as if you were giving directions to someone on how to choose and obtain the participants. Include instructions on how to get informed consent from the participants. Be sure to discuss how informed consent, privacy, anonymity, and confidentiality will be addressed in the study.

Discuss how you will collect the data (observations, surveys, documents, etc.). Thus, who will be collecting the data, where will the data collection occur, what measures are you using to collect the data, how will the data be recorded, etc.? Include a copy of the survey or systematic observation you developed in an Appendix.

Discuss the research design (either experimental, factorial, quasi-experimental, or non experimental), that you will use to examine your variables.

Provide a discussion of the following information:

Describe any potential threats to the internal and external validity of your proposed study. Do you believe the results can be generalized to other populations?

Describe any strengths or weaknesses with respect to the proposed sampling, design, and data collection methods. What will not be “proven” though your study?

What impact might participation in this study have on participants in the short and long-term? If there are relevant ethical issues, discuss them along with possible solutions.

Critically review the article. Analyze the evidence. Was the research presented in the article objective or bias? Describe the article’s strength and weakness.

Describe what the article is about. Present a clear, non-biased understanding of the article’s topic. Mention the article name and source. What makes the article important? “The main topic of this journal article is ….”

Critically review the article. Analyze the evidence. Was the research presented in the article objective or bias? Describe the article’s strength and weakness. Highlight the positive or negative points. “This article presents the material (well / not well) because …

” Do not give your opinion on the article’s topic, we are not experts. Why should or should not the article be recommend reading? Was the article successful or a failure in relaying information based on the topic? “I (recommend/ don’t recommend) reading this article because…”

What knowledge was gained from reading this article? What do the results cited in the article indicate? Do not present new or additional information in the conclusion, stay focused on the article topic at hand. “After reading and analyzing this article learned that …. “